Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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20 day veg? McDonald's? Leds?

Letting this girl veg over the summer. Is it normas that my girls are always "praying "? I'm worried
See folks This is a perfect example of Bull shit at its finest and again grown under LED i bet them 20 day old LED lights grown plants are also from seed right >>???? hahaha ,,
You sir are a disgrace to any religious group posting something like that and by far trying to lead people into believing that Bs is just plain to funny

I see how this site works when someone questions really in a civil manner he his deemed a troll, or asshole or what ever ,, if he post something its all BS its a lie ,, then if a person copy n pastes DATA again he is a troll
Sad really when you think about it . he gets attacked by whom really ?? i would say trolls that attack someone on there beliefs , this site is a perfect example of Racism,, it really is when you break it down
And what is even funnier, its the Blind leading the fucking Blind .
i was on this site 8 + years ago, when most of you were probably still riding your tricycles, but now your the plant guru's the next legends ??? you know your shit inside and out
Seriously ... this site has seriously gone for shit , even moderators, have given up. Tons of great growers were here,, and left, like i also did years ago. ..
Sad thing is all of you only herd of growers like HEATH , CRUSTY and other legends in the game that made a impact, every now and then, couple pictures pop up there names do etc.
,, Funny thing is i knew them personally ,, we exchanged ideas,, how the real growers are suppose to do and today its not even close every piece of the puzzle started from us we built communities, and share our seeds and ideas 99 PERCENT of you fucking clowns don't even know the real reason or how vertical lighting ACTUALLY STARTED
And what is even more funny is science has not even close to understanding how soil biology actually works were just digging into it. that is the truth
.. YET on RIU .. these organic thumpers will read something 20 - 25 years ago and think this is how it all works thats it with a big period ..
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See folks This is a perfect example of Bull shit at its finest and again grown under LED i bet them 20 day old LED lights grown plants are also from seed right >>???? hahaha ,,
You sir are a disgrace to any religious group posting something like that and by far trying to lead people into believing that Bs is just plain to funny

I see how this site works when someone questions really in a civil manner he his deemed a troll, or asshole or what ever ,, if he post something its all BS its a lie ,, then if a person copy n pastes DATA again he is a troll
Sad really when you think about it . he gets attacked by whom really ?? i would say trolls that attack someone on there beliefs , this site is a perfect example of Racism,, it really is when you break it down
and what is even funnier its the Blind leading the fucking Blind i was on this site 8 years when most of you were probably still riding your tricycle but now your the plant guru you know your shit inside and out
Seriously ... this site has seriously gone for shit even moderators have given up tons of great growers were here and left like i also did years ago ..
Sad thing is all of you only herd of growers like HEATH , CRUSTY and other legends in the game every know and then couple pictures pop up there names do etc
,, Funny thing is i knew them personally ,, we exchanged ideas,, how the real growers are suppose to do and today its not even close every piece of the puzzle started from us we built communities, and share our seeds and ideas 99 PERCENT of you fucking clowns don't even know the real reason or how vertical lighting ACTUALLY STARTED
And what is even more funny is science has not even close to understanding how soil biology actually works were just digging into it. that is the truth
.. YET on RIU .. these organic thumpers will read something 20 - 25 years ago and think this is how it all works thats it with a big period ..
R u ok? R u mad? No one is reading your bullshit bitching.
I encourage you to look in to this a bit more. Crab shell meal contains chitin. Most crustacean and bugs contain this in their exoskeleton. When you add crab shell meal to your medium the plant thinks that it is under attack by pests, and it triggers it's auto immune response.

Look it up
Again a perfect example of blind leading the blind curious you must of learned the word Chitin not to long ago ????
you should call it SHITTIN cause your shittin us haha are we not talking about insects now and rodents ?? not soil borne pathogens nitwit ???
Again a perfect example of blind leading the blind curious you must of learned the word Chitin not to long ago ????
you should call it SHITTIN cause your shittin us haha are we not talking about insects now and rodents ?? not soil borne pathogens nitwit ???
This is precisely why you get the response you do.

I don't care how long you have been growing or who you know, you act like a fucking asshole. If you got something to teach teach it by all means, but don't be a condescending prick every fucking chance you get.

You're acting like a know it all 21 year old, truly ridiculous behaviour for an old guy such as yourself.

Maybe post some more completely irrelevant videos to really show what you're made of lol.

Being an asshole then trying to play the everyone is picking on me RIU sucks card is fucking classic by the way.
20 day veg? McDonald's? Leds?

Letting this girl veg over the summer. Is it normas that my girls are always "praying "? I'm worried
Thats not 20 days. Its a beautiful plant though. No need to through a curve ball at us. Can count 4-5 times someone topped young then had the time to grow out and top more of the upper part and then had time to lollipop. Great job on the plant she's awesome. What strain?
Here, read up dumb dumb. You learned something new today...

"Unlike AtCERK1 that contains three LysM domains, the OsCERK1 contains only one conserved LysM domain.
26 Given the fact that the requirement of three LysM domains is essential for chitin binding, 22 the differences inthe chitin perception systems between rice and Arabidopsis maybe explained by the structural differences between AtCERK1and OsCERK1, although these two proteins do appear to be orthologous based on sequence comparisons. 26 The rice model may also apply to other grass species 27 since, for example, a barley homolog of OsCEBiP, HvCEBiP, was recently shown to contribute to fungal resistance. 28
The rice chitin receptor complex, being composed of OsCERK1 and OsCEBiP, is more similar to the proposed PGN
receptor complex in Arabidopsis

It seems one size doesn't fit all and not all plants have the same receptor proteins if any at all.

Unfortunately cannabis carries the lyk2 protein gene which is listed on table 1 of the link you posted and states it is a non functional kinase (pseudo kinase). And the ligand (bonding ion) does not react to chitin.
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There can be no right or wrong, with out 2 sides of a argument My father told me once, It takes all kinds " referring to those who oppose for the sake of opposition, and of elevation above others.
hes an old dog who refuses to learn new tricks he doesn't even acknowledge how much it's all changed a lot more people are doing this now and a lot of these people have great background that contribute to advancements but he's stuck in his ways

What really has changed ?? other then companies studying and implementing specific light spectrum's , or other companies studying growth hormones ( enhancing agents ) NEW hybrid strains???
It all falls back to the founding fathers,,, if anything, people have tweaked and with new advancements comes new things like evolution it evolves , hence making life easier :) auto functions ph doser, nutrient dosers, like smart intelligence cloud servers etc Look at Blumets for example
same thing applies for organics ts simple at the end of the day its all about money ,,
and the people that have money will take advantage of the opportunity..
for instance companies selling soils with benifical fungi or selling nematodes ,, worms come to mind shit were waiting on a shipment of worms 100.00 bucks a pound this is big business
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See folks This is a perfect example of Bull shit at its finest and again grown under LED i bet them 20 day old LED lights grown plants are also from seed right >>???? hahaha ,,
You sir are a disgrace to any religious group posting something like that and by far trying to lead people into believing that Bs is just plain to funny

I see how this site works when someone questions really in a civil manner he his deemed a troll, or asshole or what ever ,, if he post something its all BS its a lie ,, then if a person copy n pastes DATA again he is a troll
Sad really when you think about it . he gets attacked by whom really ?? i would say trolls that attack someone on there beliefs , this site is a perfect example of Racism,, it really is when you break it down
And what is even funnier, its the Blind leading the fucking Blind .
i was on this site 8 + years ago, when most of you were probably still riding your tricycles, but now your the plant guru's the next legends ??? you know your shit inside and out
Seriously ... this site has seriously gone for shit , even moderators, have given up. Tons of great growers were here,, and left, like i also did years ago. ..
Sad thing is all of you only herd of growers like HEATH , CRUSTY and other legends in the game that made a impact, every now and then, couple pictures pop up there names do etc.
,, Funny thing is i knew them personally ,, we exchanged ideas,, how the real growers are suppose to do and today its not even close every piece of the puzzle started from us we built communities, and share our seeds and ideas 99 PERCENT of you fucking clowns don't even know the real reason or how vertical lighting ACTUALLY STARTED
And what is even more funny is science has not even close to understanding how soil biology actually works were just digging into it. that is the truth
.. YET on RIU .. these organic thumpers will read something 20 - 25 years ago and think this is how it all works thats it with a big period ..
well, all I gotta say is we are sure very very lucky and fortunate that you ended your 8+ yrs hiatus from this forum, I mean, wow, I haven't learned so much in so little time.
Like for instance...
how I M P O R T A N T it is to have the ignore feature.
Carry on my good sir, and I hope your life gets a lil more interesting/less pathetic so as to actually fill your world up with things of importance.
The coolest thing is... I can blast you, and say what I want, and then I can happily ignore you after...
I ALWAYS get the last word in.. :fire:
So with that said.
I wish you well.
Some shots of my organic plants new hybrids the one plant that i have worked with from a true Amnesia Haze elite clone CANADA MADE besides all the other hyped up BS on the amnesia strain haha this is the true Elite of the elite being its the original ..
its phenotype is really neat in this cross i did ..
It grows in a cross form completely untouched plant Wild F1's Regular will be released this fall also here are some other new strains presently working with

Hence new strain name will be Holy Cross


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Thats not 20 days. Its a beautiful plant though. No need to through a curve ball at us. Can count 4-5 times someone topped young then had the time to grow out and top more of the upper part and then had time to lollipop. Great job on the plant she's awesome. What strain?
Hahahahahahhahaha you guys think I really meant this plant is 20 days? Hahahahahahhahaha I geuss it is hard from knowing whats sarcastic and not
And @DarthVapor, trust me, at this point no one cares what you have to say or show. You lost all respect.
"Unlike AtCERK1 that contains three LysM domains, the OsCERK1 contains only one conserved LysM domain.
26 Given the fact that the requirement of three LysM domains is essential for chitin binding, 22 the differences inthe chitin perception systems between rice and Arabidopsis maybe explained by the structural differences between AtCERK1and OsCERK1, although these two proteins do appear to be orthologous based on sequence comparisons. 26 The rice model may also apply to other grass species 27 since, for example, a barley homolog of OsCEBiP, HvCEBiP, was recently shown to contribute to fungal resistance. 28
The rice chitin receptor complex, being composed of OsCERK1 and OsCEBiP, is more similar to the proposed PGN
receptor complex in Arabidopsis

It seems one size doesn't fit all and not all plants have the same receptor proteins if any at all.

Unfortunately cannabis carries the lyk2 protein gene which is listed on table 1 of the link you posted and states it is a non functional kinase (pseudo kinase). And the ligand (bonding ion) does not react to chitin.

I'm going to do a little more research on this. Admittedly the info I'm basing this on is primarily from Coot, who is pretty well versed on this stuff.

If it turns out its bad info, I will concede that I was wrong.... but anecdotal evidence suggests that it works. I've never had such a pest free garden since I started using crab shell meal.
Hahahahahahhahaha you guys think I really meant this plant is 20 days? Hahahahahahhahaha I geuss it is hard from knowing whats sarcastic and not
And @DarthVapor, trust me, at this point no one cares what you have to say or show. You lost all respect.
Im sorry i didn't know you were kidding. Its was just me. No one else. No say what fucking strain it is. Blue?
No worries :) , critcal kush, about 6 month veg from seed, was originally going to flower, but decided to wait out the summer.
Got some large outdoor plants, these will be my fall harvest.

22 day outdoor veg........ (sarcasm he heheheheh)
Nice spread. Where you live the River? Are all those the same strain? Were they moms at some point? Are those 40's or 65'? Where did you get the fountain? Who did the succulents (those are dope), Who made the soil? Questions, Questions, Questions.
But back to organic vs chem will always be a debate and eventually through studies proven to be not anything better or better for your health
Differences in bacterial contamination organic vs chem are similar. There were no differences seen in E. coli contamination. There was a 33% greater chance of isolated a multi-antibiotic resistance bacteria on conventional produce, but no evidence this translates into a health risk. Again – even if we assume a difference in health risk (something not demonstrated by the data) this can be remedied by thorough washing.
also something to consider is
The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2003 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.

The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive.

Some studies that find small differences in the content of specific nutrients may be due to confounding factors. For example, organic produce is generally smaller than conventional produce, so if nutrient content is measured by mass (as opposed to the total for an individual vegetable or piece of fruit) organic produce may have a slightly higher concentration. This does not necessarily translate to more overall nutrients for the consumer. Further, many studies measure multiple endpoints (nutrients) and find some differences, but may not be properly accounting for multiple analyses. The researchers in the recent study found that results were “heterogeneous” – meaning that there were significant differences in outcome among the studies. This could indicate a lack of replicability of specific outcomes, indicating that differences were more artifacts of method rather than genuine.


The recent review of organic vs conventional produce agrees with previous systematic reviews that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that organic produce is healthier or more nutritious that conventional produce. Despite the scientific evidence, the alleged health benefits of organic produce is the number one reason given by consumers for buying organic. This likely represents the triumph of marketing over scientific reality.
Nice spread. Where you live the River? Are all those the same strain? Were they moms at some point? Are those 40's or 65'? Where did you get the fountain? Who did the succulents (those are dope), Who made the soil? Questions, Questions, Questions.
The spread is not enough, this pic is about 3 weeks old, they are getting almost to big lol.
They are a mixture of critcal kush. Durango og, and king Louie og. 40
Got the fountain from a old neighbor of mine
Soil was made by myself, probley about year ago, just re-amend with neem, kelp, fish, crab and oyster
But back to organic vs chem will always be a debate and eventually through studies proven to be not anything better or better for your health
Differences in bacterial contamination organic vs chem are similar. There were no differences seen in E. coli contamination. There was a 33% greater chance of isolated a multi-antibiotic resistance bacteria on conventional produce, but no evidence this translates into a health risk. Again – even if we assume a difference in health risk (something not demonstrated by the data) this can be remedied by thorough washing.
also something to consider is
The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2003 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.

The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive.

Some studies that find small differences in the content of specific nutrients may be due to confounding factors. For example, organic produce is generally smaller than conventional produce, so if nutrient content is measured by mass (as opposed to the total for an individual vegetable or piece of fruit) organic produce may have a slightly higher concentration. This does not necessarily translate to more overall nutrients for the consumer. Further, many studies measure multiple endpoints (nutrients) and find some differences, but may not be properly accounting for multiple analyses. The researchers in the recent study found that results were “heterogeneous” – meaning that there were significant differences in outcome among the studies. This could indicate a lack of replicability of specific outcomes, indicating that differences were more artifacts of method rather than genuine.


The recent review of organic vs conventional produce agrees with previous systematic reviews that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that organic produce is healthier or more nutritious that conventional produce. Despite the scientific evidence, the alleged health benefits of organic produce is the number one reason given by consumers for buying organic. This likely represents the triumph of marketing over scientific reality.

did you actually read and do you understand what you copy and pasted from 12 years ago. It doesn't refer to chems at all but the nutritional value of fruit. Like the minerals and vitamins in fruit. It doesn't even touch on anything about the chemicals themselves.

bravo for sticking your foot in your mouth again
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