Pandemic 2020

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Louisiana Hospitals Say ICUs Are Overrun with COVID-19 Cases
Intensive care units in Lafayette, La., are overrun with COVID-19 cases, according to local ABC station KATC. More than 1,000 people in the state have been hospitalized due to the novel coronavirus, and 162 of them are on ventilators.

"The transmission is very high," Dr. Amanda Logue, Ochsner Lafayette General's Chief Medical Officer, told the news outlet.

"We know that this Delta variant is very infectious, contagious ... I've heard reports of one person being able to infect up to five to eight people if they are around them unprotected. That is incredibly high numbers and continues to only make the spread that much faster."

Dr. Henry Kaufman, the interim chief medical officer at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center, announced alongside Logue in a press conference that the facility has resorted to using regular beds outside of the ICU due to overcrowding.

"Part of that reason and why it's such a high percentage of our 70 patients is we're seeing enhanced severity of this illness in these individuals, many of whom, are otherwise completely healthy," Kaufman explained.

Logue added that Ocshner Lafayette General has not needed to resort to using beds outside of the ICU but would do so if necessary.

"About four weeks ago we had ten people in our whole health system with COVID and today we have 97, " Logue added.

Both hospitals said they are seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases in people under the age of 60.

"It's a complete inversion in fact from our last big wave of the pandemic," Kaufman adds, "whereas before, well over 50 percent of the individuals in the hospital and certainly in the ICU were over age 65 with multiple co-morbidities, and many of the people in the hospital were over age 55. Now it's less than perhaps 15 percent of our total patient load right now."

Kaufman said that out of 70 patients with COVID-19 symptoms at Our Lady of Lourdes, only two are vaccinated.

"An elderly individual with emphysema, COPD who, on a bad day with a mild respiratory illness, might end up in our ICU anyway, and an individual with a severe immunocompromised state that the vaccine probably wasn't as effective in that individual.

"Outside of those two individuals, nobody currently suffering in our hospital has been vaccinated and that's a powerful and important story that we need to communicate to the public," Kaufman concluded.

Now the unwashed comments.

William Wilson
Why are the Chinese COVID numbers so low?? Did the Chinese design in a "Chinese ethnic marker" to COVID that kept ethnic Chinese from being infected?? An answer might be found in the infection rates in the US, and the world's, china-towns!!!

Newsmax is drifting very quickly to the left, very very quickly. Story was proven false by Fox call to hospital. ABC lies.

Another Bogus Story With Cherry Picked and Distorted Data.
We Seen It All Before.

There is NO Delta variant of COVID-19 because there is NO test for it. It appears the vaccinated are giving the vaccinated the flu which they were vaccinated against. Besides our lying dementia patient in the WH, Fauci and the CDC are screaming the unvaccinated are the problem. Fear is all they have and it works on the sheep.

Rowdy Rushmore
Of course! Hospitals are getting government subsidies for every diagnosed case of covid. This Chinese Kung Flu is a money making opportunity for the medical profession!

A google search reveals Louisiana ranks near the very bottom in ranking quality of healthcare. Does this affect the problem in the state? Does the state's Republican elected officials disqualify them for assistance they need? Does joe obiden even know where Louisiana is?

Anyone else notice how the headline is designed to leave the impression all hospitals in the state were overrun..... but if you actually read the article, they are referring to one or two in just one city?
VERRRRYYYY poor excuse for journalism, Newsmax.
Louisiana Hospitals Say ICUs Are Overrun with COVID-19 Cases
Intensive care units in Lafayette, La., are overrun with COVID-19 cases, according to local ABC station KATC. More than 1,000 people in the state have been hospitalized due to the novel coronavirus, and 162 of them are on ventilators.

"The transmission is very high," Dr. Amanda Logue, Ochsner Lafayette General's Chief Medical Officer, told the news outlet.

"We know that this Delta variant is very infectious, contagious ... I've heard reports of one person being able to infect up to five to eight people if they are around them unprotected. That is incredibly high numbers and continues to only make the spread that much faster."

Dr. Henry Kaufman, the interim chief medical officer at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center, announced alongside Logue in a press conference that the facility has resorted to using regular beds outside of the ICU due to overcrowding.

"Part of that reason and why it's such a high percentage of our 70 patients is we're seeing enhanced severity of this illness in these individuals, many of whom, are otherwise completely healthy," Kaufman explained.

Logue added that Ocshner Lafayette General has not needed to resort to using beds outside of the ICU but would do so if necessary.

"About four weeks ago we had ten people in our whole health system with COVID and today we have 97, " Logue added.

Both hospitals said they are seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases in people under the age of 60.

"It's a complete inversion in fact from our last big wave of the pandemic," Kaufman adds, "whereas before, well over 50 percent of the individuals in the hospital and certainly in the ICU were over age 65 with multiple co-morbidities, and many of the people in the hospital were over age 55. Now it's less than perhaps 15 percent of our total patient load right now."

Kaufman said that out of 70 patients with COVID-19 symptoms at Our Lady of Lourdes, only two are vaccinated.

"An elderly individual with emphysema, COPD who, on a bad day with a mild respiratory illness, might end up in our ICU anyway, and an individual with a severe immunocompromised state that the vaccine probably wasn't as effective in that individual.

"Outside of those two individuals, nobody currently suffering in our hospital has been vaccinated and that's a powerful and important story that we need to communicate to the public," Kaufman concluded.

Now the unwashed comments.

William Wilson
Why are the Chinese COVID numbers so low?? Did the Chinese design in a "Chinese ethnic marker" to COVID that kept ethnic Chinese from being infected?? An answer might be found in the infection rates in the US, and the world's, china-towns!!!

Newsmax is drifting very quickly to the left, very very quickly. Story was proven false by Fox call to hospital. ABC lies.

Another Bogus Story With Cherry Picked and Distorted Data.
We Seen It All Before.

There is NO Delta variant of COVID-19 because there is NO test for it. It appears the vaccinated are giving the vaccinated the flu which they were vaccinated against. Besides our lying dementia patient in the WH, Fauci and the CDC are screaming the unvaccinated are the problem. Fear is all they have and it works on the sheep.

Rowdy Rushmore
Of course! Hospitals are getting government subsidies for every diagnosed case of covid. This Chinese Kung Flu is a money making opportunity for the medical profession!

A google search reveals Louisiana ranks near the very bottom in ranking quality of healthcare. Does this affect the problem in the state? Does the state's Republican elected officials disqualify them for assistance they need? Does joe obiden even know where Louisiana is?

Anyone else notice how the headline is designed to leave the impression all hospitals in the state were overrun..... but if you actually read the article, they are referring to one or two in just one city?
VERRRRYYYY poor excuse for journalism, Newsmax.
That is the beauty of the comment sections, the 'news' post can have accurate information and the narrative to it gets spun by trolls.
I am starting to think we will all get the Delta unless we almost completely isolate ourselves. The vaccinated will get it and not get as sick. The big question is how the hospitals manage.
They are not going to manage very well at all. Hopefully we are better prepared for the overflow , but hospitals will have to stop all non emergent procedures and that will add to the death toll. The sick people who will postpone procedures that will cost them their lives or shorten their lives because Covid patients are taking away their beds. A hospital in Tampa Florida has had to stop out patient surgery’s already. We are taking a huge step back with this virus and headed into very turbulent times. And I thought this year was going to be better than last year .
They should have a hazmat science team testing the portapotties for the virus.
They need to take them to a pit , throw gas on them, light a match blow them up. The viral load must be like off the charts.
Never had to or even entertained the ignore feature - i find interaction with particular socks and other neanderthals pretty hilarious. Had one do the ol “ your mom die “ remark and next thing you know Mjollnir ( mods hammer ) comes raining down from asgard homeworld and oblierates member.

Good times :bigjoint:
Kind of miss those ol BBS bulletin board forums - you could get away with all kinds of shit - certain “programs “ would hijack user names and you could post in real time. Lol.
Never had to or even entertained the ignore feature - i find interaction with particular socks and other neanderthals pretty hilarious. Had one do the ol “ your mom die “ remark and next thing you know Mjollnir ( mods hammer ) comes raining down from asgard homeworld and oblierates member.

Good times :bigjoint:

our Mod's Hammer is MIA.
I'm An ICU Doctor And I Cannot Believe The Things Unvaccinated Patients Are Telling Me …. Sad.

This was my colleague’s mantra when the pandemic started last year. And for the almost 18 months since, health care workers have rallied to the battlefields, even at times when we had no weapons to brandish.

We took care of the infected and the critically ill when no one else would. We reused N95 masks, carefully placing them in labeled brown paper bags in between shifts. We witnessed lonely deaths and held up iPads for families to say their heartbreaking goodbyes. We created elaborate backup schedules and neglected our personal lives. We stepped up during surges and when our colleagues fell ill. Camaraderie in the ICU had never been stronger because we recognized that this was a team effort and all of humanity was battling against a common enemy.

But as health care workers, we also were painfully aware of our own vulnerabilities. We can run out of ICU resources for our patients. We can run out of personal protective equipment for ourselves. We can be exposed on the job and get sick. And we can die — many of us did, more than 3,600 from COVID-19 in the first year.

I worked daily to adapt our end-of-life program to the changing needs and restrictions of the pandemic and signed up for a vaccine clinical trial as soon as one became available. I also updated my own advance directive and printed it out for my husband, just in case.

Then, effective vaccines became widely available in the U.S. — I briefly saw light at the end of the tunnel. The number of patients with COVID-19 in ICUs across the country plummeted. It looked like our sacrifices and commitment as health care workers had paid off. We believed herd immunity could become a reality and we could return to some sense of normalcy.

And meanwhile, immunocompromised people, for whom vaccines don’t generate much immunity, are desperately waiting for herd immunity. I have no way to comfort my rightfully outraged transplant patients who contracted COVID-19 after isolating for over a year and getting fully vaccinated as soon as they could. With angry tears, these patients tell me it’s not fair that there are people who are choosing to endanger both themselves and the vulnerable people around them. They feel betrayed by their fellow citizens and they are bitter and angry. I cannot blame them.

But the relief was short-lived, the hope was fleeting, and we are amid another surge. A surge that is fueled by a highly transmissible variant and those unvaccinated. My experiences in the ICU these past weeks have left me surprised, disheartened, but most of all, angry.

I am angry that the tragic scenes of prior surges are being played out yet again, but now with ICUs primarily filled with patients who have chosen not to be vaccinated. I am angry that it takes me over an hour to explain to an anti-vaxxer full of misinformation that intubation isn’t what “kills patients” and that their wish for chest compressions without intubation in the event of a respiratory arrest makes no sense. I am angry at those who refuse to wear “muzzles” when grocery shopping for half an hour a week, as I have been so-called “muzzled” for much of the past 18 months.


Same Shit different day.

2 travelers to Canada who gave false COVID-19 vaccination information each fined almost $20K

Two travelers trying to enter Toronto from the USA were each fined nearly $20,000 after providing false information related to proof of vaccination and pre-departure coronavirus tests, according to Canadian officials.

The travelers tried to enter during the week of July 18, the Public Health Agency of Canada said in a news release. They provided false information and were found noncompliant with the requirement to stay at a government-authorized accommodation and test upon arrival, according to the release.

They each received four fines totaling $19,720, officials said.

Travel restrictions for vaccinated Americans wanting to enter Canada are set to ease in August, but the country continues to enforce strict requirements for entry.

Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, people registered under the Indian Act and protected persons can enter Canada but must show a negative coronavirus test. Most travelers must quarantine 14 days upon arrival. Dual Canadian citizens can enter with a valid passport or special authorization.

Ignoring quarantine instructions when entering the country can lead to a $5,000 fine each day of noncompliance, according to a statement Friday from the Public Health Agency. People who submit false information on their vaccination status can face a $750,000 fine, up to six months in prison or both.

Starting Aug. 9, Canada is set to reopen its border to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Travelers must meet pre-entry coronavirus testing requirements and submit a quarantine plan to enter.

Travel from Canada into the USA is severely limited. U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada will remain closed through at least Aug. 21.

2 travelers to Canada who gave false COVID-19 vaccination information each fined almost $20K

Two travelers trying to enter Toronto from the USA were each fined nearly $20,000 after providing false information related to proof of vaccination and pre-departure coronavirus tests, according to Canadian officials.

The travelers tried to enter during the week of July 18, the Public Health Agency of Canada said in a news release. They provided false information and were found noncompliant with the requirement to stay at a government-authorized accommodation and test upon arrival, according to the release.

They each received four fines totaling $19,720, officials said.

Travel restrictions for vaccinated Americans wanting to enter Canada are set to ease in August, but the country continues to enforce strict requirements for entry.

Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, people registered under the Indian Act and protected persons can enter Canada but must show a negative coronavirus test. Most travelers must quarantine 14 days upon arrival. Dual Canadian citizens can enter with a valid passport or special authorization.

Ignoring quarantine instructions when entering the country can lead to a $5,000 fine each day of noncompliance, according to a statement Friday from the Public Health Agency. People who submit false information on their vaccination status can face a $750,000 fine, up to six months in prison or both.

Starting Aug. 9, Canada is set to reopen its border to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Travelers must meet pre-entry coronavirus testing requirements and submit a quarantine plan to enter.

Travel from Canada into the USA is severely limited. U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada will remain closed through at least Aug. 21.
We should be keeping our borders closed. Vaccinated people are spreading it too.
We should be keeping our borders closed. Vaccinated people are spreading it too.
Until when though? When vaccination rates in the States are on par with Canada? Until they have decent POV? Perhaps when young children are protected? It's gonna be a tough call with covid becoming endemic, but waiting for the Delta wave to burn through would be wise. Delta is gonna give natural immunity to the unvaxxed and bolster the immunity of many of the vaxxed in a couple of months.

We are an track for 85 to 90% rates of vaccination in Canada soon, delta is scarring the shit out of the hesitant and making many of the reluctant think twice. We are close to 85% in NS and PEI is over 88% for a single dose, with 70% in NS fully vaxxed, fortunately cases are low here, so far. The problem in Canada is the delta variant is on the loose and we have yet to finish fully vaccinating the eligible, but fortunately 90% of the elderly have been protected.
Until when though? When vaccination rates in the States are on par with Canada? Until they have decent POV? Perhaps when young children are protected? It's gonna be a tough call with covid becoming endemic, but waiting for the Delta wave to burn through would be wise. Delta is gonna give natural immunity to the unvaxxed and bolster the immunity of many of the vaxxed in a couple of months.

We are an track for 85 to 90% rates of vaccination in Canada soon, delta is scarring the shit out of the hesitant and making many of the reluctant think twice. We are close to 85% in NS and PEI is over 88% for a single dose, with 70% in NS fully vaxxed, fortunately cases are low here, so far. The problem in Canada is the delta variant is on the loose and we have yet to finish fully vaccinating the eligible, but fortunately 90% of the elderly have been protected.
We should keep our borders closed because of the delta variant. When you talk about 80 and 90 percent vaccinated, you aren’t including the population that is under 12 years old.

Our cases are low now, but they are growing.
We should keep our borders closed because of the delta variant. When you talk about 80 and 90 percent vaccinated, you aren’t including the population that is under 12 years old.

Our cases are low now, but they are growing.
Young folks under 12 won't be vaccinated until fall or perhaps even spring of 2022. By the time we hit a 90% vax rate delta will have burned through the unvaxxed and vulnerable vaxxed. If young children go back to elementary school unvaxxed with delta around it will be bad news, no matter how many adults are vaxxed or naturally immune. Let's hope for approval for kids by fall, there's talk of expediting the move out of EUA for the mRNA vaccines and they should be fully approved by fall, for over 12 only though.
Things looking well again in NL despite liftiing restrictions and the “test for access” fiasco. Apart from an increased vax willingness ( over 90% now) we’re almost back at where we were a month ago. R effectively dropped from record high 3 to 0.7. Number of areas with little to no infections is increasing again. Deaths haven’t increased for 6 weeks despite the rise in infections (most infections still under 40). Experts not sure on why infectiions drop so fast, they expected far worst a few weeks ago. No masks, barely any social distancing and after a few mini nations NL is the most densely populated area in Europe. For the past 3 weeks, despite many dancing youngsters getting infected, it has been as if there’s no dangerous virus floating around. The last bump in infections looks like the final spasms of a virus that no longer has enough potential vulnerable hosts to have an R rate above 1. If we do not get a new major wave within 8 weeks or a new worse variant we‘re looking at a fairly normal future. Vax willingness is already high enough, but with good results to back it up it will be a lot more normal to get yearly booster shots,

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