Are we too Calm?

Seriously, just imagine he hadn’t posted at all.

What exactly has been moved by me in terms of goal posts? What are you getting at? You dispute the societal and environmental effects of fast food consumption?

you’re the one projecting by bringing up malnutrition in other countries as it has nothing to do with what we were originally talking about. (Mandates for the overall benefit of the public/personal decisions that effect others)
The bolded is you moving goalposts! I was talking about the other moving goalposts.
It also “ puts words in my mouth”, the dishonesty of which requires no further comment.

As to your second paragraph, simply incorrect. When the article does not specify, projecting one’s “context” or bias on it, you’re committing another logical fallacy.

As for emotion, it is odd to see that my charactizations based on the fact of other people’s lies gets called insult.
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The bolded is you moving goalposts! I was talking about the other moving goalposts.

As to your second paragraph, simply incorrect. When the article does not specify, projecting one’s “context” or bias on it, you’re committing another logical fallacy.

As for emotion, it is odd to see that my charactizations based on the fact of other people’s lies gets called insult.

I mean you called him a cheat. But again, what he posted doesn’t take away from what I said to you in post #36 onward. I was hoping you’d respond to post #41

can you just admit he could have posted an article like this:

Or this:

And it would have been more impactful in the context of the conversation you and I were starting to have.
While the article doesnt mention fast food. Hamburgers, on white bread, and french fries are the epitome of what people eat at fast food restaurants. 36.6%/84 Million of the American people eat fast food daily. The photo was showing hamburger, and fries. Another 117,000,000 eat fast food 2 times a week.

Im also not against fast food, cigarettes, alcohol. But I am against not following basic protocols to try and stop an infectious virus. Its for the better good of your fellow Americans. To me wearing a mask is no big fucking deal. Nor is giving people 5-6 feet of space, or washing hands for at least 20 seconds. BFD. Anyone against masks. Next time you have surgery, tell the Dr you dont want him/her operating on you while wearing a mask, and that its ok to sneeze, and cough on your surgical procedure.

Its also true many people cant afford nutritious food to eat, and eat lower quality food, which cause all kinds of different diseases, and physical problems. Its also true that people in poor countries cant afford good food driving up the mortality rate, and many of them also dont have access to clean drinking water. Even most, if not all of the drinking water in the USA is contaminated with forever chemicals. Its way worse in poor, and undeveloped countries.

The reTHUGliKLANS would aslo do away with food stamps if they could, making the access to good food even worse. The majority of people on food stamps, and public assistance, are in Red states. Red states also get more money back from the government, than what they pay out. Blue states are paying Red states way.

Also its probably true tRump didnt committ Treason, he most likely is guilty of suberversion. He tried to subvert a free and fair election, and he even started this months before the election.
There was no evidence the election was stolen, and he went to court at least 60 times, and when his attorneys had their chances, they explicitly told the judges they had no evidence of eletion fraud, and were not arguing election fraud.
He is likely to have tried to interfere with changing the votes in Georgia, and is on tape doing it. They falsified electors by trying to pass off fake electors, thus again trying to subvert a free, and fair election. Hes probably guilty of conspiracy, and obstruction. Even the judge said tRump is most likely to have interfered in the certification process.

While tRump is most likely not guilty of Treason, hes most likely guilty of Subversion, Obstruction, and Conspiracy.

Federal Judge says Trump likely committed crimes during ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday asserted it is “more likely than not” that former President Donald Trump committed crimes
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That's your opinion of what should be considered a liberty or not. I would argue that requiring such mandates of others is in itself selfish. If you want to be protected, then you are welcome to wear a mask and get a vax, but the moment that you mandate that others do the same, you have taken their liberty away. See how that works.

Personally I wish there were no mandate (which was put in place to ease hospital overflow) because it's all about what's right for YOU what's right for you. I on the other hand mask (in stores) and follow pandemic protocol. I've not been infected. I don't have to worry about long covid or any circulatory thing that can go wrong (comes in aerosol; attacks circulatory).

So go on out to Walmart and take a deep maskless breath!
I'm not sure where you draw the line to be honest. It's a tricky question, especially considering that we never really know what the right answer to any given situation really is; all we can do is take a best guess approach at life. Think of how many things in human history that were at one time considered facts, were later discovered to be completely wrong. Certain things are cut and dry, while others clearly are much more complex. In those complex cases, it's generally best to err on the side of preserving the liberties which people have been used to possessing historically (ie: freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom of autonomy, etc..).

Do you support Trump's cheating?
Sure, but the essence of what they framed was to provide individual states with their own autonomy. They were smart enough to foresee that different regions would want their government tailored to their regional needs. It holds true today as much as it did back then. It does suck for people who live in states which pass laws which some people in said state may be opposed to. Ultimately that pushes folks with opposing viewpoints out of the those states, and creates the red vs blue dynamic we see today, and a lot less purple. Personally I hate the two party system, just as more and more folks are too. 2024 will be interesting, especially if a viable 3rd-party candidate emerges. I don't want either Trump or Biden in 2024, but it's crazy to me to see polls which show Trump with better numbers than Biden. Biden really is a mess though, he should just step down with dignity before he slips into dementia completely.

Wow.<slowly steps back out of room>

All joking aside; thank you for the response:hug:
Except that many liberal values are fundamentally based on the argument of freedom of autonomy. I'm fairly certain that's a foundational stance in the pro-reproductive-choice circles.

Ummmmmmm, it's your body and only you know if you have what it takes to raise a child...there was a time birth control was illegal in the US like the 1960s..America is behind the curve (on everything but greed; the new American dream) because the GOP keeps us there as prisoners.

We are working on a strong was recently uncovered SCROTUS' plans for Roe..with that knowledge? There will be numbers.
Glad we agree on something.

No, I don't support cheating. I voted against Trump twice, so I don't support him either.

You seem triggered; you should probably put me back on ignore.

Nah I was just trolling wanted you to know you were off ignore- but as you wish..
Biden will sign the MORE act if it ever reaches his desk. Schumer is already on record of supporting the bill, and wouldnt support any bill Biden wont sign. If Biden didnt sign the bill he would be public enemy number 1 with young people.

The bill already passed the House 220-204

The big thing is in the Senate it will take 60 votes to pass the bill, which the Democrats dont have.
I mean you called him a cheat. But again, what he posted doesn’t take away from what I said to you in post #36 onward. I was hoping you’d respond to post #41

can you just admit he could have posted an article like this:

Or this:

And it would have been more impactful in the context of the conversation you and I were starting to have.
To be precise, and precision is important, I said he cheats (at online debate).

As for your “he coulda” argument, you’re asking me to concede a point on a sheer speculation to which the /argument thing to say is “and he didn’t”. It gave me a clear instance of the fallacious reasoning being used, and pointing out that the debate was intellectually dishonest makes “context” irrelevant.
See there you go again with “your authoritarian right wing” and “Republican fascist zeitgeist” and “people on your side”

Why can’t you understand I am not they, I am I? I will vote for who I want for reasons I choose.

I vote Republican by and large.
I disagree with republicans often
I didn’t storm the capital
I go to work and pay taxes and live my life.
All of my opinions are my own

There are millions and millions of people who vote Republican and you’re really twisted in the head equating individuals who have attacked abortion clinics with the mass populace. It’s like you think people are inherently bad or evil.

There are some fuuuuuuucked up individuals that have voted Democrat all their lives. There are some violent individuals who voted Democrat that have attacked/threatened Republican lawmakers. @Fogdog didnt do that though

on the subject of roe v wade I do not agree with the federal government butting in to dr patient relationships. I think it’s a foolish leg to stand on but others share a different opinion.
The Republican party is best described as fascist. That is not intended to insult, it is an accurate description. The culture wars, the scapegoating of a helpless minority (illegal immigrants), the murders of people who disagree with fascists, the support of an attempted coup, rallying around a leader who acts as though the law doesn't apply to him or people he empowers, your cry of grievance when your political view is challenged are all examples of right wing authoritarian behavior that follows the pattern of fascists of the early 20th century.

Regarding your "belief". It carries no weight when you continue to vote for people who do not believe that civil rights extend to everybody. If you vote for people who enact policies and laws that make women second class to men then your belief is superficial.

Many more millions of people voted for Biden. We even managed to overcome the inherent advantage Republicans had in the electoral college. Republicans went on to attempt a coup and are now opposing even investigating of their plot. I don't know if Republicans are inherently evil and I don't care if they are. I can say that looking at the facts, Republicans are either doing evil or supporting those who do.

The Republican Party is a threat to US democracy. When you vote for Republicans you are participating in their attempt at taking over and ruling as a minority group that excludes others in order to maintain its grip on power.
To be precise, and precision is important, I said he cheats (at online debate).

As for your “he coulda” argument, you’re asking me to concede a point on a sheer speculation to which the /argument thing to say is “and he didn’t”. It gave me a clear instance of the fallacious reasoning being used, and pointing out that the debate was intellectually dishonest makes “context” irrelevant.

Him not doing it doesn’t change what I said to you. You’re talking around answering me directly. I don’t know how you’re still hung up on that article he linked. Why not pick up where we left off?
Him not doing it doesn’t change what I said to you. You’re talking around answering me directly. I don’t know how you’re still hung up on that article he linked. Why not pick up where we left off?
Because, having proven dishonest method, further debate is worthless. Three times now I have pointed this out.
Because, having proven dishonest method, further debate is worthless. Three times now I have pointed this out.

you haven’t proven anything between post 36 and 41 you’re just responding to something someone else said. It’s very amusing at this point

While the article doesnt mention fast food. Hamburgers, on white bread, and french fries are the epitome of what people eat at fast food restaurants. 36.6%/84 Million of the American people eat fast food daily. The photo was showing hamburger, and fries. Another 117,000,000 eat fast food 2 times a week.

Im also not against fast food, cigarettes, alcohol. But I am against not following basic protocols to try and stop an infectious virus. Its for the better good of your fellow Americans. To me wearing a mask is no big fucking deal. Nor is giving people 5-6 feet of space, or washing hands for at least 20 seconds. BFD. Anyone against masks. Next time you have surgery, tell the Dr you dont want him/her operating on you while wearing a mask, and that its ok to sneeze, and cough on your surgical procedure.

Its also true many people cant afford nutritious food to eat, and eat lower quality food, which cause all kinds of different diseases, and physical problems. Its also true that people in poor countries cant afford good food driving up the mortality rate, and many of them also dont have access to clean drinking water. Even most, if not all of the drinking water in the USA is contaminated with forever chemicals. Its way worse in poor, and undeveloped countries.

The reTHUGliKLANS would aslo do away with food stamps if they could, making the access to good food even worse. The majority of people on food stamps, and public assistance, are in Red states. Red states also get more money back from the government, than what they pay out. Blue states are paying Red states way.

Also its probably true tRump didnt committ Treason, he most likely is guilty of suberversion. He tried to subvert a free and fair election, and he even started this months before the election.
There was no evidence the election was stolen, and he went to court at least 60 times, and when his attorneys had their chances, they explicitly told the judges they had no evidence of eletion fraud, and were not arguing election fraud.
He is likely to have tried to interfere with changing the votes in Georgia, and is on tape doing it. They falsified electors by trying to pass off fake electors, thus again trying to subvert a free, and fair election. Hes probably guilty of conspiracy, and obstruction. Even the judge said tRump is most likely to have interfered in the certification process.

While tRump is most likely not guilty of Treason, hes most likely guilty of Subversion, Obstruction, and Conspiracy.

Federal Judge says Trump likely committed crimes during ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday asserted it is “more likely than not” that former President Donald Trump committed crimes
I think it is important to note that fast food as you describe was not singled out.
While the article doesnt mention fast food. Hamburgers, on white bread, and french fries are the epitome of what people eat at fast food restaurants. 36.6%/84 Million of the American people eat fast food daily. The photo was showing hamburger, and fries. Another 117,000,000 eat fast food 2 times a week.
For the first time in several years i stopped at bk, got myself a classic chic meal medium with a sprite and jr whopper wit cheese... Nearly blew a gasket at the window when i was told it was just under $13.. Was further disappointed as i ate it.
Doesnt seem that long ago a whopper jr was on the dollar menu