patriotic american!

I was trying to think why certain people seem love guns and to me it's almost like a sexual orientation or perversion or kink. I think they get off on the power and makes them less insecure. It's really not your fault, you were born that way and that's O.K.!!

If jesus came back tomorrow and said "lay down your weapons and live in peace" some people on this board would say "this here's amurica and if you don't like it you can get out! hippie faggot!"

Aww, how cute. He thinks he's in a position in this debate to be condescending. These are the people who run their mouths in a derogatory manner at gun owners and then turn into weeping victims when face to face with a violent criminal.

I always wonder if the libs enjoying their "gun free" zones rethink their position and wish they had a firearm as they watch their loved ones butchered, right before their eyes. Or do they derive comfort as they lying dying, in the knowledge that there's a possibility, maybe, that the police will punish their killers.
Aww, how cute. He thinks he's in a position in this debate to be condescending. These are the people who run their mouths in a derogatory manner at gun owners and then turn into weeping victims when face to face with a violent criminal.

I always wonder if the libs enjoying their "gun free" zones rethink their position and wish they had a firearm as they watch their loved ones butchered, right before their eyes. Or do they derive comfort as they lying dying, in the knowledge that there's a possibility, maybe, that the police will punish their killers.
Geez, a little dramatic huh? Is this really your world view? It's a shame for you.
Besides, I don't need a gun 'cause I'm not a big fat insecure pussy.
I'm tired of winning the same debate over and over ;)
For realz though..when you meet your maker (if you believe in that sort of thing) and he asks "how much compassion and empathy have you shown towards those less fortunate than you?" You can instead show him your really cool bug out bag.
lol..this should be good. what other purpose does a gun have besides killing?


Maiming. Incapacitating. Criminal deterrent. Self defense. Sporting hobbies. Plinking. Warfare deterrent. Accessing locked doors.

Not one of those requires the killing of ANY life form and every one of them is a purpose that a firearm is made and purchased to accomplish.

I bolded the important portion, so you didn't think you could just regurgitate your earlier claim about sole purpose and think you'd actually rebutted my claim. Gonna have to work a little harder if you don't want to look like our resident idiot, UB.
Geez, a little dramatic huh? Is this really your world view? It's a shame for you.
Besides, I don't need a gun 'cause I'm not a big fat insecure pussy.

Sure you are. So insecure and afraid of the big, bad guns that you want them taken away from law abiding citizens.

And it's not a world view, it's recent history. Maybe you've heard of a few recent events?

Maiming. Incapacitating. Criminal deterrent. Self defense. Sporting hobbies. Plinking. Warfare deterrent. Accessing locked doors.

Not one of those requires the killing of ANY life form and every one of them is a purpose that a firearm is made and purchased to accomplish.

I bolded the important portion, so you didn't think you could just regurgitate your earlier claim about sole purpose and think you'd actually rebutted my claim. Gonna have to work a little harder if you don't want to look like our resident idiot, UB.
I literally laughed out lout at "maiming"
Sure you are. So insecure and afraid of the big, bad guns that you want them taken away from law abiding citizens.

And it's not a world view, it's recent history. Maybe you've heard of a few recent events?
Whoah....slow down guy, I don't want to take anything from anybody. I just think guns are pretty gay, that's all.
I'm tired of winning the same debate over and over ;)
For realz though..when you meet your maker (if you believe in that sort of thing) and he asks "how much compassion and empathy have you shown towards those less fortunate than you?" You can instead show him your really cool bug out bag.

Oh yeah, you're winning. That's why the folks on your side of the debate are having such impactful success in implementing your agenda.

"Hey look, there's some liberal douchebag repeating the same ole tired talking points on a grow site. Yeah, he makes a lot of sense. Let's march on down and turn in our guns."

Is that how it happens in your mind?
I was trying to think why certain people seem love guns and to me it's almost like a sexual orientation or perversion or kink. I think they get off on the power and makes them less insecure. It's really not your fault, you were born that way and that's O.K.!!

If jesus came back tomorrow and said "lay down your weapons and live in peace" some people on this board would say "this here's amurica and if you don't like it you can get out! hippie faggot!"
Jesus supported the stoning of gays...............

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
You progs march on in your war on religion. It won't end well.

<edit> really, it is a war on Christianity, not religion. Amended accordingly.
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The only purpose of a gun is to kill. That's what they're designed for. The very first commandment is thou shalt not kill. You don't see a conflict there?

I have fired thousands of rounds over the course of forty or so years. Never killed a single person, never wounded a single person, never aimed at or threatened a single person. Punched a lot of holes in paper, and destroyed a lot of tin cans.

You, sir, are a moron.
Besides, I don't need a gun 'cause I'm not a big fat insecure pussy.

So you would rather just die if a criminal started shooting at you, rather than be a gun owner and shoot back?

Wow, a pussy you are not. In fact, I'd say you were a tough guy for sure.
I have fired thousands of rounds over the course of forty or so years. Never killed a single person, never wounded a single person, never aimed at or threatened a single person. Punched a lot of holes in paper, and destroyed a lot of tin cans.

You, sir, are a moron.
How christian of you