Pepsi plays us for fools with a 9-11 can sold over sea`s (picture)

Did you ever notice that ignorant anti-semites claim Jewish/Zionist conspiracies in the most ridiculous circumstances imaginable?

I'm more alarmed that Allen Jackson thinks he looks cool with a mullet.
Did you ever notice that ignorant anti-semites claim Jewish/Zionist conspiracies in the most ridiculous circumstances imaginable?

I'm more alarmed that Allen Jackson thinks he looks cool with a mullet.

I only pointed something out and asked a simple question.... Why do you accuse me of being anti semite, and call me ignorant??

meh , i liked mcdonalds frys before they removed the beef broth , do you know what is in your food when you eat at a restaurant
Im not the only one who see it
I'll give you that, Sure. However at the same time people also believe/see these and claim to have proof.....
"The Flat Earth Wiki

Welcome to the Flat Earth Wiki, otherwise known as The FEW. This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the earth is flat and that Round Earth doctrine is little more than an elaborate hoax.
Much of the experimental evidence for a Flat Earth is provided by Dr. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, a 19th century lecturer who traveled the isles of Britain giving lectures at many prominent universities of the day. His experimental evidence is very easily reproducible and requires only access to a long body of standing water and a little trig to conclude that water is not convex, that the surface of the earth does not curve as Round Earth doctrine mathematically predicts. Other experiments require only a stick and a plumb line. Each of the experiments are described in full in the Flat Earth Literature." from

People also believe this.....


... An outline in simple talking points ...

We are continuing to compile the best documentation links for every single point on this page, and intend to post the updated version as soon as possible, and create teaching tools and more from the info. This is a significant and time-consuming process--if you have useful links, please send them to janice[at]911truth[dot]org. Thanks for your help!
If you use the search function with title key words, you will discover that is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by, the 9/11 Reading Room (, and the NY Attorney General Spitzer petition and complaint ( For physical evidence discussion, see Point 7. " - from

they all say they have proof but that doesnt mean its true. Nothing personal against you of course. i disagree strongly w/you but you are sincere in your beliefs from what youve said (imo at least) and i can respect that. (well, more like have to do so b/c of my honor code. lol). Something else ive thought of. Why exactly would pepsi go and put 911 on its cans? even if it was in the middle east or somewhere they hate us it would get picked up by major sources after people like you revealed it as it would be one of the biggest stories of the year, if not decade if the claim was found legitimate. hell im actually surprised fox news didnt jump on it even if they found it a baseless claim. the very small benefit of selling a few more cans in another country outweighs the negative impact it would have on the us and possibley some of our actual allies if we found out. sales would plummet and people would probably boycott them outright.

neither link works. i immediately regret clicking on them, too. trolls often use fake links like that to gain IP addresses and most often it is not for well-intentioned reasons.

wanna know what's REALLY funny?

senomyx, the company that develops taste enhancers for companies like pepsi and others, is run by a man named KENT SNYDER.

i encourage you all to google "KENT SNYDER" right now and see what comes up first.

fuck, i'll do it for you. exception: my link works.

merry christmas to me. that was quite the coincidence there.
meh , i liked mcdonalds frys before they removed the beef broth , do you know what is in your food when you eat at a restaurant

McDonalds are assholes and liars. I'm glad it lost $10 million to vegetarians for not listing beef broth and instead calling it a natural flavor. Beef broth is still used but also with milk and wheat. It's milk shakes also contain fumed silica (glass). The reason is to bulk up the shake without having to add a fat which would cost more. So instead its suppliers' employees get silicosis.

" Q: Are any of McDonald's foods considered vegetarian?

A: McDonald's does not represent any of our foods as being vegetarian. However, we gladly accommodate customer requests to custom-order items without meat (i.e., without beef, pork, chicken or fish). Note that even though we provide the flexibility to order items without meat, we cannot guarantee that during preparation the item does not come into contact with meat or poultry."

To all you meat eaters think about that. Mcdonalds hates vegetarians so much, it cross contaminates foods. Their quality control is so bad, raw uncooked meat drippings could get into non-meat foods. That's why when I eat out, I only eat at vegetarian joints who serve vegan options. Its much harder to get vegan food poisoning than meat eater food.
"Their quality control is so bad, raw uncooked meat drippings could get into non-meat foods. That's why when I eat out, I only eat at vegetarian joints who serve vegan options."

That isnt what it says. Thats what you want to read so you did. What did those vegetables and plants you eat ever do to anyone other than collect sunlight and and nutrients from the soil? It's more evil to eat innocent plants when all animals survive by taking life from other living things to survive.
McDonalds are assholes and liars. I'm glad it lost $10 million to vegetarians for not listing beef broth and instead calling it a natural flavor. Beef broth is still used but also with milk and wheat. It's milk shakes also contain fumed silica (glass). The reason is to bulk up the shake without having to add a fat which would cost more. So instead its suppliers' employees get silicosis.

" Q: Are any of McDonald's foods considered vegetarian?

A: McDonald's does not represent any of our foods as being vegetarian. However, we gladly accommodate customer requests to custom-order items without meat (i.e., without beef, pork, chicken or fish). Note that even though we provide the flexibility to order items without meat, we cannot guarantee that during preparation the item does not come into contact with meat or poultry."

To all you meat eaters think about that. Mcdonalds hates vegetarians so much, it cross contaminates foods. Their quality control is so bad, raw uncooked meat drippings could get into non-meat foods. That's why when I eat out, I only eat at vegetarian joints who serve vegan options. Its much harder to get vegan food poisoning than meat eater food.