Pandemic 2020

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Joe is rattling Donald's chain again, Biden is leading Trump in the national polls by a mere 5 points and seniors are putting him there with 15 points nationally. Biden leads in Wisconsin and Florida by 20 points among the elderly, it seems they are starting to watch more than Fox news, I'm sure many will influence their children's vote too. The pundits and experts discuss the latest polls.

It's still early days and there's a lot of dying to be done this summer, especially in the red states...
Joe Biden Leads Trump By Five Points Nationally: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden leads the president by five points nationally, according to new CNN/SSRS polling. Trump is also trailing Biden by 15 points among voters over 65 in polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 05/14/2020.
It looks like Biden can beat Trump from his basement! He must be saving a ton of money watching Donald on TV dig his own political grave from the comfort of his basement rec room. It will take a lot of propaganda and Russian help to slather the makeup on and put lipstick on this particular pig. It's only going to get worse for Donald as the crisis unfolds and the congressional hearings begin as the death toll mounts in many red states, talk about timing. All of those 23 republican senators up for election will be worried by the time november rolls around if they spend the summer carrying Donald's water. Blocking witnesses and documents over this fiasco would be a monumental mistake on the part of Trump and the GOP, both with the public and the courts. Everybody in the country is being fucked over by this virus and bullshit and everybody is paying close attention and wants answers ASAP. This is where the rubber meets the road so expect some smoke and squealing from Trump, but it doesn't get more serious than this and people won't tolerate that bullshit over this urgent issue.
Donald is so predictable, of course he's gonna lie and probably fire those who won't lie for him, I wouldn't be surprised if he fires Fauci. The number of deaths will be very hard to hide, there are lot's of independent sources of information, but Donald figures he can choke off the truth.
Lawrence: Trump's Reelection Plan Is To Lie About Coronavirus Deaths | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump claimed that Dr. Fauci's warning on reopening schools too soon is "not acceptable." Lawrence O'Donnell discusses some of Donald Trump's lies related to the coronavirus. Aired on 5/13/2020.
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It looks like Biden can beat Trump from his basement! He must be saving a ton of money watching Donald on TV dig his own political grave from the comfort of his basement rec room. It will take a lot of propaganda and Russian help to slather the makeup on and put lipstick on this particular pig. It's only going to get worse for Donald as the crisis unfolds and the congressional hearings begin as the death toll mounts in many red states, talk about timing. All of those 23 republican senators up for election will be worried by the time november rolls around if they spend the summer carrying Donald's water. Blocking witnesses and documents over this fiasco would be a monumental mistake on the part of Trump and the GOP, both with the public and the courts. Everybody in the country is being fucked over by this virus and bullshit and everybody is paying close attention and wants answers ASAP. This is where the rubber meets the road so expect some smoke and squealing from Trump, but it doesn't get more serious than this and people won't tolerate that bullshit over this urgent issue.
Joe is rattling Donald's chain again, Biden is leading Trump in the national polls by a mere 5 points and seniors are putting him there with 15 points nationally. Biden leads in Wisconsin and Florida by 20 points among the elderly, it seems they are starting to watch more than Fox news, I'm sure many will influence their children's vote too. The pundits and experts discuss the latest polls.

It's still early days and there's a lot of dying to be done this summer, especially in the red states...
Joe Biden Leads Trump By Five Points Nationally: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden leads the president by five points nationally, according to new CNN/SSRS polling. Trump is also trailing Biden by 15 points among voters over 65 in polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 05/14/2020.

Did you see the CNN poll? It says Biden is up by nationally but Trump is up in battleground states. I'm voting for Biden, but I'm seriously worried we are in trouble.

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Did you see the CNN poll? It says Biden is up by nationally but Trump is up in battleground states. I'm voting for Biden, but I'm seriously worried we are in trouble.

No, I didn't, and I don't see it in that link you provided. That said, you have to take all polls with a grain of salt and see exactly who was polled, how many and what the questions were. I don't have time for that, there are cartoons to watch before I pass.
I hope you’re right DIY but we will see.
Donald has a lot more time to fuck up and there will be a major die off in the red states soon that should panic some GOP senators into shitting in their adult diapers. Oversight of this fiasco is coming and Donald is almost single handedly responsible for it without a doubt, he will have an extremely hard time hiding the facts this time.

For a Canadian this is like watching the drunken neighbors across the street through the living room window wrestle naked on their front lawn. Only there are dead bodies all over the place and they are starting to pile up. If they fuck themselves we get screwed too, even if we do all the right things, the damage will be enormous, much more so because of Trump.
Donald has a lot more time to fuck up and there will be a major die off in the red states soon that should panic some GOP senators into shitting in their adult diapers. Oversight of this fiasco is coming and Donald is almost single handedly responsible for it without a doubt, he will have an extremely hard time hiding the facts this time.
Remember the impeachment trial? He should have been gone after that. I like your optimism but I’m not holding my breath

For a Canadian this is like watching the drunken neighbors across the street through the living room window wrestle naked on their front lawn. Only there are dead bodies all over the place and they are starting to pile up. If they fuck themselves we get screwed too, even if we do all the right things, the damage will be enormous, much more so because of Trump.
Yes. I agree.
Remember the impeachment trial? He should have been gone after that. I like your optimism but I’m not holding my breath

Yes. I agree.
Oh, they might impeach him, but the public will want answers by a large majority, there is not too much actual division among voters about this. I find it hard to believe that Nancy won't make them carry Donald's water over this fiasco one last time right before the election when lots of people are dying in red states or out of work and hurting. Everything in the 2020 campaign is now about the coronavirus and the inept federal response to it, there will be well over a hundred thousand dead to account for as well.

The only real question in America is will racism and bigotry lead to national suicide with president Jim Jones. A republic, if you can keep it, said Franklin, if you can't you'll get King Donald the first, and the shining city on the hill will be burned to the ground. Rome burned while Nero fiddled and America will die while Donald golfs, lies, bullies and blocks a proper federal response. He's worse than useless, he's dangerous, but he's just 5 points behind Biden in national polling, its a very dangerous time and Donald can't fuck up enough for 41% of the voters.
There won’t be a vaccine ... only supplement therapy. It’s like saying we have a cure for cancer and aids , we don’t.

Society has forever changed in this moment. I would never in my wildest dreams, thought that I would be living during a true global catastrophe.

Think about it ...... A brand new virus ( from Coronavirus family ) , we have barely scratched the surface on its true form , it has mutated , it is showing itself in more and more symptom mysteries. How utterly effective the hellish thing is ..... It lays in wait without symptoms showing , airborne , multi temp viability, explosive reproduction within body , showing up in bodily fluids , forces the body’s defenses to basically attack itself and destroy the lungs. It could easily mutate into a full human exterminating form , and There is not a fucking thing we could do about it . I try to be realistic about things .... men fight over policies , money , vanity , greed ........ just paper lives in the end. This virus has us by the balls and people “ need “ to focus on that instead .... We should be leading the largest uniform global response in history against it .... instead of burning bridges and pointing fingers.

There are many “ human created “ diseases that have never officially been “ cured “ . Childhood diseases still thrive , HIV is still here ,
measles cases return .......... humans have always been the catalyst of disease. So it’s not a stretch that such a simple micron size organism could devastate humanity. We core the glacial sheets looking for early life , resurrecting bacteria / viruses to study. We take
marrow / bone dna of old plague skeletons to isolate and study viruses that have decimated millions. Not even touching on the bioweapon research countries continue to do . Water supplies are contaminated with pathogens , cryptosporidium and sewage.

I have never been a fan of politics or all the yelling and paper shaking at each other. Government is one big chess game to me , position jockeying, the same monarchy type of rule that has been the s@me song and dance since the beginning of time.

IMO I believe this virus will always be with us , babies are being born infected / exposed , it lives on all touch surfaces , it will piggyback on seasonal influenza ( yet another disease NEVER cured ) , life as it was a few months ago is forever changed. Cases are already to show spiking after some relaxation in policies. We will get a resurgence, that’s guaranteed, we are barely in the early stages of what unknown shit awaits us. People are dying “ daily “ all over the world ..... and there is nothing we can do about it. The numbers are going go up to a point that’s anyones guess ....

Here is something funny .... “ You Know in EVERY disaster movie , there is always a scientist NO ONE listens to ! “

Back to my beer ...
agree. Politics do matter, though. A good leader and can only do so much good but a bad leader's downside is endless. Also, ignorance. If good public education seems expensive, just look at how much ignorance is costing us.

lulz at the disaster movie reference.
Did you see the CNN poll? It says Biden is up by nationally but Trump is up in battleground states. I'm voting for Biden, but I'm seriously worried we are in trouble.

The thing is, many of those are the same states showing a dramatic uptick in cases and soon deaths, how overwhelmed the hospitals get depends on how stupid the populace and government is. With all the shit coming out on Trump including his taxes, I don't see his poll numbers increasing, but steadily eroding down to his hardcore base of fanatics.
Keep breathing, but don't let the optimism fade. After all, it's about all we have left to keep sane. "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."-Jimmy Buffett, "Changes in Latitudes"
You've got a choice laugh or cry, be a happy warrior and swing yer sword with joy while singing songs of war! :D

What will be really interesting is what will happen if Donald loses in November. All the experts and pundits will be discussing his legal fate on TV and it doesn't look good, how long before he's indicted and for what will be the subject of much speculation. All of his minions and regular government people will be reluctant to carry out his illegal orders or destroy evidence of crimes. If he loses, I figure Donald will have a Helluva Christmas watching TV and might go berserk before the new year!
Donald is so predictable, of course he's gonna lie and probably fire those who won't lie for him, I wouldn't be surprised if he fires Fauci. The number of deaths will be very hard to hide, there are lot's of independent sources of information, but Donald figures he can choke off the truth.
Lawrence: Trump's Reelection Plan Is To Lie About Coronavirus Deaths | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump claimed that Dr. Fauci's warning on reopening schools too soon is "not acceptable." Lawrence O'Donnell discusses some of Donald Trump's lies related to the coronavirus. Aired on 5/13/2020.

'if we test, then we'll know'- 45* 5/10/20
he doesn't have enough voters and will be a mathematical impossibility to win- only mother russia can change the numbers now..
I think you are saying that Trump doesn't have enough voters. If so, I hope you are right. But Trump doesn't need to win over a majority of voters.

What that article said is that Trump is winning in the same states that gave us a minority president via the electoral college. It's a concern. At least to me it is.
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