Pacific light concepts

Lol the guy offered to help you over and over and all you do is keep saying they sent you out damaged units?? As someone in fabrication that deals with shipping I can 100 percent confirm stuff can be damaged durring shipping without showing damage to the box. Especially when using hard dense packing foams. I would also not purposely send out a damaged unit to avoid this exact situation, as every supplier does with quality control. That looks like some 20g steel, super easy to bend. We recieve orders all day of polished materials around these thickness and have seen plenty of damage done by freight. It's very common. I understand you're upset but they said they will make it right and you rather sit there and tell everyone how bad your experience was with them rather then let them fix it for you.. this is why you gotta take everyones advice on here with a grain of salt.
you speak online as if you know. continue on, he blocked me on instagram... never upset, disappointed was the word used. i also deal in shipping & receiving. i understand the droves of people that will chime in & defend without knowing the full story. we're online, continue on please. i'll support another person, company, & brand. good luck to gg & plc.
Anyone else's order from January 2nd turning into a shit show?

Would like to talk to @Greengenes707 more privately if possible. I don't want to talk negativly about a company publicly if I can resolve my situation privately.
Anyone else's order from January 2nd turning into a shit show?

Would like to talk to @Greengenes707 more privately if possible. I don't want to talk negativly about a company publicly if I can resolve my situation privately.

You already did talk negatively about them why not use the companies website contact info instead of trying to shame them on some forums?
Yah... I just checked. He hasnt posted a single time in this entire thread.... He has every right to ask what he did here.

Good job investigating the thread Scooby he opened his post describing his order as a shit show without context that surely isn't positive and last time I checked.this isn't Pacific concepts support forum.
Someone needs some weed in their life!

How is asking for others experience on a OPEN FORUM/Discussion board a support related questions?

The context is what I left out because it doesn't look good on them and I'm not trying to be a cock like someone else and deface them publicly when I can take care of it potentially privately.

Maybe others are having the same issues I am and I don't have anything to worry about, Maybe someone already reached out as I already have tried and have got a response which I have not.

How dare I worry about where my money went and reach out to alternative forums to potentially get a resolution to my issues.

Always a chad being a forum warrior no matter where you go.
Have you tried contacting him? From all the social media platforms, I find that he replies to his youtube posts the fastest. Tried email/IG with no avail.
I'll try YT. email and IG are a bust like you said.

He started off emailing me then the shit took a turn and then I crossed fingers it would pan out. now we are 3 days pass the time things should of went back towards the good but now they won't even reply.

Alot of between the lines i know but I'm trying to save face. Maybe it will work out. but Idk.
Thanks to those who dmed me.
As mentioned probably a small team working behind the scenes and a boat load of orders coming in at once.

Everything has showed up and looks beautiful. Can't wait to get these plugged in and continue making that good old cancer killing medicine.

Let's pop some beans!