patriotic american!

So you would rather just die if a criminal started shooting at you, rather than be a gun owner and shoot back?

Wow, a pussy you are not. In fact, I'd say you were a tough guy for sure.
i don't live life in fear of imaginary, theoretical criminals coming to get me and my family.
I'm more worried about righties with the itchy trigger fingers who are looking for excuses to stand their ground.
tightpockt is cool. He doesn't like guns and doesn't share our interest in them. He made it clear earlier that he doesn't want to take them, he just has a different opinion about the motivation of gun owners. Rock on brother, voicing opinion is what this fine nation is about.

I regret the inclusion of "douchebag" earlier. But, you did start it with calling me a "lout".
Lo siento, there is no insult here.

desert dude said:
I have fired thousands of rounds over the course of forty or so years. Never killed a single person, never wounded a single person, never aimed at or threatened a single person. Punched a lot of holes in paper, and destroyed a lot of tin cans.

You, sir, are a moron.
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How christian of you
that was way too easy.

One is a peaceful, law abiding citizen whose only transgression is disagreement with progressive fascists. The other is a jihadist who has murdered innocent civilians. Naturally, you choose the murderous thug.

Speaking of easy.
Here is another photo of Holly Fisher, who Buck equates to a murderous jihadist:

Here is the jihadist that Buck so admires and equates to Holly Fisher. Is it any wonder you progs are ridiculed and detested?


Reem Riyasha, a female Hamas member who conducted a suicide bombing in 2004.
Charles Cooke explains the difference between the cute little patriot and the murderer. I find it hilarious that you progs have lost your collective minds over the Hobby Lobby decision.

Trigger warning: You must be able to read to get anything valuable from clicking the link.


The woman on the left is a peaceful American citizen with a husband in the military. She has never killed anybody, and nor does she have any desire to. The reason that you know her name is that she has become a minor political celebrity for her outspoken support of a Supreme Court decision that upheld the rule of law against the intrusion of the executive branch. In her photograph, she is mocking the president for his intolerant and ignorant “cling to guns or religion” comments.

The woman on the right, by contrast is Reem Saleh Al-Riyasha. The reason that we know her name? She’s a wealthy Palestinian who blew up herself and four Israelis at the Erez crossing in 2004, thereby fulfilling her lifelong dream of turning her “body into deadly shrapnel against the Zionists.” Al-Riyashi left behind two children, observing before her death, “I always wanted to be the first woman to carry out a martyrdom operation, where parts of my body can fly all over . . . God has given me two children. I love them [with] a kind of love that only God knows, but my love to meet God is stronger still.” In her photograph, she is reaffirming her commitment to jihad.
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The comparison is that they are both idiots being brainwashed by their religion, not that she is a terrorist

Bull shit. You know it. I know it. Everybody with half a brain knows it, admittedly that leaves out most progs.

Holly Fisher was making a political statement celebrating the Hobby Lobby decision, and the second amendment. The constitution should be something that Americans celebrate; not progressives though. Progressives have gone even more retarded, I didn't think it was possible, after that decision.