Expert Gorilla germination disaster leads to hope

Week 11- Flowering week 3

The plants are behind the girls for those with eyesight or attention problems!

Gorilla gorilla... my problem child. It has a mind of its own, doesn't want to fit the scrog, seems way behind on her roommates, and is so far a little bit of a disappointment. We will see where she will go, something smokable might come of it.


So I defoliated a little, amended with solid nutes: worm castings, bone meal and some extra micro life. Over this, I poured feed, see the liquid feed schedule above.


Overal this plant is cramping my stylo a little. Again enforcing my resolution to only grow top genetics, it costs a lot of time and I have only so much space within the legal framework, why bother with inferior strains?

Again, the plants are the green bits @Go go n chill !
We shall see where she takes us... For now, still not impressed much.


See you next week!!
Week 12 - Flowering week 4

Last week I finally did some lollipopping and defoliation. I had to cause humidity went through the roof and foliage was dense and wet in the mornings.


Also fed with the amendment. 5 liters of worm castings, with bone meal, some micro life.

Some bud growth started but also trichomes are forming and a strong weed smell is developing in the tent.


The growth is far behind compared to the other two though. Not as many buds and the plant is overall more flimsy and has hollow stalks.

The very slender leaf growth leaves me to believe that next to being the runt all the grow, the gorilla doesn't seem to enjoy the high feed environment.


It also really doesn't respond well to scrogging, it keeps reaching for the light,

It remains the odd one out in the tent.

The buds are few and far between, I'm not very hopeful this one will produce the grams needed to keep my grams per watt score high.

The other two might well compensate for it, we shall see.

Thanks for checking in!!
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Week 13 - flowering week 5


When we had so many problems with the other two strains. This strain keeps pushing out buds like the little engine that could. Closest to the light, it handles heat and light way better than her counterparts.

It also has some major trichome formation starting covering the entire top leaves.​

It is starting to smell and form real compact dense buds, although not very pronounced yet.


We shall see but she promises to deliver some nice danky bud after all.

Nice to see she still pulls together, also nice to see how different this strain behaves from others I have grown.
Time will tell the total tally... We shall see if there is a Silverback in the making, but at least she is not staying behind any more.


Also here, 3 to 4 more weeks... Cant wait!

Thank you for checking in! More budshots follow of this one!