Official 2016 Presidential Election Thread

I hope whoever runs for president addressees alternative energy aggressively to neutralize our foreign energy demands.
I hope whoever runs for president addressees alternative energy aggressively to neutralize our foreign energy demands.

Both sides have campaigned to reduce our dependence upon foreign oil for over 30 years... Same shit, different day.

I just want them to get out of the way...
Both sides have campaigned to reduce our dependence upon foreign oil for over 30 years... Same shit, different day.

I just want them to get out of the way...

i just want you and your reality-challenged feeble little mind to go away.

How about a 40 year graph, not just some cherry picked bullshit for low information voter consumption purposes...

my graph is more current and shows the same thing: dependence on foreign oil is at a 20 year low under obama.

dependence on foreign oil went up (WAY UP) under reagan, bush 1, and bush 2.

plus, your graph comes from a guy who works for the 'american enterprise institute', a think tank that was caught trying to bribe "scientists" into denying climate change with one hand while taking money from exxonmobil with the other hand.

no wonder you struggle so much with reality when you depend on such horrible sources.

you are a horrible consumer of information.
my graph is more current and shows the same thing: dependence on foreign oil is at a 20 year low under obama.

dependence on foreign oil went up (WAY UP) under reagan, bush 1, and bush 2.

plus, your graph comes from a guy who works for the 'american enterprise institute', a think tank that was caught trying to bribe "scientists" into denying climate change with one hand while taking money from exxonmobil with the other hand.

no wonder you struggle so much with reality when you depend on such horrible sources.

you are a horrible consumer of information.

Yeah, because Obama wastes BILLIONS on bullshit programs which fail, like Solyndra.
Yeah, because Obama wastes BILLIONS on bullshit programs which fail, like Solyndra.

obama's DOJ has a better success rate investing in alternative energy companies than romney's bain capital has cherrypicking businesses to assfuck.

investment comes with risk. that's called capitalism. why so commie, wabbit?

and alternative energy is still a better investment than iraq, and it leaves far less american troops dead, disfigured, or fucked in the head even worse than you are.

don't be mad that what obama's doing is yielding results, be mad that your brain is more scrambled than the eggs i'm enjoying.
obama's DOJ has a better success rate investing in alternative energy companies than romney's bain capital has cherrypicking businesses to assfuck.

investment comes with risk. that's called capitalism. why so commie, wabbit?

and alternative energy is still a better investment than iraq, and it leaves far less american troops dead, disfigured, or fucked in the head even worse than you are.

don't be mad that what obama's doing is yielding results, be mad that your brain is more scrambled than the eggs i'm enjoying.

I like the idea of alternative energy. But we just ain't there. Democrats are just good at creative accounting. Just call it "top secret" and bundle it in an NSA program. There are tons of other tricks, but they'd hunt me down if I told you.
I like the idea of alternative energy. But we just ain't there. Democrats are just good at creative accounting. Just call it "top secret" and bundle it in an NSA program. There are tons of other tricks, but they'd hunt me down if I told you.




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I like the idea of alternative energy. But we just ain't there. Democrats are just good at creative accounting. Just call it "top secret" and bundle it in an NSA program. There are tons of other tricks, but they'd hunt me down if I told you.

Shhhhh... Don't lead him down the rabbit hole... :cool:


It's a good thing you believe everything you see and hear the dumb shit Democrats lie to you about. Otherwise a person like you would get into serious trouble because of your personality type. I personally don't believe any of them. Especially from my butt pirate buddy, Romney. Those you love hurt you the worse.

Kiss kiss darling.
My ballot will just get buried in a sea of votes cast by zombies who are incapable of doing anything but voting for the lesser of two evils.

Hope the fish are biting that day.

That pretty much sums it up.
obama's DOJ has a better success rate investing in alternative energy companies than romney's bain capital has cherrypicking businesses to assfuck.

investment comes with risk. that's called capitalism. why so commie, wabbit?

and alternative energy is still a better investment than iraq, and it leaves far less american troops dead, disfigured, or fucked in the head even worse than you are.

don't be mad that what obama's doing is yielding results, be mad that your brain is more scrambled than the eggs i'm enjoying.

The government confiscating taxpayer dollars and doling it out to campaign contributors in a money laundering scheme is about as far from capitalism as communism is...

And we are at a relatively low dependence on foreign oil despite Obama, not because of him. He will not allow the XL pipeline to go through, ignored multiple judicial orders regarding the access to oil in the gulf of mexico, has said he would bankrupt the coal power industry, etc. The increases in production have been on private lands and he claims credit while spending billions jousting at alternative energy windmills...

Like I said, I wish government would get the hell out of the way...
And we are at a relatively low dependence on foreign oil despite Obama, not because of him. He will not allow the XL pipeline to go through

had no idea alberta was located domestically.

also, i was under the impression that a pipeline carried oil (or tar sands). i had no idea that a pipeline was capable of producing domestic oil.

thank you for the enlightening education. your presence makes this forum a more informed place.
had no idea alberta was located domestically.

also, i was under the impression that a pipeline carried oil (or tar sands). i had no idea that a pipeline was capable of producing domestic oil.

thank you for the enlightening education. your presence makes this forum a more informed place.

Domestic as in not OPEC and countries that hate us...

Thanks for obfuscating the issue and focusing on one small part of my post in a diversionary tactic...

Why is gas still costing twice as much as when Bush was in office? Oh yeah, it is all the GREAT things that Obama has NOT done to help the fossil fuel industry. He would rather give hundreds of billions to his crony bundlers so they can launder a portion of they money back to his continual campaign. Someone should mention to him he has won the election twice and actually doing the job would be nice...
Domestic as in not OPEC and countries that hate us...

Thanks for obfuscating the issue and focusing on one small part of my post in a diversionary tactic...

Why is gas still costing twice as much as when Bush was in office? Oh yeah, it is all the GREAT things that Obama has NOT done to help the fossil fuel industry. He would rather give hundreds of billions to his crony bundlers so they can launder a portion of they money back to his continual campaign. Someone should mention to him he has won the election twice and actually doing the job would be nice...

and why is it 2x as expensive in europe as the us?