Ok to "not" support our troops?


Well-Known Member
Yes, security. We went into afghan with the intention of disrupting "terrorists". Iraq is questionable.

Whether if they were or werent actually fighting for our security, that is what they believe they are doing. And if someone is willing to die for my security, I have the utmost respect for them.
These men and womern are not robots without minds, if they were told they were going overseas to pick strawberrys they would not believe that.

Not everybody drinks the red white & blue kool-aid



Active Member
Our troops have nothing to do with the useless wars, they just do what they're told. Your distaste is pointed in the wrong direction.
go kill your family!

.... now do what your told and see if it makes any difference that you were told to do it.

but i do agree with what your saying, see last line.

I have been told to do a lot of things in my life, some i did some i didn't and was punished/rewarded accordingly, and then one day i realized that i was still accountable for choosing to "obey" and the fact that someone told me to do actually effected the bottom line little if any at all.

personally i feel our troops are the one thing that can still save us from our government.


Well-Known Member
Well...hmmm...this thread took a strange turn I definitely wasn't expecting...lol.
I don't like all this alter making bullshit either...starting to think there are only like 5 actual members on the site, and everyone else is just made up from those 5...and since I only have one account then that means you other 4 are splitting a lot of typing...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Well...hmmm...this thread took a strange turn I definitely wasn't expecting...lol.
I don't like all this alter making bullshit either...starting to think there are only like 5 actual members on the site, and everyone else is just made up from those 5...and since I only have one account then that means you other 4 are splitting a lot of typing...
Seriously, wtf is your avitar? It's making me lose sleep trying to figure it out!


Well-Known Member
Seriously, wtf is your avitar? It's making me lose sleep trying to figure it out!
its an eel...
I had a blackberry at the time and I took a pic of a totally dark corner at an aquarium when we were on vacation, and this little guy turned up in the pic looking mighty surprised...lol


Well-Known Member
because the flash was so bright I got to get pics of all sorts of things I wouldn't have otherwise even been able to see...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I think I got to the point where I cant stand this "you have show respect for our troops" moto. Says who?

"Oh, they are fighting a war for your freedom". Are they really?

While I would love to go into a big "Iraq/Afgan" war rant, I just want to vent a little and say "fuck our troops". Actually im going to put it on one of those stupid ribbons for the back of my car that says that.

"You cant do that, you'll get shot" Really? Now I have to worry about my freedom of speech from my own people? Why do I have to be fearful to disagree on this issue?

Also all the people that I know that are "troops" joined because they needed money or education. Not the selfless act of "fighting for our freedom".

So yeah, I'm not scared anymore, fuck our troops and fuck these useless wars.
I agree with the highlighted portion. You are certainly free to say and think the rest, but I think you are misguided.


Well-Known Member
And to the people saying "it was all about oil"

What evidence do you have to prove that?

Most of Iraq's oil assets are and always have been controlled by the state.
The only deals baghdad did sign with foreign investors, none of them are with U.S companies. And they are heavily in favor of the Iraqi government.

LOL...nooooo ...the real money is in the drilling rights...

[h=1]In Rebuilding Iraq’s Oil Industry, U.S. Subcontractors Hold Sway[/h]
Atef Hassan/Reuters
An oil field in Basra, southeast of Baghdad, with excess gas being burned off. Equipment in Iraq must be refurbished.
[h=6]By ANDREW E. KRAMER[/h]
[h=6]Published: June 16, 2011[/h]

MOSCOW — When Iraq auctioned rights to rebuild and expand its oil industry two years ago, the Russian company Lukoil won a hefty portion — a field holding about 10 percent of Iraq’s known oil reserves.


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It seemed a geopolitical victory for Lukoil. And because only one of the 11 fields that the Iraqis auctioned off went to an American oil company — Exxon Mobil — it also seemed as if few petroleum benefits would flow to the country that took the lead role in the war, the United States.
The auction’s outcome helped defuse criticism in the Arab world that the United States had invaded Iraq for its oil. “No one, even the United States, can steal the oil,” the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, said at the time.
But American companies can, apparently, drill for the oil.
In fact, American drilling companies stand to make tens of billions of dollars from the new petroleum activity in Iraq long before any of the oil producers start seeing any returns on their investments.
Lukoil and many of the other international oil companies that won fields in the auction are now subcontracting mostly with the four largely American oil services companies that are global leaders in their field: Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger. Those four have won the largest portion of the subcontracts to drill for oil, build wells and refurbish old equipment.
“Iraq is a huge opportunity for contractors,” Alex Munton, a Middle East analyst for Wood Mackenzie, a research and consulting firm based in Edinburgh, said by telephone.
Mr. Munton estimated that about half of the $150 billion the international majors are expected to invest at Iraqi oil fields over the next decade would go to drilling subcontractors — most of it to the big four operators, which all have ties to the Texas oil industry.
Halliburton and Baker Hughes are based in Houston, as is the drilling unit of Schlumberger, which is based in Paris. Weatherford, though now incorporated in Switzerland, was founded in Texas and still has big operations there.
Michael Klare, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and an authority on oil and conflict, said that American oil services companies were generally dominant both in the Middle East and globally because of their advanced drilling technology. So it is no surprise, he said, they came out on top in Iraq, too — whatever the initial diplomatic appearances.
United States officials have said that American experts who advised the Iraqi oil ministry about ways to restore and increase petroleum production did so without seeking any preferences for American companies.
And immediately after the 2009 auction round won by Lukoil, the United States Embassy spokesman in Baghdad, Philip Frayne, told Reuters that “the results of the bid round should lay to rest the old canard that the U.S. intervened in Iraq to secure Iraqi oil for American companies.”
But Professor Klare said that the American officials who had advised the Iraqi government on its contracting decisions almost certainly expected American oil services companies to win a good portion of the business there, regardless who won the primary contracts.
“There’s no question that they would assume as much,” he said.
The American oil services companies, which have been in Iraq for years on contract with the United States occupation authorities and military, are expanding their presence even as the American military prepares to pull out.
For example, Halliburton, once led by former Vice President Dick Cheney, has 600 employees in Iraq today and said in a statement that it intended to hire several hundred more before the end of the year. “We continue to win significant contracts in Iraq, and are investing heavily in our infrastructure,” Halliburton said.
The 11 contracts Iraq signed with oil majors, including the six for the largest fields, are intended to raise Iraqi output from about 2.5 million barrels of oil a day now to 12 million barrels daily in 2017. Some of the oil services contracts are for repairing currently productive fields, others to tap mostly unused sites.
Most outside experts, including those at the International Energy Agency in Paris, are skeptical of the production targets. The I.E.A. predicts that Iraq will not surpass six million barrels a day until 2030.
But there is little question that production is ramping up. On average in 2002, the year before the United States invasion, Iraq produced only 1.9 million barrels of oil a day.
Lukoil’s experience in Iraq shows how, while geopolitics steered the primary contracts largely away from United States oil companies, the process left the subcontracting wide open for American service providers.
Lukoil was originally granted rights by Saddam Hussein, in 1997, to develop a huge field called West Qurna 2 — rights that Mr. Hussein rescinded just before the war began in 2003.
After the invasion, Lukoil sensed that its best chances lay in working with the Americans. It formed a joint venture with the United States company ConocoPhillips, giving Conoco a small venture in the Russian Arctic and ceding it part of West Qurna 2.
By the time Lukoil was eventually compelled to bid again for the field at the 2009 auction, sentiment in both the United States and Iraqi governments seemed to have shifted to favoring non-American companies in awarding the main contracts. But one of Lukoil’s first steps after securing the West Qurna 2 deal was to subcontract the oil well refurbishment work to Baker Hughes.
While Baker and its American peers are poised to make significant profits from such work in Iraq, wafer-thin margins seem to await Lukoil and the other international oil producers — which include BP of Britain, CNPC of China, ENI of Italy and the Anglo-Dutch company Shell.
Lukoil’s contract, for example, is typical in paying a flat fee of $1.15 for each barrel produced, regardless of oil’s price.
That means even if Lukoil ramps up West Qurna 2 production from almost nothing now to 1.8 million barrels a day by 2017, as specified in the contract, it will require more than a decade of subsequent production just to recoup capital costs of about $13 billion. A good portion of those costs, meanwhile, will have gone to its drilling contractors. Lukoil says it intends to drill more than 500 wells over six years.
Lukoil and other winners of the 2009 auction are now quietly seeking to renegotiate the deals by slowing the upfront investment. On Wednesday, Lukoil executives met with Iraq’s oil minister in Moscow, the company said in a statement. A spokesman declined to provide more details.
Andrei Kuzyaev, the president of Lukoil Overseas, the company’s subsidiary for foreign operations, said in an interview that he was choosing oil services contractors in Iraq through open tenders, as required by the contract. But in fact, Lukoil officials say privately, only American companies have bid.
“The strategic interest of the United States is in new oil supplies arriving on the world market, to lower prices,” Mr. Kuzyaev said.
“It is not important that we did not take part in the coalition,” he said, referring to the military operations in Iraq. “For America, the important thing is open access to reserves. And that is what is happening in Iraq.”


New Member
Then to all the troops I apologize...because I have to have only pity...by pity I mean that I feel bad that they had to go and do the things they went and did...
If I don't pity them, then I would have to let them take part of the blame for what they were doing...because you either pity them for being men just doing a job, or you take away the pity and assume they were guys looking to do just what they went and did...
The word "pity" rubs me the wrong way, it's condescending, like you are so much better than the soldier. So I looked it up and pity is accurate in describing what you mean but is described today as somewhat arrogant. Maybe sympathy would be a better word? Or you have pity on them as inferior to you?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
LOL...nooooo ...the real money is in the drilling rights...

In Rebuilding Iraq’s Oil Industry, U.S. Subcontractors Hold Sway

Atef Hassan/Reuters
An oil field in Basra, southeast of Baghdad, with excess gas being burned off. Equipment in Iraq must be refurbished.

Published: June 16, 2011

MOSCOW — When Iraq auctioned rights to rebuild and expand its oil industry two years ago, the Russian company Lukoil won a hefty portion — a field holding about 10 percent of Iraq’s known oil reserves.


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It seemed a geopolitical victory for Lukoil. And because only one of the 11 fields that the Iraqis auctioned off went to an American oil company — Exxon Mobil — it also seemed as if few petroleum benefits would flow to the country that took the lead role in the war, the United States.
The auction’s outcome helped defuse criticism in the Arab world that the United States had invaded Iraq for its oil. “No one, even the United States, can steal the oil,” the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, said at the time.
But American companies can, apparently, drill for the oil.
In fact, American drilling companies stand to make tens of billions of dollars from the new petroleum activity in Iraq long before any of the oil producers start seeing any returns on their investments.
Lukoil and many of the other international oil companies that won fields in the auction are now subcontracting mostly with the four largely American oil services companies that are global leaders in their field: Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger. Those four have won the largest portion of the subcontracts to drill for oil, build wells and refurbish old equipment.
“Iraq is a huge opportunity for contractors,” Alex Munton, a Middle East analyst for Wood Mackenzie, a research and consulting firm based in Edinburgh, said by telephone.
Mr. Munton estimated that about half of the $150 billion the international majors are expected to invest at Iraqi oil fields over the next decade would go to drilling subcontractors — most of it to the big four operators, which all have ties to the Texas oil industry.
Halliburton and Baker Hughes are based in Houston, as is the drilling unit of Schlumberger, which is based in Paris. Weatherford, though now incorporated in Switzerland, was founded in Texas and still has big operations there.
Michael Klare, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and an authority on oil and conflict, said that American oil services companies were generally dominant both in the Middle East and globally because of their advanced drilling technology. So it is no surprise, he said, they came out on top in Iraq, too — whatever the initial diplomatic appearances.
United States officials have said that American experts who advised the Iraqi oil ministry about ways to restore and increase petroleum production did so without seeking any preferences for American companies.
And immediately after the 2009 auction round won by Lukoil, the United States Embassy spokesman in Baghdad, Philip Frayne, told Reuters that “the results of the bid round should lay to rest the old canard that the U.S. intervened in Iraq to secure Iraqi oil for American companies.”
But Professor Klare said that the American officials who had advised the Iraqi government on its contracting decisions almost certainly expected American oil services companies to win a good portion of the business there, regardless who won the primary contracts.
“There’s no question that they would assume as much,” he said.
The American oil services companies, which have been in Iraq for years on contract with the United States occupation authorities and military, are expanding their presence even as the American military prepares to pull out.
For example, Halliburton, once led by former Vice President Dick Cheney, has 600 employees in Iraq today and said in a statement that it intended to hire several hundred more before the end of the year. “We continue to win significant contracts in Iraq, and are investing heavily in our infrastructure,” Halliburton said.
The 11 contracts Iraq signed with oil majors, including the six for the largest fields, are intended to raise Iraqi output from about 2.5 million barrels of oil a day now to 12 million barrels daily in 2017. Some of the oil services contracts are for repairing currently productive fields, others to tap mostly unused sites.
Most outside experts, including those at the International Energy Agency in Paris, are skeptical of the production targets. The I.E.A. predicts that Iraq will not surpass six million barrels a day until 2030.
But there is little question that production is ramping up. On average in 2002, the year before the United States invasion, Iraq produced only 1.9 million barrels of oil a day.
Lukoil’s experience in Iraq shows how, while geopolitics steered the primary contracts largely away from United States oil companies, the process left the subcontracting wide open for American service providers.
Lukoil was originally granted rights by Saddam Hussein, in 1997, to develop a huge field called West Qurna 2 — rights that Mr. Hussein rescinded just before the war began in 2003.
After the invasion, Lukoil sensed that its best chances lay in working with the Americans. It formed a joint venture with the United States company ConocoPhillips, giving Conoco a small venture in the Russian Arctic and ceding it part of West Qurna 2.
By the time Lukoil was eventually compelled to bid again for the field at the 2009 auction, sentiment in both the United States and Iraqi governments seemed to have shifted to favoring non-American companies in awarding the main contracts. But one of Lukoil’s first steps after securing the West Qurna 2 deal was to subcontract the oil well refurbishment work to Baker Hughes.
While Baker and its American peers are poised to make significant profits from such work in Iraq, wafer-thin margins seem to await Lukoil and the other international oil producers — which include BP of Britain, CNPC of China, ENI of Italy and the Anglo-Dutch company Shell.
Lukoil’s contract, for example, is typical in paying a flat fee of $1.15 for each barrel produced, regardless of oil’s price.
That means even if Lukoil ramps up West Qurna 2 production from almost nothing now to 1.8 million barrels a day by 2017, as specified in the contract, it will require more than a decade of subsequent production just to recoup capital costs of about $13 billion. A good portion of those costs, meanwhile, will have gone to its drilling contractors. Lukoil says it intends to drill more than 500 wells over six years.
Lukoil and other winners of the 2009 auction are now quietly seeking to renegotiate the deals by slowing the upfront investment. On Wednesday, Lukoil executives met with Iraq’s oil minister in Moscow, the company said in a statement. A spokesman declined to provide more details.
Andrei Kuzyaev, the president of Lukoil Overseas, the company’s subsidiary for foreign operations, said in an interview that he was choosing oil services contractors in Iraq through open tenders, as required by the contract. But in fact, Lukoil officials say privately, only American companies have bid.
“The strategic interest of the United States is in new oil supplies arriving on the world market, to lower prices,” Mr. Kuzyaev said.
“It is not important that we did not take part in the coalition,” he said, referring to the military operations in Iraq. “For America, the important thing is open access to reserves. And that is what is happening in Iraq.”
US oil drillers are the best. What's the big deal?


Well-Known Member
Even sending it to other countries is good for oil prices as increasing worldwide supply will have an effect on worldwide prices. I wonder how big of a steak BP has.

good copy/paste


Well-Known Member
UHHH that the war is/was about oil ..those facts directly contradict everything Johnny retro just said.


Well-Known Member
You are the reason they install video cameras all over the place, put that sticker on your car and drive over here punk, Ill make you wish there were cameras around.

The wars we fight are to keep the fight over there, if we left the middle east today and stopped buying their oil it would be insane there and they would come here. Men, women and children that are your neighbors are over there risking their lives while you smoke a joint and play with yourself.

Like I said get the sticker and come over bitch.
clearly not a man of great intellect.


Well-Known Member
I don't support the troops dying, but at the same time, i don't support them murdering other countries citizens.

i also don't support all the fucking hand outs they get after serving. An average 18-24 year old will be paid more in the military than in a normal entry level civilian job; that's fine, their job demands more.. BUT; free housing? FREE education (also getting the right to select classes before civilians? fuck that), ridiculous discounts from pretty much any local or small business... all because they were willing to kill other people.

that's a fucked up trade off.
Is it any wonder why these countries hate us? Or are people still under the belief that "they hate us because of our freedom".


Well-Known Member
Oh I think there will always be a % of people who believe in the old "hate us for our freedom" bullshit, those are the same people who think we invaded iraq for womd or to bring democracy.


Well-Known Member
No, it is just nasty..overwhelming majority of people do not want to see it and some of us are logging in from work.