a mongo frog
Well-Known Member
This thread won't get locked cuz you asked. Why are you playing that roll?hey sunny please lock this thread. I'm done with these trolls. They have nothing positive to contribute. They just instigate b.s.
This thread won't get locked cuz you asked. Why are you playing that roll?hey sunny please lock this thread. I'm done with these trolls. They have nothing positive to contribute. They just instigate b.s.
Why the fuck do you think you are ALWAYS right?do you have down syndrome or some sort of mental illness. I've never met someone of that age that conducts himself like a little kid such as you do.
Why the fuck do you think you are ALWAYS right?
a legend in your own mind, and a fuckin hypocrite too, get the fuck off your HY Horse, see what i did there?that's because I am.always right. Proper research and education definitely helps with that.
a legend in your own mind, and a fuckin hypocrite too, get the fuck off your HY Horse, see what i did there?
it takes 2 to tango dumbass. To smart for your own goodthat's not a pun
hy doesn't have 2 meanings. Again proper education... How am I hypocrite. Where oh where did I contradict myself...?
it takes 2 to tango dumbass. To smart for your own good
LOL,JRfyi its too smart. The second o implies excessiveness.
am I starting shit with you ? No. Are you with me ? Yes. See the difference. I dont attack you for no reason. But you are a troll. I understand that's your nature and can't help it.
so good day young lad.
Not to mention the studies date back 50 years but because Hyroot says other wise its the way it is ,,,you just can't stand when someone questions your high horse views. Sorry if I rub you wrong, but I don't just buy BS because Hyroot posted a "study". I can post studies that say otherwise all day long. So, it is YOU that thinks he is never wrong, I'm just the guy that always points it out and that makes you angry
and it even says STUDY in the freakin title
Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, study finds
WHY, because YOU said so? Well, I said, LOLkeep digging yourself into a hole.
Not to mention the studies date back 50 years but because Hyroot says other wise its the way it is ,,,
But hey i got it all figured,,, really i do ..
See i have same strains one growing organically and one growing chem and i will have lab results.. cause them seem to work really good ,,, when new strains are coming out into the market .. Cause god forbid. don't you hate ?????
When looking at a strain and it says up to 23 percent ???
I mean what is it 1 percent up to 23 ??? we guessing here ?? pretty much the same aas 90 percent of the so called organic growers adding amendments ...
there just guessing what there soil is ,, cause really there to cheap to even get a soil test done to really know whats needed
Lets give it some Dolimite lime fertilizer lol , or gypsum is the bomb ,, you gave your sol way to much dolomite dam dude
you got it made you could make millions to actually tell some what they need or do not need in there soil with just a picture of soil lol , seriously ,, you should get a online consulting company going for just that
... But i am sure there will be post shortly after that saying its BS or hey purposely did something to alter the out come blah blah ..
You just can't fucking win even if you showed a unbias test results and not ust THC but the whole test but at the end of the day test results are test results
You sure you don't want to rescind that answer? Any meals will attract good and bad pests? So neem meal attracts bad pests?No any meals will attract good and bad pests ,, manures, blood meal, bone meal shrimp meal , etc. will attract all
But how can we mask these smells and avoid the dreaded problem ,, simple insect repelling companion plants
Lavender, Basil, even lemon grass, Mint, Rosemary,,, Are a few examples of getting rid of unwanted insects , But what about Rodents those fuckers can destroy your plants in a matter of minutes ,,
Simple ceder mulch placed over soils a good 4- 5" this will stop a rodent from digging for that precious gold hahaha. and not only that will help keep moisture levels up its a win win cause them microbes will thrive in a good warm, moist environment
Pretty unimpressive...Some shots of my organic plants new hybrids the one plant that i have worked with from a true Amnesia Haze elite clone CANADA MADE besides all the other hyped up BS on the amnesia strain haha this is the true Elite of the elite being its the original ..
its phenotype is really neat in this cross i did ..
It grows in a cross form completely untouched plant Wild F1's Regular will be released this fall also here are some other new strains presently working with
Hence new strain name will be Holy Cross