Pepsi plays us for fools with a 9-11 can sold over sea`s (picture)

i dont drink soda pop Sodium destroys blood pressure which in turn destroys sex lives

well... good point there but soda destroys sex lives due to usually giving the heavy drinker diabetes...

which in turn makes you fat and unattractive cause of all of the sugar in it...

soda nowadays has little to no Sodium in it and thus wouldnt give the heavy drinker high blood pressure that in turn makes it hard to well you know for your blood pressure to drop in the body and "head" somewhere else ;)
you didnt respond to my question....why would pepsi do that?

heres their response

In the wake of the uproar, PepsiCo posted the following message to its Facebook wall:
"We understand that the design of the can can be misinterpreted, which was never our intention. The design is one of two Diet Pepsi cans designed for our Middle East/Africa region, which was created by a South African design agency to display the growth of active cities in that region. "Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us- we appreciate it. We have taken action to change the design of the can."

I guess you got what you wanted though, they are changing it.
Uhhh. 9/11 is a crutch Americans will use for the next 200 years to get a sympathy vote from the rest of the world.

Kind of like the Jews using WW2 or African Americans using slavery to get sympathy.

I am sorry but I was close to my grandfather who died from a drunk driver a little over a year ago, someone that I actually knew, and I got over it.
sinsay, i kindly request your ccomments on the video and pepsi's rebuttal, along with my initial question of why they would put 9-11 on the can in the first place.

vileplume, i dont think you understand the significantness those things all had on our culture, sorry but i doubt your grandpa's death was really significant to anyone but your family and his friends. may his soul rest in peace.(if souls do exist)
A religious zealot can see Mary in a window stain. An Elvis fan can see him on a grilled cheese sandwich burn, Cliff Clavin found a potato that looked like Richard Nixon. And a group of paranoid people can see a tradgedy on a Pepsi can. Does that make any of them less dillusional? If this were true how many people in Pepsi's largest world market and profit base would continue to buy their products? Now their commercials for DP-10 that say it's not for women may have ticked off the female population. But in terrorist countries women are worthless so who the hell cares?
why would pepsi do that? Because the bottom line of any company is to make more money for the stock holders Its a law

150 years ago, the business corporation was a relatively insignificant institution. Today, it is all-pervasive. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist Party in other times and places, the corporation is today's dominant institution. This documentary examines the nature, evolution, impacts, and possible futures of the modern business corporation. Initially given a narrow legal mandate, what has allowed today's corporation to achieve such extraordinary power and influence over our lives? We begin our inquiry as scandals threaten to trigger a wide debate about the lack of public control over big corporations.
Having acquired the legal rights and protections of a person, the question arises - what kind of person is the corporation?
Corporations were given the rights of immortal persons. But then special kinds of persons, persons who had no moral conscience. These are a special kind of persons, which are designed by law, to be concerned only for their stockholders. And not, say, what are sometimes called their stakeholders, like the community or the work force or whatever.
This isnt about this post but answers they whys They act as they do very well
Im sure damage control pepsi has had to to make up something wonderful to back Their getting busted But I dont care
are you suggesting that pepsi has all the money they want ? The only answer for a corporation is more more more more
Im sure he has Coke sold to germans in world war 2 under a different name World bank made loans to both sides (really the only winners of the war )
I am using my head The corporation think your a dumbass & so do the 5% of that control 95% of are not this so free country May i suggest you learn a bit about history when getting stoned Was black people really free after the civil war ? Id say no not really I mean they couldnt be slaves any more but was they free ? They wasnt treated as a white person for a 80 more years & because they could use are bathrooms was they free Cops could still beat them on cam in the 90s all they had to say he was on drugs Then people was ok He was on drugs Its fine if cops beat on you so long as you was on drugs
& who runs are country the corporations Who was freed by the civil war to do whatever they please Yes please go learn some real history
Having acquired the legal rights and protections of a person The corporation I never said pepsi was alone in wrong doing
Seriously dude!

1st off you shut me the mcfuck up & i can see to look at ya your a fountain of knowledge aint ya Whispers if your place looks like a one room basement apt your no doing yourself a favor showing it off Mc pussy ;)