Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”


Well-Known Member
Heh, notice how McCain's keeping the press away from her? Lol, he's scared shitless something is gonna blow up as soon as she gets asked some tough questions. Like, is it true that you believe there should be no abortions, even in cases of rape and incest? If she says that's not her belief, she's caught in a lie (she's said it for the record already). If she says that *is* her belief, she's exposed as an extremist, the Taliban in Christian clothing, with tits. So, letting her talk to the press is a lose-lose for McCain -- which is why he's so reluctant for it to happen.

I love the fact that she's bragging about being soooo against the Bridge to Nowhere...when she was originally quite for it. She's also raped the taxpayer with earmarks -- Alaska and her city when she was a mayor, were the highest per capita taxpayer rapists in the country. She has experience, alright, experience shafting the taxpayer with earmarks. Yeah, baby, fight that becoming corrupt! She's going to be exposed as a hypocrite for that...once McCain reluctantly lets her talk to the press, which he will have to do.

It's funny how the Republicans now say, 'Aw, don't pick on the kids, think of the kids, don't involve them!' Yet, where was McCain when McCain said how ugly Chelsea Clinton was? Oh yeah, he was right there, picking on the kids, not thinking of the children at all. Well, that makes it a full ticket of hypocrites. I see why he chose her -- they have a hefty dose of hypocrisy in common with each other.

And she trots out her kids all the time, for the media, when it suits her purposes politically. So using them is okay, obviously, but only if Republicans do it? Well, ya can't have it both ways. Obama did that media/kid shit too, but at least he realized it was wrong, apologized for it, and hasn't repeated it. She's *still* using her kids, for photo ops and whatnot. If you don't want your kids exposed to the press, you don't try to use them for political purposes.

But I will be honest. The thing I dislike most about her is not her Taliban-like religious extremism, her secessionist husband, her dishonesty, her willingness to rape the rest of America financially as long as it benefited Alaska, none of that -- it's her voice! I know, that's a stupid thing to dislike, but I find it soooo whiny. Just imagining four or eight years of her whiny voice sends shudders down my spine.

At least her speechwriters were wise enough to semi-phonetically spell 'nuclear' as 'new-clear' -- wouldn't want her to appear as much of a 'tard as Bush. Sad that they thought that was necessary; that says something about her right there.


New Member
Heh, notice how McCain's keeping the press away from her? Lol, he's scared shitless something is gonna blow up as soon as she gets asked some tough questions.
So, you've noticed that she's been keeping a low profile too? I noticed it and did a little research on the matter. Here's what I've discovered:

Palin has locked herself in a motel room, in a remote little town in the Pacific North West, to study a certain book. Its a hunting manual. She's pouring over the chapter on how to field dress donkeys. :lol:



Well-Known Member
So, you've noticed that she's been keeping a low profile too? I noticed it and did a little research on the matter. Here's what I've discovered:

Palin has locked herself in a motel room, in a remote little town in the Pacific North West, to study a certain book. Its a hunting manual. She's pouring over the chapter on how to field dress donkeys. :lol:

Does she have a recipe?


New Member
Does she have a recipe?
Yes, here it is:

Take one Joe Biden donkey and one B. Hussien O'bama donkey. Insert your hunting knife deep into their sphincters and rip upward toward the breast bone. Peel the skin back and reveal the emptiness within and expose that emptiness to the entire country. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
not another person who thinks she sucks... she could probably run for pres herself if she wanted to...

but look at obama... scared of a little girl... attacking a VP candidate because she threatens to ruin his perfect reputation by revealing the truth about him... behind the rhetoric, what's there in obama? NOTHING! anyone can yell "change" a million times, but how's this change actually gonna work? by putting a fucking vacuum on our wallets and sucking out whats left of the little money we have left by taxing the hell out of us!!!!!!!

barrack hussein obama
iraq hussein osama

they sound the fucking same... hint hint


Well-Known Member
Hussein "the insane" Obama, and Saddam "the Sadistic" Hussein, lol.

Though, actually if Palin was running for president with McCain as VP I'd be more willing to vote for Palin. Palin seems more balanced on the issues that made me leave the Republicans, namely extreme environmentalism, and dictation of how I spend my money, or what I do with it.


Well-Known Member
Taliban-like religious extremism
This is Taliban extremism:
The movement quickly became a global pariah after it seized the Afghan capital, Kabul, in September 1996 and banned women from working and girls from education. It also destroyed cinemas, television and all other forms of entertainment.
Devastation of Afghan Buddha statues begins - Telegraph

2,000 year old statues - Before:

After - because graven images are idolatry:

When have you seen Sarah Palin dressed thusly?

Did Alaska under Governor Palin harbor this man?


Well-Known Member
Have you looked through the email headers in that list of 1100 emails she's withholding from the public, by citing 'executive privilege'? (Even though she's already released many to her husband, who *is* a member of the public.)

There's some interesting stuff in there. I'm still looking through the headers myself. The email titles aren't all that interesting, but I've been seeing who the emails are to and from, using Google.

One interesting series of emails she's hiding are to and from 'K. Perry'. I suspect that is Timothy K. Perry, Alaskan libertarian. In one day, on March 10, 2008, there were 16 emails between them, all titled 're Lyda'. Who is Lyda? That is surely, Lyda Greene, the Republican former co-worker of Palin's, who has been very critical of her ability to lead.

What's so interesting about that? Well, for her to claim 'executive privilege' as a means to keep emails from the public, the emails must meet specific criteria. That is, the emails withheld must be about policy deliberations relating to policy decisions that have not yet been made, like do we want to pass this bill, or raise this tax, or whatever. It's hard for me to imagine that 16 emails about Lyda Green, one of Palin's Republican enemies, all related to policy deliberations.

A judge will get to look at those emails, and the other 1084+ that she's withheld, and determine whether it's in the public interest for the emails to remain hidden from the public. Of course, it need not go that far -- Palin is fully authorized to release any email she wants to the public, if she chooses to do so.

Plus, she's *already* released many emails to the public, by forwarding them to her husband, who is not a government servant. In other words, if he gets to see them, so do you, and so do I. She didn't forward the Lyda emails to him though, so unless she shows some of that government transparency with deeds rather than mere words, a judge will have to force the release of the emails against her will.

Back to seeing what else is interesting in those emails!



Well-Known Member
I got nothing against her hell i only wish it was her running for prez instead of mccain. as for unnamed sources spreading propaganda against her i think their time might be better spent making up some good lies for obama. i haven't heard him speak about one issue other than to dodge around how he's gonna actually accomplish all his big plans.


Well-Known Member
After serving 4 years of VP, she could very well be the President in 2013.
And that's got the leftwing media and Obamabots scared to death.
So get your hate driven drivel out, start hitting the conspiracy theory blogs.
Sling all the mud you want, its great substitute for reality.


Well-Known Member
After serving 4 years of VP, she could very well be the President in 2013.
And that's got the leftwing media and Obamabots scared to death.
So get your hate driven drivel out, start hitting the conspiracy theory blogs.
Sling all the mud you want, its great substitute for reality.
Now that is Bullshit, She is hardly qualified, she has been called on her lies.
Like her being against the bridge to nowhere. She was trying her ass off to get the funding for it until congress started saying what a big piece of pork it was and then she suddenly turns against it.
She got caught with her pants down and she had to reverse herself. Look at her record, she isn't as she appears.
Most of the Men who think she's all that are just voting with their dicks and not using their brains. Jesus, if your going to make a statement like that, at least make it factual.
Palin is nothing but a desperate attempt at gaining the Pissed off Hilary Clinton Supporter vote and nothing else.


Well-Known Member

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latest news

CCAGW: Bridging the Knowledge Gap on the "Bridge to Nowhere"

Last update: 6:29 p.m. EDT Sept. 11, 2008

WASHINGTON, Sep 11, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) today released a backgrounder on congressional funding for the bridge from Ketchikan to Gravina Island in Alaska, better known as the "Bridge to Nowhere." The material addresses some of the questions raised about the history of the bridge and its ultimate demise.
"There has been much debate and even more speculation about how funds for the Bridge to Nowhere were first provided, Congress's role in changing the nature of the funding, and the various options the state of Alaska had to build the bridge," said CCAGW President Tom Schatz. "Many in the media and the public are providing an opinion when they should be providing the facts. We intend to continually update this document on our website as additional verifiable information becomes available."
The Bridge to Nowhere was first funded in August 2005 through the 2005 SAFETEA-LU Act through a $223 million earmark inserted by then-House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska). In October, 2005, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act to transfer $75 million in funding for the Bridge to Nowhere, along with money for the Knik Arm Bridge in Alaska, to support the rebuilding of the Twin Spans Bridge in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. His amendment was defeated by a vote of 15-82. Senators Biden (D-Del.) and Obama (D-Ill.) voted against the amendment; Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) was not present for the vote.
In November, 2005, Congress included language in the final version of the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act that allowed the state of Alaska to either spend money on the two bridges or on other surface transportation projects. In October, 2006, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski included $91 million for the Gravina Island Bridge in his budget submission for fiscal year 2007. As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin expressed a mixture of support and doubt about the bridge, particularly about how the project would be funded. As governor, she submitted her budget on January 17, 2007 without any money for the bridge. On July 17, 2007, the Associated Press reported that "The state of Alaska on Friday officially abandoned the 'bridge to nowhere' project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending." Governor Palin said in a statement that "Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer."
"Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate," said Schatz. "The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts."
The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.
SOURCE: Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW)
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW)
Leslie K. Paige, 202-467-5334

You got your drivel, I got mine.

Mr Factual.


New Member
So, both B. Hussien O'Bama and Joe Biden voted in favor of funding the Bridge to Nowhere" and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin turned it down. That sounds about right to me.



Well-Known Member
Palin only turned it down when it was becomeing unpopular in Washington DC, before that she was working hard to get the funding from Washington DC. Nice try at covering it up but it's already out that she was for be before she ways against it.


New Member
Hey, Dankster ...

Here's a list of governors who became president. Tell us again how GOVERNOR Sarah Palin isn't qualified after four years as mayor of her town and four years as governor of here state. Please ... thanks. :-P

Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81

James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802

Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821

Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829

William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13

John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26

James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41

Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65

Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77

Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85

William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96

Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900

William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04

Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13

Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33

James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75

William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92

George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000



Well-Known Member
so what's your point, Palin isn't qualified Either.... Did you know that Alaska is a Welfare State?