Pickle Queen
So now u speak apple and carrotdont take this the wrong way because i am saying it lightly
but one doesnt scream and cry when you slice it up and murder it LOL

So now u speak apple and carrotdont take this the wrong way because i am saying it lightly
but one doesnt scream and cry when you slice it up and murder it LOL
You don't need scientific sources to know that humans have ZERO natural carnivorous characteristics or instincts. If we do, what are they?
How do you make that determination then? There have been 100 billion humans. How can you possibly know all of their characteristics and instincts? Also how do you explain so many different human cultures spanning both time and the globe that have all eaten meat? Isn't that a carnivorous characteristic by definition?
I have nothing to say other than the fact that you KNEW the response your posts would evoke. You knew you would be fighting an uphill battle by alienating yourself from the "crowd". I don't care one way or the other about the outcome of your "debate", but I do find it amusing that you attempt to cover up this charade by claiming it has nothing to do with your self-absorbed desire for a sense of achievement.Dude snap out of it, it's called debating. You think I forced all these people to reply? No, I just want to have a peaceful debate where people don't let their ego or current beliefs/habits blind them from other ideas and evidence. Marijuana is supposed to make you relax and more open-minded, why is there so much hate? I agree that I'm not a Saint either but I treat people how they treat me. I don't go out of my way to insult or make someone else feel bad, but if they attempt to do so on me, I have no problem coming right back at them. I believe in peace and harmony, which is part of why this thread was created in the first place.
I agree on most, we CAN survive off meat.... for so long, just like you can survive off drinking soda and Gatorade instead of pure water for a long time... doesn't mean it's healthy. Apart from humans physiologically being herbivores (including cannabis), eating meat is much more unhealthy and unethical as well.
jtprin, you have made a valid argument and I am going to give up meat.
I may still eat fish*
and eggs
and a little chicken*
wait, meat*doesn't*include beef does it?
oh and pork... I love pork.
how about I just stop eating them "Slim Jims"
Unethical now?You have yet again shifted the direction of youre discourse,ethics has nothing to do with what we are natural driven to eat,we have much more choice on what to eat in our current paradigm,but back in the days of tribe society and the stone age we were natural hunters by instinct,we desired to hunt on an instinctual level,through many ages of time we evolved the capacity to make weapons and tools to kill animal prey,evidence and research is available to show you that we are opportunistic eaters.
Anything that has the ability to grow and change has the ability to be killed. Sorry vegans ur all fruit and veggie killers!!!...it's just less messy and loud...maybe less bones.. lol but none the less ur killing something right?
mmmm I bet ur poop tomatoes make ur breath smell as delightfull as ur views.... lol my sig was created for such occasions. Everyone is right!! Or wrong....lolBut then you shit out the seeds and contribute to growing even more, that is, if you shit in a field lol
I have nothing to say other than the fact that you KNEW the response your posts would evoke. You knew you would be fighting an uphill battle by alienating yourself from the "crowd". I don't care one way or the other about the outcome of your "debate", but I do find it amusing that you attempt to cover up this charade by claiming it has nothing to do with your self-absorbed desire for a sense of achievement.
I didn't shift the argument at all, it's unethical in the sense that billions of animals are enslaved and slaughtered each year. Just because we ate meat thousands of years ago doesn't mean we are carnivores. Physiologically we aren't meant to eat meat. Now that doesn't mean we can't without dying, but it's way less healthy than eating plant-based foods. Especially since the nutrients you get from the animals comes from the plant based foods they were eating. Answer this question... if you were in a huge open field, with nothing, and you saw a cow in one direction and an apple tree in the other, what would you do? If you were a carnivore, you'd have no remorse and would try and kill that cow with your bare hands/teeth. But you're not. And the physiological evidence says so.
I stated we are opportunistic eaters,if the scenario were to occur as you have stated,we would more than likely choose the apple tree,And not because we are physiolicaly not suppose to eat meat as you keep stating,but rather that it would involve considerably less effort to get the apples from the tree as opposed to killing a cow with nothing but your bare hands.
I stated we are opportunistic eaters,if the scenario were to occur as you have stated,we would more than likely choose the apple tree,And not because we are physiolicaly not suppose to eat meat as you keep stating,but rather that it would involve considerably less effort to get the apples from the tree as opposed to killing a cow with nothing but your bare hands,a human will go after what is easier to survive off of for the most part,whether it be animal or not.