Pandemic 2020

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New Texas school COVID-19 guidelines rattle medical experts …

To be expected from the red state …. Let death win.

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is out with new COVID-19 health guidance for schools that's giving some medical experts cause for concern.

The new guidelines state that schools don't have to inform parents of positive cases; schools do not have to contact trace; and parents can choose to send a student to school if he or she has been in close contact with a positive case, among other updates.

Texas rules maintain that school systems must exclude students from attending school in person who are actively sick with COVID-19 or who have received a positive test result for COVID-19. Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school if he or she has COVID-19 symptoms or is test-confirmed with COVID-19 until the conditions for re-entry are met. TEA says schools may offer remote learning to students who are out.

Medical experts weigh in
Dr. Dara Kass, associate clinical professor of emergency medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, takes issue with the guideline that parents don't need to be notified of cases in schools.

“How can a family assess their own risk if they don’t know if their kid was exposed? The context here is that (it’s) indoors, close proximity, poor ventilation, and mask-free with unvaccinated people. It’s objectively insane,” she told Yahoo Finance. Per Texas executive order, school systems cannot require students or staff to wear a mask.

Some in the medical community questioned the motives of the new guidance and suggest the new measures are politically motivated rather than being rooted in science.

"What is this new guidance from the Texas Education Association meant for? It's clearly not to protect students, teachers or staff at their schools,” Gregg Gonsalves, associate professor of epidemiology at Yale University, told Yahoo Finance.

This is conservative virtue signaling. It's meant to send a message: We don't care about public health expertise or guidance, we are all about liberty and freedom unconstrained by any responsibility to others. Give me liberty and give me COVID."

In what universe does this make sense ?
Vaccine-resistant lambda variant is in the US …

Antivaxxers rejoice , now there is a new kid in town.

A new coronavirus mutation known as the lambda variant that is thought to have increased resistance to vaccines has appeared in the United States.

Also known as C.37, the lambda variant was first discovered in Peru in November 2020. Peru has been one of the countries hit hardest by the pandemic, with 595 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 people, the highest in the world. Peru has relied heavily on the Chinese vaccine known as Sinopharm, ( which is subpar compared to the current available in U. S. ) and is ONLY 79% effective at preventing hospitalizations. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 94% effective against hospitalization so far.

The lambda variant has since spread to eight countries in South America and 41 countries around the world, according to global science initiative GISAID.

“There are currently more than 1,300 Lambda (C.37) sequences in the U.S. as of August 4, 2021, and the Lambda variant has been identified in 44 states,” a spokesperson with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently told Newsweek.


Researchers from Japan have found that the lambda variant contains three mutations on its spike proteins that make it more infectious than the original virus. Two other mutations on its spike proteins make it about 150% more resistant to antibodies produced by the vaccines. A spike protein is the part of a virus that enables it to attach to a human cell.

The research has not yet been peer-reviewed. But is on the list of concern as more cases emerge

The World Health Organization has classified the lambda variant as a “variant of interest," meaning that it is suspected to be either more contagious than the original strain or more able to evade vaccines. When more evidence emerges that a variant does either of those things, it will be reclassified as a “variant of concern.”

The researchers from Japan are worried that classifying the lambda variant as a variant of interest will minimize the potential threat.

"Because the Lambda variant is a VOI, it might be considered that this variant is not an ongoing threat compared to the pandemic VOCs,” the researcher wrote. "However, because the Lambda variant is relatively resistant to the vaccine-induced [antibodies], it might be possible that this variant is feasible to cause breakthrough infection."

Yet, it does not seem likely that the lambda variant will spread as widely as the delta variant has.

Those 1,300 confirmed cases of the lambda variant in the U.S. amount to less than 0.2% of new cases. By contrast, the CDC says the delta variant now accounts for 93% of new cases. Thus far, the CDC has not classified the lambda variant as either a variant of interest or concern.
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There is particular story on a gentleman that unfortunately took his own life from depression due to being hospitalized in Peru with COVID. His wife holding flowers outside with a sign ( birthday ) and flowers that he could view from his window. To her horror , he threw himself from a 4 story window to his death .

I mean how hard is it to grasp that human life is precious… all of it , no matter your belief or lifestyle.

Get vaxxed , save yourself and maybe someone else.
Think they said 460k last time and something like 700k this time. I suppose if the feedback is less instantaneous like 2-4 weeks after the event, then if nothing else we'll probably see the current trend continue. Lotta concerts/events going on and football is about to startup. Could be another perfect storm for winter flu season like that time.
Ah, so this how the Lamda varient will spread so fast. The GOPs diabolical plan has stage 2 set to go.
My 2 cents.... I don't really know what to think about all of this. I got C19 in Sept 2020. It wasn't the worst I've ever felt, but I was zapped for like 3 weeks. 53 years old and not immune compromised that I know of. No health conditions. I really thought that this would be like SARS, or Zika virus that just came and went in a matter of months, but we're coming up on 2 years of this shit. Not going to get a shot that's not FDA approved (like that would make any difference to me), we don't know the long term affects. My parents were both hospitalized in AZ over the winter, but survived fine. They both got the vX after getting sick. My in laws both got the Vx as well. My mother in law is regretting it now. She said the first shot was the fastest shot she has ever gotten and really didn't feel like they injected her with anything. She felt nothing. Strange times we are living in.
Leave Brain at Door ….. COVID DARWIN AWARDS 2021


As coronavirus infections rage among the unvaccinated, those suspicious of the shot are championing a new supposed COVID-19 cure. Thanks to a dubious study of ivermectin, a drug used in humans to treat parasites like scabies, cranks have seized on the drug as the new solution to coronavirus prevention and treatment.

Devotees have besieged pharmacists with prescriptions from shady online prescribers, forcing pharmacies to crack down and treat the antiparasitic drugs like opioids. As human-approved ivermectin prescriptions have been harder to come by, enthusiasts have taken to raiding rural tractor supply stores in search of ivermectin horse paste (packed with “apple flavor!”) and weighed the benefits of taking ivermectin “sheep drench” and a noromectin “injection for swine and cattle.”

“There is certainly a noticeable increase in calls to poison centers regarding ivermectin being misused,” a Texas-based poison control specialist, who requested anonymity due to concerns of repercussions, told The Daily Beast via email. “It’s clear that a vast majority are associated with a belief that it will prevent or treat COVID. That said, I do want to be careful not to be sensational—there’s no epidemic of ivermectin overdoses in hospitals, but it’s needless suffering given the lack of conclusive evidence of a benefit.”

In some textbook cases, Facebook users have recommended using the drug against doctors’ orders.


“Personally I haven’t had this situation, but if I did, I would sneak horse paste into the hospital and would rub it into the armpit myself to save my loved one,” a member of an ivermectin Facebook group advised another.

Like the Trumpist miracle cure hydroxychloroquine before it, the hype for ivermectin comes against the advice of the medical community, which has been skeptical of the drug’s purported benefits. Although ivermectin optimists point to a few trials of the drug on COVID patients, two of the flashiest studies have either been withdrawn or heavily criticized due to errors. A recent review of existing ivermectin studies by the medical research group Cochrane did not rule in the drug’s favor.

“Based on the current very low- to low-certainty evidence, we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID-19,” the Cochrane report, released July 28 read. “The completed studies are small and few are considered high quality […] Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19 outside of well-designed randomized trials.” The report called for further randomized trials of ivermectin on COVID patients.

“Most overdoses will be mild and simply result in some gastrointestinal distress and maybe some drowsiness, but severe overdose can cause significant neurological toxicity,” the Texas poison control worker said. “The irony is, in a severe ivermectin overdose (which is rare, you really have to be slamming this stuff to achieve that) patients will end up needing to be intubated to protect their airway, meanwhile, a lot of them are taking the ivermectin to allegedly treat their COVID… to avoid ultimately being intubated and placed on a ventilator.”

As vaccine skeptics suck down tubes of horse paste and hit up poison control centers with calls, the FDA has patiently explained why people should not take medicine intended for livestock. Though they contain the same active ingredient approved for use in people, animal medications are “highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a lot more than we do” and as a result “Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans.”

That kind of scientific caution is hard to find on the internet, where users on Telegram, Facebook groups, and Amazon comments sections guide each other on how to find and use the drug and evangelize it to others.

Facebook groups offer support and answers to users who are confused, scared, and ignorant. When a poster has a question about how to convert horse doses to people doses, commenters are only too happy to provide suggestions. Their answers may prove a threat to your liver health, but they fill the vacuum of information for those committed to exploring the frontiers of COVID medical quackery.

Posters ask questions not readily answered by the legitimate medical community, like what size dose of the phoney miracle drug to give an 8-year old recently diagnosed with COVID-19. Group members respond with a chart that lists suggested doses in human-approved ivermectin tablets or “notches” for the markings on tubes of horse paste listed according to patient weight.

The chart, a frequently pasted image in Facebook groups touting the drug, is sourced to Gustavo Aguirre Chang, a Peruvian doctor and evangelist for ivermectin’s use in treating COVID-19.

On Amazon, where customers can buy horse paste ivermectin without a prescription, purchasers speak in coded reviews to extol the drug’s supposed benefits against COVID-19. “My ‘horse’ had no negative side effects, and now he tells me he feels like a million bucks and is now COVID free,” one customer wrote. “If you are intelligent enough to be able to weigh yourself and smart enough to do fractions you can do this safely” another assured readers.

Amazon has become so popular as a source for horse-to-human ivermectin that the purchases are starting to warp the company’s recommendation engines.

Its popularity as a backdoor for people to obtain ivermectin horsepaste is so great that Amazon’s recommendation systems now push customers to buy zinc, vitamin C, and quercetin—other popular (and bogus) coronavirus home remedies—alongside pulse oximeters, often purchased by those infected with COVID-19 to monitor their oxygen levels.

Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine

“This is actually the primary situation we get called about,” the Texas poison control worker said. “The big headache for poison control centers is that people are circumventing their physician and going to animal supply stores and acquiring ivermectin which can be purchased without a prescription with the understanding it’s for large animal veterinary use only. However, this form of ivermectin is a 1.87% paste [in delicious apple flavor]—it’s so concentrated because it’s formulated for 1,500-pound horses, not humans. Unless someone knows what they’re doing, it’s very easy to overdose on the paste.”

When horse ivermectin isn’t available, believers will scour the animal kingdom for other sources. On one forum, a European ivermectin fan complained that he could only find the drug in quantities approved for pet parrots, leading to an expensive cost-per-dosage. On Facebook, an ivermectin-curious woman shared a picture of “sheep drench,” asking if the ovine de-louser would help fight COVID-19. The bold label printed on the bottle warning “NOT SAFE OR APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE, WHICH COULD CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH” in the image did little to deter curiosity.

Off-label ivermectin requests are also hitting legitimate pharmacies, to pharmacists’ displeasure. Because sure ….

One pharmacist, who has worked in Missouri and Illinois over the course of the pandemic, said they’d received approximately 10 ivermectin prescriptions in recent months: an uncommon number for a drug typically used to treat scabies or serious lice infestations in humans. About six of those 10 prescriptions raised red flags, like weirdly large dosages or doctors who canceled orders when questioned.

“If I could verify based on current dosage information for its available indications that the prescription appeared to be for a valid diagnosis I would dispense with no issue,” the pharmacist, who requested anonymity due to concerns of repercussions at work, told The Daily Beast. For the six unusual orders, the pharmacist called the prescriber. Half of those doctors never answered. Of the three that responded, “two canceled the prescription—one electronically and one verbally while on the phone. The third verbally confirmed it was for the treatment of acute COVID infection and did not deem to cancel it.”
A new coronavirus mutation known as the lambda variant that is thought to have increased resistance to vaccines has appeared in the United States.
It is just what you would expect from mass vaccination with leaky vaccines lol: lemmings get your boosters.
It is just what you would expect from mass vaccination with leaky vaccines lol: lemmings get your boosters.
A 70 year old vaxxed person will do better against delta covid than and unvaxxed 20 year old, this is reflected in the hospitalization statistics.

You lost, go get the jab and wear a mask, wear a paper bag over yer head when you go get the shot to hide your shame, many places in the south are offering "private" vaccinations now too. Yep, even the stupid and ignorant are coming around to getting the jab these days, the truth is just too obvious and the danger too great.

This is now a pandemic of mostly republicans lately and the liberals are going through extraordinary lengths to try and save the miserable lives of a bunch of assholes and traitors by trying to get them vaccinated. Not many will die this time, but a lot will be severely fucked over, it's the kind of life changing fucking that adjusts attitudes.
Good idea. Sounds a lot safer than the vaccine.

Honest to fuck, we are toast. Does anyone else think we are witnessing the death throes of humanity?
We've always had morons Canuck, it's only lately they've had the internet and we've heard from them. It can be hard to take with a fellow's morning coffee and puff though, a great way to jump start yer day and open yer eyes!

We are witnessing and new natural phenomena, Darwinian self selection, the closest thing to it is the myth of lemmings running off a cliff.
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