Pacific light concepts

Hey man. Sorry to hear you're feeling that way. I can tell you 100% that the dents were not caused by PLC and all your lights were fully working and undented when shipped back to you. Warranty units are ran for 24hrs and cycled on/off before being shipped back. I know PLC immediately offered to fix the cx300 again that was dented and half working, and still will, but got no response from your end when they asked if you wanted to have PLC ship it back after they asked you to check the connections since you had the reflectors off in the pic you sent. Just to add, all new reflectors were put on with the service too.
All the rest, yes, they fixed and cleaned, then shipped back with no request for compensation, even the out of warranty. The side that is out must have been caused by the same UPS guy that dented the unit, and could even just be a loose connection more than likely since it was clearly dropped. So they asked you to check the connections and you did, but no other response to shipping it back to plc. Again, it did not happen at PLC because if it did, they would have just replaced the whole housing, and wouldn't send you a dented unit. It's lot easier and cheaper to replace a housing then to ship it twice and to do extra labor. Regardless, PLC would fix it again, just have to respond and say yes and they will send you a return label.

Nice to see you around gg, everything good?

Be safe grower
Nice to see you around gg, everything good?

Be safe grower
Hey man.
Ya all good. Been debating doing a log again after seeing @lukio putting one up. Seems things have calmed down around here finally, but you never know. LED wise, I'm the same old story...phosphor conversion white as the powerhouse with red enhancement when efficaciously and cost appropriate.
Still been doing youtube updates on my garden and IG, so I'm not gone, just not here much.

Hey man.
Ya all good. Been debating doing a log again after seeing @lukio putting one up. Seems things have calmed down around here finally, but you never know. LED wise, I'm the same old story...phosphor conversion white as the powerhouse with red enhancement when efficaciously and cost appropriate.
Still been doing youtube updates on my garden and IG, so I'm not gone, just not here much.

Hey gg, hope all is well.

Has there been any changes in regards to shipping to Canada?

Id fill the room with photoboost if i can get them up here.

Thanks, take care and best of luck
Hey man. Sorry to hear you're feeling that way. I can tell you 100% that the dents were not caused by PLC and all your lights were fully working and undented when shipped back to you. Warranty units are ran for 24hrs and cycled on/off before being shipped back. I know PLC immediately offered to fix the cx300 again that was dented and half working, and still will, but got no response from your end when they asked if you wanted to have PLC ship it back after they asked you to check the connections since you had the reflectors off in the pic you sent. Just to add, all new reflectors were put on with the service too.
All the rest, yes, they fixed and cleaned, then shipped back with no request for compensation, even the out of warranty. The side that is out must have been caused by the same UPS guy that dented the unit, and could even just be a loose connection more than likely since it was clearly dropped. So they asked you to check the connections and you did, but no other response to shipping it back to plc. Again, it did not happen at PLC because if it did, they would have just replaced the whole housing, and wouldn't send you a dented unit. It's lot easier and cheaper to replace a housing then to ship it twice and to do extra labor. Regardless, PLC would fix it again, just have to respond and say yes and they will send you a return label.
money was never an issue. cheating you was never a motive. i have no ulterior motive. when the driver for my cxp250 went down around xmas last year, you & your partner worked hard and fast to get it back to me in time to finish out a harvest in that specific tent. maybe i am just a number to you because of all the social media exposure you've received over the last 5 years. i have no need to lie or fabricate a story for monetary gain. both times my lights were dented upon return with no damage to the outside box. i asked your partner about my cxp250 being dented through email & got no response, maybe it was dropped in the garage or factory. yes, when i received my cx300 you yourself offered to try to fix it again, i did nothing to it upon its return to me other than open the box & plug it in. yes you asked me to check the connections, i did not tamper with the reflectors. why screw you over when i have purchased 5 or 6 lights from you. if twice i have sent lights to you, why would i do it a third time only to be disappointed again? i was still pondering shipping it out again, that's why i have had a delayed response. i don't feel betrayed by you & your company, i am just disappointed. money well spent initially, but now i feel as if i must warn others. with you saying its cheaper to ship out housing & do the labor, is that what was done to me ? old imperfect lights you had spare, with damaged housing lying around the garage & you just sent those out to me instead of repairing the ones that actually belonged to me because both are obsolete tech now, & the time should not be spent on old customers ? it was great while it lasted.
money was never an issue. cheating you was never a motive. i have no ulterior motive. when the driver for my cxp250 went down around xmas last year, you & your partner worked hard and fast to get it back to me in time to finish out a harvest in that specific tent. maybe i am just a number to you because of all the social media exposure you've received over the last 5 years. i have no need to lie or fabricate a story for monetary gain. both times my lights were dented upon return with no damage to the outside box. i asked your partner about my cxp250 being dented through email & got no response, maybe it was dropped in the garage or factory. yes, when i received my cx300 you yourself offered to try to fix it again, i did nothing to it upon its return to me other than open the box & plug it in. yes you asked me to check the connections, i did not tamper with the reflectors. why screw you over when i have purchased 5 or 6 lights from you. if twice i have sent lights to you, why would i do it a third time only to be disappointed again? i was still pondering shipping it out again, that's why i have had a delayed response. i don't feel betrayed by you & your company, i am just disappointed. money well spent initially, but now i feel as if i must warn others. with you saying its cheaper to ship out housing & do the labor, is that what was done to me ? old imperfect lights you had spare, with damaged housing lying around the garage & you just sent those out to me instead of repairing the ones that actually belonged to me because both are obsolete tech now, & the time should not be spent on old customers ? it was great while it lasted.
I think you're missing everything I said. Where did I say you were trying to screw anyone over? Never said that.
You keep insisting PLC damaged the lights. And that is NOT TRUE. And all I and PLC have said is your lights were not damaged by PLC and were shipped out with NO DENTS. Then upon arrival to you...there were dents. So there are two possibilities...shipping damaged them, or you did. And PLC or I have and never suspected you did anything and KNOW that it is the shipping that damages lights. You are not the only one to ever get a dented light through shipping. The box not being damaged is not an indicator of it not being dropped in shipping. I can make a video dropping a light and denting it, while the box being fine. Again am very sorry they were damaged during shipping, but it was done by UPS, not PLC.
And the spare housings comment you missed the point too. With spare(brand new, not second rate or imperfect) housings around...a dented unit would never have got shipped out by PLC if they dented while working/repairing/packaging. They would have stopped work, gotten a new housing and sent you the whole light built into a new housing if that were the case.
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I think you're missing everything I said. Where did I say you were trying to screw anyone over? Never said that.
You keep insisting PLC damaged the lights. And that is NOT TRUE. And all I and PLC have said is your lights were not damaged by PLC and were shipped out with NO DENTS. Then upon arrival to you...there were dents. So there are two possibilities...shipping damaged them, or you did. And PLC or I have and never suspected you did anything and KNOW that it is the shipping that damages lights. You are not the only one to ever get a dented light through shipping. The box not being damaged is not an indicator of it not being dropped in shipping. I can make a video dropping a light and denting it, while the box being fine. Again am very sorry they were damaged during shipping, but it was done by UPS, not PLC.
And the spare housings comment you missed the point too. With spare(brand new, not second rate or imperfect) housings around...a dented unit would never have got shipped out by PLC if they dented while working/repairing/packaging. They would have stopped work, gotten a new housing and sent you the whole light built into a new housing if that were the case.
not missing anything. i get it, your trying to save face. i am dissapointed in myself that i gave you a chance when others warned me of your business practices. be well.
i gave the light away.
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not missing anything. i get it, your trying to save face. i am dissapointed in myself that i gave you a chance when others warned me of your business practices. be well.
View attachment 4421705View attachment 4421707
i gave the light away.
You gave them x3 chances n still got Plunged in the Ars. Sorry to hear that Dude. Next time Peep Amare, you will NOT have these problems.
Basic GG, trying to make it sound like he did you a favor. SMH.
not missing anything. i get it, your trying to save face. i am dissapointed in myself that i gave you a chance when others warned me of your business practices. be well.
View attachment 4421705View attachment 4421707
i gave the light away.
What are you talking about??
The light was damaged in shipping after being fixed, cleaned, and shipped for free. And said it would be fixed again on PLC's dime because it was damaged in shipping by ups. What are you not getting about that? Why are you making up a false story? PLC has done nothing but help you and has continued to do that the whole way through.
What are you talking about??
The light was damaged in shipping after being fixed, cleaned, and shipped for free. And said it would be fixed again on PLC's dime because it was damaged in shipping by ups. What are you not getting about that? Why are you making up a false story? PLC has done nothing but help you and has continued to do that the whole way through.
ask your partner. the light was shipped without the reflectors on the cobs. no false story man at all man, i will not compromise my integrity for an internet forum, i have no vested interest in making you look bad, i am not a competitor. i am just a guy who bought a few lights from you. check the emails i've sent you over the years, any anger or resentment in them, nope. ask joe about the reflectors. i have no desire to cheat you, or spread false rumors. i remember your other thread getting shut down when you were being harrassed about counterfeit meanwell drivers & such. there is no benefit to it for me, i am not trying go after you financially or out of spite or anger. i am just mentioning my experience. the word i have used is disappointed. do i not have the freedom to talk about my experience on a public forum ? are you above reproach ? come on dude, you come from the culture. your're not one of the corporate vultures in cannabis for the wrong reasons. no worries man, i have learned. its cool. water under the bridge.
not three times, just twice the lights were dented upon returning to me.
Are they double boxed & foam protected?
No reflectors though. Damn.
To bad you gave it away, lots of room on that case for modifications & improvements.
Sometimes its just better to buy what you want then to fiddle though. To much time.
foam protected in the exact foam that they went sent in upon initial purchase. ive had stuff shipped from amazon through ups, lazership, usps, hell even dhl. if it were jostled around or dropped that hard inside the box there would have to some damage to the exterior of the box.
Jesus fucking christ, after coming back to this forum after 3 or 4 years, I come to see this shit hole.
For all you kids who started diy or got any credible information In the past 3 or 4 years, guess what? GG was likely part of it.
PLC was built by a pioneer in this fucking game yall are playing.
Its fucking obvious @mr. childs your light was damage by shipping. Gg is litterally telling you what happened and it keeps flying by you. Full stop.

Anyways, been eyeing plc thru IG and following GG since the beginning of this era of cobs and other diy, and today following his YouTube and IG. Truth is in his work. If there's a complaint about plc, it's their stock, but that's an obvious indication that they build quality because they SALE OUT quick. Will be buying some plc strips soon.
Jesus fucking christ, after coming back to this forum after 3 or 4 years, I come to see this shit hole.
For all you kids who started diy or got any credible information In the past 3 or 4 years, guess what? GG was likely part of it.
PLC was built by a pioneer in this fucking game yall are playing.
Its fucking obvious @mr. childs your light was damage by shipping. Gg is litterally telling you what happened and it keeps flying by you. Full stop.

Anyways, been eyeing plc thru IG and following GG since the beginning of this era of cobs and other diy, and today following his YouTube and IG. Truth is in his work. If there's a complaint about plc, it's their stock, but that's an obvious indication that they build quality because they SALE OUT quick. Will be buying some plc strips soon.
it was not damaged by shipping...

enjoy the new year
ask your partner. the light was shipped without the reflectors on the cobs. no false story man at all man, i will not compromise my integrity for an internet forum, i have no vested interest in making you look bad, i am not a competitor. i am just a guy who bought a few lights from you. check the emails i've sent you over the years, any anger or resentment in them, nope. ask joe about the reflectors. i have no desire to cheat you, or spread false rumors. i remember your other thread getting shut down when you were being harrassed about counterfeit meanwell drivers & such. there is no benefit to it for me, i am not trying go after you financially or out of spite or anger. i am just mentioning my experience. the word i have used is disappointed. do i not have the freedom to talk about my experience on a public forum ? are you above reproach ? come on dude, you come from the culture. your're not one of the corporate vultures in cannabis for the wrong reasons. no worries man, i have learned. its cool. water under the bridge.
Say one word wrong about GG and he'll come at you like flies on shit. He can do no wrong, you see?
yeah, i didn't think he would try to paint me in a negative light after years of great correspondence between him & i and his partner.
Didn't think you would lie and accuse a company that did nothing but help you and continued to do so even when you falsely accuse them.
But you did. Shipping damaged your lights, and you are continuing to make up a story for what reason??

Again sorry your lights were damaged in shipping and offering to right UPS's wrong. Too bad you have to resort to making up stories.
Didn't think you would lie and accuse a company that did nothing but help you and continued to do so even when you falsely accuse them.
But you did. Shipping damaged your lights, and you are continuing to make up a story for what reason??

Again sorry your lights were damaged in shipping and offering to right UPS's wrong. Too bad you have to resort to making up stories.
...ask joe about the reflectors. you know i am not making up stories. i was not coming to cali to get the light fixed & you knew that.

congrats on the baby.

happy new year.
Lol the guy offered to help you over and over and all you do is keep saying they sent you out damaged units?? As someone in fabrication that deals with shipping I can 100 percent confirm stuff can be damaged durring shipping without showing damage to the box. Especially when using hard dense packing foams. I would also not purposely send out a damaged unit to avoid this exact situation, as every supplier does with quality control. That looks like some 20g steel, super easy to bend. We recieve orders all day of polished materials around these thickness and have seen plenty of damage done by freight. It's very common. I understand you're upset but they said they will make it right and you rather sit there and tell everyone how bad your experience was with them rather then let them fix it for you.. this is why you gotta take everyones advice on here with a grain of salt.