Well-Known Member
and why is it 2x as expensive in europe as the us?
Because they tax the shit out of it to provide free healthcare...
Nothing is ever free...
and why is it 2x as expensive in europe as the us?
I hope whoever runs for president addressees alternative energy aggressively to neutralize our foreign energy demands.
Domestic as in not OPEC and countries that hate us...
Thanks for obfuscating the issue and focusing on one small part of my post in a diversionary tactic...
Why is gas still costing twice as much as when Bush was in office? Oh yeah, it is all the GREAT things that Obama has NOT done to help the fossil fuel industry.
And they tend to stay high when the government does everything in it's power to prevent drilling, piping, refining and anything else to do with gasoline.
Vote for socialism in 2016. Defense cuts can save the world.
I would take her over our current fraud any day. Just like Nader she won't sell with the fake conservatives and the phony freedom loving democrats.
Fear not, TSA, Homeland Security, and the FBI will keep us safe. Sports broadcasts won't be effected in any shape or form.
I think people genuinely believed that Obama was offering a new deal.
Damn sexist liberals and their damn reproductive rights. Congress legitimately raped your partisan jab. You suck.
They blamed her for Gifford
They hacked her email
They stalked her at her home, actually rented a house next to her to spy on her family.
Media bias was oh so obvious.
We won't even get into the shit Myhar and the other libtards went into.
It was fucking pathetic the ridiculous shit they did.
I fell for Obama's hope and change bullshit the first round. As much as I hate to admit it because I fucking dislike McCain I think he would have been a better president and Palin lost him the campaign, even though she isn't any more retarded than Biden. I also got to see how fucking sexist liberals can be to get their way. Obama and democrats bullied everything the first two years he was in office and now they're paying the price of a gridlock congress. Now all he can do is go around making pointless speeches to people that don't believe a damn word he says.
Rand Paul Assures Evangelicals he is just another GOP dipshit
Rand Paul goes full retard in aggressively courting evangelicals. "I wouldn't end the drug war."