Ok to "not" support our troops?


Well-Known Member
The wars we fight are to keep the fight over there, if we left the middle east today and stopped buying their oil it would be insane there and they would come here. Men, women and children that are your neighbors are over there risking their lives while you smoke a joint and play with yourself.
Wow your post really opened my eyes, I never knew they were fighting so I could smoke weed...wait, isnt it illegal still? Nevermind.


Well-Known Member
No, it is just nasty..overwhelming majority of people do not want to see it and some of us are logging in from work.
lol Corso312 did you have to explain why you have gay porn up at work?......Well I was suppose to be on a marijuana site....Sorry it struck me funny.


Well-Known Member
Oh I think there will always be a % of people who believe in the old "hate us for our freedom" bullshit, those are the same people who think we invaded iraq for womd or to bring democracy.
Bring whos democracy? The American democracy? The one that is currently tearing its own country apart?

Also who are we to say "this is how a country should live"?


Well-Known Member
They kill, rape their own children, cut peoples heads off is that what you want over here? Oh and by the way, its all legal and ok to do that shit over there.



Well-Known Member
Nah, don't have a job man lol...but I am sure some post here from work..I just don't want to see that nasty shit..am I alone?...


Well-Known Member
They kill, rape their own children, cut peoples heads off is that what you want over here? Oh and by the way, its all legal and ok to do that shit over there.

Umm and some Americans dont?

The good news for them, is that the people did not have to spend over a 1 Million dollars in tax money for a trial.

I've been to the middle east and while there are shitty places with tons of crime, there are also a lot of peaceful places.

I'm sure if a news station from Iraq only played footage from some of the worst streets in America, where shootings happen almost daily, they would have a pretty skewed image of America too.

Maybe its time you saw outside your limited bubble.


Well-Known Member
Nah, don't have a job man lol...but I am sure some post here from work..I just don't want to see that nasty shit..am I alone?...
"no boss, i wasn't trying to look at gay porn, i was trying to look at a thread about not supporting our soldiers on a marijuana growing website!"


Well-Known Member
She was not found guilty of killing the kid, fyi, case you missed the news. Dont remember her cutting anyones head off either. With that said either way it is not ok and or common practice here. Just imagine the guy you owe fifty bucks or a sheep to knocking on your door demanding payment and when you cant pay him he has no other choice than to take your ten year old son outside and allow his crew to rape him. Nice stuff for you but not for me. People that opposed the Vietnam war are still paying for their ignorant shit, hid away, no friends, cant sleep, kill them selfs.

Those are our children over there that need support, sitting in a truck being shot at in 100 degree plus weather, someone ask you to send a box of cookies and instead you start this thread. Pretty screwed up crap if you ask me, and I would bet most people around you. Why dont you go make a poster and put it in your yard???

Umm and some Americans dont?

The good news for them, is that the people did not have to spend over a 1 Million dollars in tax money for a trial.


Well-Known Member
She was not found guilty of killing the kid, fyi, case you missed the news. Dont remember her cutting anyones head off either. With that said either way it is not ok and or common practice here. Just imagine the guy you owe fifty bucks or a sheep to knocking on your door demanding payment and when you cant pay him he has no other choice than to take your ten year old son outside and allow his crew to rape him. Nice stuff for you but not for me. People that opposed the Vietnam war are still paying for their ignorant shit, hid away, no friends, cant sleep, kill them selfs.

Those are our children over there that need support, sitting in a truck being shot at in 100 degree plus weather, someone ask you to send a box of cookies and instead you start this thread. Pretty screwed up crap if you ask me, and I would bet most people around you. Why dont you go make a poster and put it in your yard???

Congratz, you just became the first person to believe that Casey Anthony is innocent.


Well-Known Member
Yes, security. We went into afghan with the intention of disrupting "terrorists". Iraq is questionable.

Whether if they were or werent actually fighting for our security, that is what they believe they are doing. And if someone is willing to die for my security, I have the utmost respect for them.
US oil drillers are the best. What's the big deal?
Actually Canadian completions guys are at the top of the heap! :o


jessy koons

New Member
I don't support the troops dying, but at the same time, i don't support them murdering other countries citizens.

i also don't support all the fucking hand outs they get after serving. An average 18-24 year old will be paid more in the military than in a normal entry level civilian job; that's fine, their job demands more.. BUT; free housing? FREE education (also getting the right to select classes before civilians? fuck that), ridiculous discounts from pretty much any local or small business... all because they were willing to kill other people.

that's a fucked up trade off.
In truth they are not asked to just kill other people, they are required to do whatever is asked of them 24/7.

This is a heavy fucking burden.

I have never served in any of the armed forces though as the years have gone by I have come to appreciate the dedication and selflessness that is crucial to doing that job. I have never met anybody, who has served, that is grateful for the chance to kill. On the contrary, they often harbor very deep remorse and confusion about the experiences that they have had. Support for any people who have committed themselves to defending our land is reason enough to spend our ample resources in support of them, in any way that is necessary.


Active Member
I have never met anybody, who has served, that is grateful for the chance to kill. On the contrary, they often harbor very deep remorse and confusion about the experiences that they have had.
Um, if you cannot realise that when you are enlisting, you are saying that you are willing to kill another human being, then... I dunno, honestly I don't see it any other way.

And I know there are a lot who feel guilty after the fact of taking lives, but I've met many more who've bragged about how many sand heads they've bagged and how they sometimes took pictures... I'm surprised only some of the shit has made it to the news... they disgrace our country man, no other way to put it.

Support for any people who have committed themselves to defending our land is reason enough to spend our ample resources in support of them, in any way that is necessary.
THEY ARE NOT DEFENDING OUR LAND. Not right now at least, not in the past decade either. Maybe if half of Europe or the world was threaten again, then MAYBE they can get all that free shit; but we got more civilians to worry about than soldiers; homeless people deserve some free housing or some shit; not people who get paid way more than their average age and get more free shit along the way.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see the movie Harsh Times
With Christian Bale?


New Member
I don't support the troops dying, but at the same time, i don't support them murdering other countries citizens.

i also don't support all the fucking hand outs they get after serving. An average 18-24 year old will be paid more in the military than in a normal entry level civilian job; that's fine, their job demands more.. BUT; free housing? FREE education (also getting the right to select classes before civilians? fuck that), ridiculous discounts from pretty much any local or small business... all because they were willing to kill other people.

that's a fucked up trade off.
If you don't like it, go occupy Wall Street. Handouts? Get real. You forgot the therapy some of these guys go through witnessing the Taliban invade a family home and slicing everyones throat. Or instructed to "socialize with the host people" only to be ambushed later. Yes, at that point they are willing to kill and tormented with guilt for feeling that way. This isn't bullshit. It happened.

Google Nick Berg if you remember him, i doubt it. That is what this is all about. Sniveling little punk doesn't think it's fair !! Boo-Hoo