ok, i'll play along.
Trump's term expires Jan 20, 2021. That was the 4 years that he was elected for. Similar to if trump/pence both croak, Pelosi takes over. same rules apply here.
the handwriting is on the wall, friend.
ok, i'll play along.
Trump's term expires Jan 20, 2021. That was the 4 years that he was elected for. Similar to if trump/pence both croak, Pelosi takes over. same rules apply here.
Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice
Trinity College Dublin researchers point to changes in government advice in Wales, England and Scotland. Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements. A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Roscitechdaily.com
Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice
Trinity College Dublin researchers point to changes in government advice in Wales, England and Scotland.
Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements.
A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Rose Anne Kenny, School of Medicine, and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), in collaboration with Professor Jon Rhodes at University of Liverpool, highlights the association between vitamin D levels and mortality from COVID-19.
The authors of the article, just published in the Irish Medical Journal, analyzed all European adult population studies, completed since 1999, which measured vitamin D and compared vitamin D and death rates from COVID-19.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin from UVB sunlight exposure and is transported to the liver and then the kidney where it is changed into an active hormone that increases calcium transport from food in the gut and ensures calcium is adequate to keep the skeleton strong and free of osteoporosis.
But vitamin D can also support the immune system through a number of immune pathways involved in fighting SARS-CoV-2. Many recent studies confirm the pivotal role of vitamin D in viral infections.
This study shows that, counter intuitively, countries at lower latitude and typically sunny countries, such as Spain and Northern Italy, had low concentrations of vitamin D and high rates of vitamin D deficiency. These countries also experienced the highest infection and death rates in Europe.
The northern latitude countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden, have higher vitamin D levels despite less UVB sunlight exposure, because supplementation and fortification of foods is more common. These Nordic countries have lower COVID-19 infection and death rates. The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant.
The authors propose that, whereas optimizing vitamin D levels will certainly benefit bone and muscle health, the data suggests that it is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications. This may be because vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19 and ‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’ associated with ventilation and death.
Professor Rose Anne Kenny said:
“In England, Scotland and Wales, public health bodies have revised recommendations since the COVID-19 outbreak. Recommendations now state that all adults should take at least 400 IU vitamin D daily. Whereas there are currently no results from randomized controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death.”
“This study further confirms this association. We call on the Irish government to update guidelines as a matter of urgency and encourage all adults to take supplements during the COVID-19 crisis. Deficiency is frequent in Ireland. Deficiency is most prevalent with age, obesity, in men, in ethnic minorities, in people with diabetes, hypertension and in nursing homes.”
Dr. Eamon Laird added:
“Here we see observational evidence of a link of vitamin D with mortality. Optimizing vitamin D intake to public health guidelines will certainly have benefits for overall health and support immune function. Research like this is still exploratory and we need further trials to have concrete evidence on the level of vitamin D that is needed for optimal immune function. However, studies like this also remind us how low our vitamin D status is in the population (even in sunny countries) and adds further weight to some sort of mandatory vitamin D fortification policy. If the Nordic countries are allowed to do this, there is no reason Ireland, the UK or rest of Europe can’t either.”
Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice
Trinity College Dublin researchers point to changes in government advice in Wales, England and Scotland. Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements. A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Roscitechdaily.com
Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19: Researchers Urge Government to Change Advice
Trinity College Dublin researchers point to changes in government advice in Wales, England and Scotland.
Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements.
A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Rose Anne Kenny, School of Medicine, and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), in collaboration with Professor Jon Rhodes at University of Liverpool, highlights the association between vitamin D levels and mortality from COVID-19.
The authors of the article, just published in the Irish Medical Journal, analyzed all European adult population studies, completed since 1999, which measured vitamin D and compared vitamin D and death rates from COVID-19.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin from UVB sunlight exposure and is transported to the liver and then the kidney where it is changed into an active hormone that increases calcium transport from food in the gut and ensures calcium is adequate to keep the skeleton strong and free of osteoporosis.
But vitamin D can also support the immune system through a number of immune pathways involved in fighting SARS-CoV-2. Many recent studies confirm the pivotal role of vitamin D in viral infections.
This study shows that, counter intuitively, countries at lower latitude and typically sunny countries, such as Spain and Northern Italy, had low concentrations of vitamin D and high rates of vitamin D deficiency. These countries also experienced the highest infection and death rates in Europe.
The northern latitude countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden, have higher vitamin D levels despite less UVB sunlight exposure, because supplementation and fortification of foods is more common. These Nordic countries have lower COVID-19 infection and death rates. The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant.
The authors propose that, whereas optimizing vitamin D levels will certainly benefit bone and muscle health, the data suggests that it is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications. This may be because vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19 and ‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’ associated with ventilation and death.
Professor Rose Anne Kenny said:
“In England, Scotland and Wales, public health bodies have revised recommendations since the COVID-19 outbreak. Recommendations now state that all adults should take at least 400 IU vitamin D daily. Whereas there are currently no results from randomized controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death.”
“This study further confirms this association. We call on the Irish government to update guidelines as a matter of urgency and encourage all adults to take supplements during the COVID-19 crisis. Deficiency is frequent in Ireland. Deficiency is most prevalent with age, obesity, in men, in ethnic minorities, in people with diabetes, hypertension and in nursing homes.”
Dr. Eamon Laird added:
“Here we see observational evidence of a link of vitamin D with mortality. Optimizing vitamin D intake to public health guidelines will certainly have benefits for overall health and support immune function. Research like this is still exploratory and we need further trials to have concrete evidence on the level of vitamin D that is needed for optimal immune function. However, studies like this also remind us how low our vitamin D status is in the population (even in sunny countries) and adds further weight to some sort of mandatory vitamin D fortification policy. If the Nordic countries are allowed to do this, there is no reason Ireland, the UK or rest of Europe can’t either.”
People wear more clothes these days and stay inside with AC to avoid the sun and heat, generally people are adapted to where they lived in evolutionary terms, the closer to the equator the darker the skin. Vitamin D is so important for human survival it turned people white when they moved to upper latitudes!Weird. You'd think that the sunny countries wouldn't be vitamin d deficit. I wonder why?
Superior sunshine absorptionPeople wear more clothes these days and stay inside with AC to avoid the sun and heat, generally people are adapted to where they lived in evolutionary terms, the closer to the equator the darker the skin. Vitamin D is so important for human survival it turned people white when they moved to upper latitudes!
and that's about it!Superior sunshine absorption
It's why Trump wants to kill the post office, so they can't mail in ballots, he's fucked and desperate, they all are starting to see the writing on the wall and it spells PRISON. Donald will do anything to win, its a matter of life and death to him and others, to lose is to go through Hell, be stripped of wealth and end up in federal prison. I suspect Bill Barr is into this shit even deeper than it appears and might end up in prison himself, other AG's have gone to jail before and Barr has about 2,000 former justice officials screaming for his fucking head. Joe will appoint an AG who will get the fuckers head too, if he broke the law and it sure as shit looks like he did with the Ukraine affair, he was part of a criminal conspiracy.![]()
Jared Kushner's bizarre comment | CNN
Despite the odd evasiveness of Kushner's answer to a question about the Nov. 3 election, Trump can't postpone an election, writes Frida Ghitis. But the President may be pondering other options anyway, as he is transparently working to block mail-in voting efforts and claiming falsely that mailed...www.cnn.com
Here's your problem, solved in November hopefully, call it the national IQ test, or just a test of survival, same thing.There won’t be a vaccine ... only supplement therapy. It’s like saying we have a cure for cancer and aids , we don’t.
Society has forever changed in this moment. I would never in my wildest dreams, thought that I would be living during a true global catastrophe.
Think about it ...... A brand new virus ( from Coronavirus family ) , we have barely scratched the surface on its true form , it has mutated , it is showing itself in more and more symptom mysteries. How utterly effective the hellish thing is ..... It lays in wait without symptoms showing , airborne , multi temp viability, explosive reproduction within body , showing up in bodily fluids , forces the body’s defenses to basically attack itself and destroy the lungs. It could easily mutate into a full human exterminating form , and There is not a fucking thing we could do about it . I try to be realistic about things .... men fight over policies , money , vanity , greed ........ just paper lives in the end. This virus has us by the balls and people “ need “ to focus on that instead .... We should be leading the largest uniform global response in history against it .... instead of burning bridges and pointing fingers.
There are many “ human created “ diseases that have never officially been “ cured “ . Childhood diseases still thrive , HIV is still here ,
measles cases return .......... humans have always been the catalyst of disease. So it’s not a stretch that such a simple micron size organism could devastate humanity. We core the glacial sheets looking for early life , resurrecting bacteria / viruses to study. We take
marrow / bone dna of old plague skeletons to isolate and study viruses that have decimated millions. Not even touching on the bioweapon research countries continue to do . Water supplies are contaminated with pathogens , cryptosporidium and sewage.
I have never been a fan of politics or all the yelling and paper shaking at each other. Government is one big chess game to me , position jockeying, the same monarchy type of rule that has been the s@me song and dance since the beginning of time.
IMO I believe this virus will always be with us , babies are being born infected / exposed , it lives on all touch surfaces , it will piggyback on seasonal influenza ( yet another disease NEVER cured ) , life as it was a few months ago is forever changed. Cases are already to show spiking after some relaxation in policies. We will get a resurgence, that’s guaranteed, we are barely in the early stages of what unknown shit awaits us. People are dying “ daily “ all over the world ..... and there is nothing we can do about it. The numbers are going go up to a point that’s anyones guess ....
Here is something funny .... “ You Know in EVERY disaster movie , there is always a scientist NO ONE listens to ! “
Back to my beer ...