Pandemic 2020

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I don't think NS and other provinces will be dropping masks soon and Alberta will come around, this is a fast moving dynamic situation and governments are adjusting to the new reality, some quicker than others.
Fourth COVID wave has already begun: epidemiologist
Florida is in a very bad situation because of delta and people that don’t want the vaccine but made so much worse because the governor just signed an executive order making masks optional for the school children and hiding data on the virus . Florida is only showing weekly Covid infection and death numbers which is very lagging when daily data is needed. I don’t know if we will ever really know how bad it is in Florida because they want to keep the bad news covered up and hushed.
Our one state wide Democrat is giving daily press briefings. She's running for Governor, so the face time can't hurt.


An Outbreak Of The Coronavirus Delta Variant Has Spread To 15 Chinese Cities

More than a year and a half after the coronavirus was first detected in China — followed by the world's first big wave of COVID-19 — the country is again battling to stem the spread of new cases attributed to the more infectious delta variant of the virus.

The latest outbreak was first discovered in the eastern city of Nanjing, in the coastal province of Jiangsu south of the capital, Beijing. In the past week, it has quickly spread to 15 cities across the country, the South China Morning Post reports.

In the most recent outbreak, the first case was detected on July 20 in a passenger arriving from Russia at the international airport in Nanjing — a city of more than 9 million. Since then, at least 184 new infections have been found, Reuters reports.

"The number of cases reported has climbed recently," deputy director general of the Nanjing Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Ding Jie said on Tuesday, the South China Morning Post reported. "Early cases transmitted among aircraft cabin cleaners quickly and spread further through social activities and work environment contamination."

"We tracked down a large number of close contacts and have been testing them. New cases are constantly being discovered," Ding said.

All flights from Nanjing have been canceled until Aug. 11, the Communist Party-controlled Global Times said earlier this week. It said the number of flights in and out of the city had been reduced since Monday.

The latest outbreak "may prove to be of a larger scale than the previous outbreak in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province" that first hit in May, the Global Times reported.
Our one state wide Democrat is giving daily press briefings. She's running for Governor, so the face time can't hurt.

DeSantis has three young children. Are they going to school with masks? Wouldn’t that be of a biblical nature if one of them falls ill to the virus and , god forbid, dies.
DeSantis has three young children. Are they going to school with masks? Wouldn’t that be of a biblical nature if one of them falls ill to the virus and , god forbid, dies.
He and several other republicans are digging in on the wrong side of history, the smart ones have jumped ship and are promoting masks and vaccines. It's their base it's hammering now and among those it doesn't kill, it is bound to adjust a few attitudes. So more of the GOP base are killed, maimed or have an epiphany and stay home or vote democratic in 2022, we are talking half of republican voters here, so the numbers are potentially large. That's why you've seen panic and division on the right, the ones with brains realize that killing and fucking over your own base is a bad idea, margins are pretty thin as it is for them.
DeSantis has three young children. Are they going to school with masks? Wouldn’t that be of a biblical nature if one of them falls ill to the virus and , god forbid, dies.
Guys like DeSantis and Abbot are playing politics with covid and pandering to a small minority while killing thousands of their citizens with malicious incompetence and dereliction of duty, not much different than Trump, whose arse they both have their heads shoved up.

He said his kids weren't wearing masks and doesn't want anybody else to either. He's doing a pretty good job of doing in his own base though and northern Florida should be in Hell by now, at least the medical people there are. Like I said before, with 90% of seniors vaxxed, the republicans support among them is withering away because of bullshit like this. So with reduced senior support and an good chunk of their younger voters victimized by covid, it might not look good for the GOP in 2022. With delta it's gonna get a lot worse in Florida, shit it's gonna get a lot worse everywhere.
As GOP Fights Science, Covid-19 Becomes America's 'Honey Badger' Crisis

The new strains of Covid-19 are more dangerous and contagious, with Covid-19 surging in many parts of America as GOP leaders oppose safety restrictions. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on why “COVID don’t care” and why experts are imploring people to take a scientific, non-partisan approach to curbing the crisis.
Guys like DeSantis and Abbot are playing politics with covid and pandering to a small minority while killing thousands of their citizens with malicious incompetence and dereliction of duty, not much different than Trump, whose arse they both have their heads shoved up.

He said his kids weren't wearing masks and doesn't want anybody else to either. He's doing a pretty good job of doing in his own base though and northern Florida should be in Hell by now, at least the medical people there are. Like I said before, with 90% of seniors vaxxed, the republicans support among them is withering away because of bullshit like this. So with reduced senior support and an good chunk of their younger voters victimized by covid, it might not look good for the GOP in 2022. With delta it's gonna get a lot worse in Florida, shit it's gonna get a lot worse everywhere.
And nurses are quitting in droves ! I just came from the lab where I got my blood taken for the antibody test. My lab tech was super cool and we chatted about the current situation because I was infuriated that someone In the waiting room was not wearing a mask and had him ask the guy if he had one. He had one I his pocket but wasn’t wearing it in a lab and Covid testing site! How fucked up is that! So my lab tech told me he was working at a local hospital and quit due to compassion fatigue and the difficulty’s with wearing all the Covid garb and sweating like a pig all day to take care of the idiot Covid patients . He told me he would take care of a Covid patient who was on their death bed to see the same patient come back with Covid again 3 months later and he had to take care of them again. He had enough quit and took a lab job with lower stress for the sake of his own health.
Under Biden.

You are most definitely a hate filled communist, woke, facist, slob, with no sense of self worth. You attack others, to ease the pain of your worthless existence.

I don't wear one now, but we was all required to wear one and much more at the hospital in the beginning. That all changed after President Trumps announcement about hydroxychloroquine. Our in house (republican) virologist started doing massive research about hydroxychloroquine and multiple other therapies that other virologist from around the world were discussing. That's when everything changed. That's when hospitals in red states started saving peoples lives, while blue states continue to let people die. We saw 1st hand, how the numbers were WRONG, we saw 1st hand how being the biggest hospital in our county, our numbers reported, were being manipulated by powers beyond our control. That's when the administration staff opened their eyes, started listening to our in house experts and started blocking out the bullshit political narrative.

I'm vaccinated as far as the official records are concerned. Everyone in the medical community, in our area, is vaccinated on paper. There's to many brainwashed people like you, for our hospital staff to not be vaccinated on paper. It's easier just to say yes and provide a CDC card, then it is to argue with brainwashed individuals, that we are trying to provide medical care to. In reality, I'm immune to Sars-COV-2 and have been since march 2020.

Yes, they are. I see it everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY, someone comes in with a positive test for Sars-COV-2. What people like you are refusing to believe and medical communities are chastised for saying is this. First course of action, ask if they have any allergies. If the answer is no, 18mg of Ivermectin is immediately given to them, then we ask them to wait in the lobby for a hour (unmasked) to make sure the don't have a cytokine storm. If they do have a cytokine storm, we give them 30mg of Doxycycline and admit them into the covid ward, where they have a rough couple hours but it subsides within a few hours. Once the cytokine storm passes, we give them 12.5mg of hydroxychloroquine, then observe over the next 36hrs, giving them hydroxychloroquine every 12hrs and they are usually sent home after that. If they don't have a cytokine storm, we give them 2 more, 18mg ivermectin tablets and send them home, with the instructions to take them every other day, with over the counter zinc and vitD and come back and see us in 6 days.

Look, I'm really sorry, that you live in a oppressive state/community. I'm really sorry, that you was used as a political pawn, to overthrow the 2020 election. I'm really sorry, that you are brainwashed into believing that your government actually cares about you. I'm really sorry, that you had to endure the worst case possible, of Covid-19, when there was effective therapeutics available. Most of all, I'm really sorry, that having endured all of this and watching a country, that I assume you love, fall into chaos, has effected your mental stability so badly, that you choose to attack someone like me, that's only trying to open your eyes to what is happening.

Hunny, I actually have zero ill feelings toward you, or anyone else on this forum. The only feeling that I feel for you and a lot of other members on this forum, is sympathy. I could not fathom, being influenced so harshly by a evil group of elites, that it filled my heart with sheer hatred for another human being.

God Bless You, I will keep you in my prayers.
I notice you regularly post during the daytime Moscow........comrade
I don't think NS and other provinces will be dropping masks soon and Alberta will come around, this is a fast moving dynamic situation and governments are adjusting to the new reality, some quicker than others.
Fourth COVID wave has already begun: epidemiologist

told you-Q4 2021 and it's too late..last holidays were shit courtesy of Diaperina and these red fvckers? did anyone run out related to that little boy, 5, who played the guitar and loved everything?..did you go out and get your vaccine in his name?

even though we have delivery it was a madhouse last year and you had to wait a week or more. I've been adding a few thing to my grocery list that i hate to run out of just in case.

no matter where you live this is going to affect you.
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told you-Q4 2021 and it's too late..last holidays were shit courtesy of Diaperina and these red fvckers? did anyone run out related to that little boy, 5, who played the guitar and loved everything?..did you go out and get your vaccine in his name?

even though we have delivery it was a madhouse last year and you had to wait a week or more. I've been adding a few thing to my grocery list that i hate to run out of just in case.

no matter where you live this is going to affect you.
The delta wave will pass, the more quickly it infects, the quicker it moves and will quickly burn through the unvaxxed and some of the vaxxed. The Vaxxed will be mostly OK, the unvaxxed are gonna play the covid lottery. There are just over 90 million eligible Americans who are unvaxxed and I believe around 40 to 50 million kids who can't be vaxxed yet.
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