Well-Known Member
Hey man. Sorry to hear you're feeling that way. I can tell you 100% that the dents were not caused by PLC and all your lights were fully working and undented when shipped back to you. Warranty units are ran for 24hrs and cycled on/off before being shipped back. I know PLC immediately offered to fix the cx300 again that was dented and half working, and still will, but got no response from your end when they asked if you wanted to have PLC ship it back after they asked you to check the connections since you had the reflectors off in the pic you sent. Just to add, all new reflectors were put on with the service too.
All the rest, yes, they fixed and cleaned, then shipped back with no request for compensation, even the out of warranty. The side that is out must have been caused by the same UPS guy that dented the unit, and could even just be a loose connection more than likely since it was clearly dropped. So they asked you to check the connections and you did, but no other response to shipping it back to plc. Again, it did not happen at PLC because if it did, they would have just replaced the whole housing, and wouldn't send you a dented unit. It's lot easier and cheaper to replace a housing then to ship it twice and to do extra labor. Regardless, PLC would fix it again, just have to respond and say yes and they will send you a return label.
Nice to see you around gg, everything good?
Be safe grower