The fleecing of the American Homeowner.

Left is a broader category, spanning center-left, social democrats, and democratic socialists. I reserve the term far left for those who seek to collectivize the means of production, finance, communications etc. Uncompromising socialists, of whom communists were a subset in theory. In practice they (Leninists et al.) revealed themselves as fascists in a red suit.

I am unaware of a successful nation-scale socialist population in history.

My son, who has interest in nonauthoritarian sociopolitical systems, turned me onto these folks, who seem to be as close as I’ve seen. The downside to their society, as near as I can tell, is that it does not lend itself to high technology — and can only exist when bigger players let them be.

I think Hitler and his Germany was a successful socialist population who revealed themselves as Fascists.

I recently had an argument with my partner about this.
She likes to believe Hitler was a Fascist.
I like to tell her Hitler sold socialism and never claimed to be Fascist. He had to use fascism to achieve socialism.
She nearly had a melt down because she needs to believe socialism is real on some level.

But like you say - point to where it’s happened successfully??

I said socialism will never be real while there are capitalists etc.

Therefore if ANYONE dreams of socialism you need to ask yourself how far are you prepared to go to TRULY get it? = Fascism OR walk away from the dream because you will never convince everyone as politics doesn’t work that way.
Actually, they still made money on me over that time period.

the insurance business seems like the safest place to park investment cash to me. It’s the only biz I know of that when your risk goes up you raise rate and/or just pull policies for the top risk categories on a product that is literally mandatory by the lien holders and backed up by state and federal laws in the case of liability coverage on a car. so as an insurer on the one hand you are paying lobbiests to go pound on lawmakers to make more people be required to use you product and in the next lunch meeting you have your people run algorithms on wildfire risk so you can cancel existing policies that people have had for 50 years with no files claims.

yep, deal me TF in.
I think Hitler and his Germany was a successful socialist population who revealed themselves as Fascists.

I recently had an argument with my partner about this.
She likes to believe Hitler was a Fascist.
I like to tell her Hitler sold socialism and never claimed to be Fascist. He had to use fascism to achieve socialism.
She nearly had a melt down because she needs to believe socialism is real on some level.

But like you say - point to where it’s happened successfully??

I said socialism will never be real while there are capitalists etc.

Therefore if ANYONE dreams of socialism you need to ask yourself how far are you prepared to go to TRULY get it? = Fascism OR walk away from the dream because you will never convince everyone as politics doesn’t work that way.
No. National Socialism was a sales pitch for definitive right-hierarchical fascism.
The means of production were not collectivized but brought under the dominion of the State. Not much different from Stalin’s right-hierarchical fascism wearing the bloody pelt of a hijacked socialist revolution.

The industrialists were never disowned.

Trade unions, which would have real political power in an imagined socialist state, were destroyed first thing.


I have problems with “classical” socialism. The biggest is how easily it is subverted from within, with Russia as the type specimen. I cannot imagine a collective society that is stable against the basic human drive to harden authority into power — codified by the ancient question quis costodiet custodes?

But to say Hitler’s überkapitalistische state was socialist — is as untrue as the current far-right caucus in the House being about freedom. The words have been reduced to cynical sales ploys.
the insurance business seems like the safest place to park investment cash to me. It’s the only biz I know of that when your risk goes up you raise rate and/or just pull policies for the top risk categories on a product that is literally mandatory by the lien holders and backed up by state and federal laws in the case of liability coverage on a car. so as an insurer on the one hand you are paying lobbiests to go pound on lawmakers to make more people be required to use you product and in the next lunch meeting you have your people run algorithms on wildfire risk so you can cancel existing policies that people have had for 50 years with no files claims.

yep, deal me TF in.
Yeah... kinda hard to argue with the trend......Screen Shot 2024-02-19 at 1.56.10 PM.png
Looks like the increases in value of those homes were increasing too, so makes sense insurance would too since it needs to cover it.
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The question I have is, did the insurance go down after the time before this last Republican economic collapse? Housing prices drastically declined so I'm guessing if nothing else the people who lost everything when their home's values took a dump ended up paying less insurance when they had to move out, but the people who were wealthy enough to capitalize and buy all those distressed properties I would think had lower insurance, but I'm not positive.

Screen Shot 2024-02-19 at 4.12.03 PM.png
Looks like the increases in value of those homes were increasing too, so makes sense insurance would too since it needs to cover it.
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The question I have is, did the insurance go down after the time before this last Republican economic collapse? Housing prices drastically declined so I'm guessing if nothing else the people who lost everything when their home's values took a dump ended up paying less insurance when they had to move out, but the people who were wealthy enough to capitalize and buy all those distressed properties I would think had lower insurance, but I'm not positive.

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The people who got in trouble during that time frame were new homeowners at the beginning of thier front loaded interest notes, overpaying at peak market, and Lenders over lending...Especially to the sub-prime customer. People who had bought in early 2000's, or before that prob never felt a thing. But the other group quickly went under water.
The people who got in trouble during that time frame were new homeowners at the beginning of thier front loaded interest notes, overpaying at peak market, and Lenders over lending...Especially to the sub-prime customer. People who had bought in early 2000's, or before that prob never felt a thing. But the other group quickly went under water.
Refinancers and people who got caught holding the bag when the music stopped while trying to flip second/multiple properties got hit hard too. There was soooo much money flooding the market. Also people who were working in things like sales and other businesses that were hit hard after the crash lost their jobs, it was a really deep recession that the Republicans dumped on us back in 08.
I think Hitler and his Germany was a successful socialist population who revealed themselves as Fascists.

I recently had an argument with my partner about this.
She likes to believe Hitler was a Fascist.
I like to tell her Hitler sold socialism and never claimed to be Fascist. He had to use fascism to achieve socialism.
She nearly had a melt down because she needs to believe socialism is real on some level.

But like you say - point to where it’s happened successfully??

I said socialism will never be real while there are capitalists etc.

Therefore if ANYONE dreams of socialism you need to ask yourself how far are you prepared to go to TRULY get it? = Fascism OR walk away from the dream because you will never convince everyone as politics doesn’t work that way.
Hitler arrested and executed socialists and lefties and put them in concentration camps years before he targeted Jews. Being anti-socialist is a core value of nazism. What your partner “likes to believe“ is historical well-document fact. The suggestion “Hitler sold socialism and his Germany was a successful socialist population” is absurd and entirely fact-free.
Another Email to my agent....

View attachment 5372662
As this is your thread,the fleecing of the American homeowner,and it gravitated toward ridiculous insurance premiums,how about maintaining the house in regards to building materials, I can from my experience offer up that screen doors suck,a lot of windows suck,a lot of plumbing fixtures suck,and here's a good one,had a roof on the house that were called hurricane shingles,a weird interlocking design and shape,had the house since 73' and it was 2000 when I had it replaced. I'd estimate it had been on the home a good 10-15 yrs prior,so the shingles lasted 35-40 yrs. and they weren't breaking down nor was the roof leaking when replaced. I asked my buddy if the shingles for the new roof were 25 or 30 yr. shingles,he said 25 but my gabled roof had so much pitch I'd never do another roof. I'm 35 at this time,I hit my early 50's and I see all kinds of grit from the shingles from the downspouts of the gutter drainage, basically the roof is junk after 17 yrs. and replaced it the yr after. Turns out these 3 tab shingles hit the market from 95-2001 and were all junk,the co folded and there was a website to lodge complaints in a class action suit that would never be paid. So much absolute crap on the market,lumber of shitty quality at big$$,homes made w/particle board,all a joke IMO.
"Over the last 10 years, many companies have made deals with apartment owners and HOAs to keep cable TV customers. These deals force everyone renting or owning space to pay for cable TV and Internet as part of the rental contract or HOA fees. This has resulted in millions of Americans being locked into cable TV packages they may not want."
"Over the last 10 years, many companies have made deals with apartment owners and HOAs to keep cable TV customers. These deals force everyone renting or owning space to pay for cable TV and Internet as part of the rental contract or HOA fees. This has resulted in millions of Americans being locked into cable TV packages they may not want."
We experience the same here with home builders working with energy suppliers to lock in rental HWT and furnaces as part of sales agreement, charging criminal rental fees with 10-15 year agreements. You can buy out the contract for 10x what the equipment is worth :(. Getting it up the ass from everyone is the new way to do buisness :(.
Hitler's economic policies were so great that at the end of the war, Germans were burning nazi money to keep them warm while we air-dropped them food