Nutes and Nugs
Well-Known Member
So, there is no truth in your word?
Christians In Action didn't exactly stop it either.It's why we have the NSA and are fighting "useless wars" overseas.
What group of Christians ever pulled off a 9-11 attack?
THERE ISN'T ANY IRONY IN HOLDING A GUN AND A BIBLE.Nobody else caught the irony of her holding a bible in one hand and a tool made for killing in the other? Is hypocrisy a prerequisite for being christian?
How about this guy...
I'm sure jesus would have definitely been armed to the hilt, waiting to stand his ground!THERE ISN'T ANY IRONY IN HOLDING A GUN AND A BIBLE.
Nobody else caught the irony of her holding a bible in one hand and a tool made for killing in the other? Is hypocrisy a prerequisite for being christian?
How about this guy...
View attachment 3203037
My bad, I didn't realize gun and ammo manufacturers spent millions on R&D trying to maximize their tin can penetrating efficiency.It's only a "tool for killing" if the possessor uses it for killing. It can also be a tool for knocking down cans from a distance or dispatching zombies if the need should arise. And since, as we all know, zombies are dead, it's not killing either.
I don't think there's anything in the bible prohibiting the ventilating of cans or paper targets, but I wouldn't actually know for sure. You may be right.
Zombies are people, too!It's only a "tool for killing" if the possessor uses it for killing. It can also be a tool for knocking down cans from a distance or dispatching zombies if the need should arise. And since, as we all know, zombies are dead, it's not killing either.
The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath. They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.I'm sure jesus would have definitely been armed to the hilt, waiting to stand his ground!
My bad, I didn't realize gun and ammo manufacturers spent millions on R&D trying to maximize their tin can penetrating efficiency.
What the fuck is a stadia? Listen pal, this here's 'murica we don't use no queer metric system!The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath. They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.
The only purpose of a gun is to kill. That's what they're designed for. The very first commandment is thou shalt not kill. You don't see a conflict there?No one claimed they can't be used for killing, but you leapt to the claim of hypocrisy. Unless she's out there killing folk, none exists.
The only purpose of a gun is to kill. That's what they're designed for. The very first commandment is thou shalt not kill. You don't see a conflict there?
lol..this should be good. what other purpose does a gun have besides killing?Again, you got it wrong right out of the gate. Stop listening to the same ignorant, non gun owning zealots that UB parrots. Guns can have many purposes, only a gun grabbing mongoloid would suggest otherwise.
I use my .45 to open beers - change the channel on the tv - turn out the lights. You name it. Guns are Gods* way of saying he loves should be good. what other purpose does a gun have besides killing?
If jesus were alive today he would be forgiving sinners 250 grains at a time!I use my .45 to open beers - change the channel on the tv - turn out the lights. You name it. Guns are Gods way of saying he loves us.