Official 2016 Presidential Election Thread

We're talking about the country that elected Dubya.


And Obama twice.

vs Kerry, Gore, McCain and Romney though...

We could possibly have another Clinton/Bush showdown and see that next generation too with Chelsea and the MexiBush. Our politics have almost become royalty in a sense that it's multi-generational. Prescott Bush led the neo-con movement. Gore's daddy along with LBJ led the blockage of civil rights in the 50's but the sons and eventually grandsons were anointed as next up. You can just look at Romney's kids and tell there is at least one senator there. McCain's daughter is running for office... It's shocking how many families have 3 or 4 generations of highest offices. Anyone of Kennedy lineage could win from prison in Mass. The American public in general doesn't pay attention to how they machine has transformed the last 150 years. I think these families believe it's not just their duty to take care of us, it's their birthright. I wish they would just believe I can take care of myself. I wish the voting public paid attention.
Obama is a good liar. He also seems really smart and made cool promises and he reads a teleprompter very well.

If he's so smart, let's see his grades. We saw Bush's. Even though he doesn't have to, until he does, I think he's just a stupid cracker with white privilege. He's just a god damn mudscuttle. :cuss:
I think people genuinely believed that Obama was offering a new deal.

I would agree that people failed to do their research before voting, as always. He was the polar opposite of Bush, as he sold himself anyways. Time has showed Obama didn't live up to the hype, can't say I'm shocked. That's what we get when people use the tv for "information".

No, not "any BODY". Any THING.

For example:

A stapler.

It would take less vacations but it might do a little bit more race baiting.

Trade offs, you know?

does your penis decrease in size every time it is mentioned that obama is not 100% white?
does your penis decrease in size every time it is mentioned that obama is not 100% white?

It's a shame you guys have painted the picture that the only opposition can possibly be because he's black. Now he gets to continue all of Bush's idiotic policies the right supported because they can't complain, and you guys are stuck defending invading sovereign nations without a declaration of war, drone killings, high unemployment rates, corporate cronyism, lying to the public. partisan politics etc etc. If you had just allowed criticism of Him without yelling racist! you wouldn't come off as such hypocrites.

I got your back when you bitch about the next republican doing the same thing. I don't really care about party as much as policy. If I don't like it, I don't check the letter next to their name on a ballot.
It's a shame you guys have painted the picture that the only opposition can possibly be because he's black...If you had just allowed criticism of Him without yelling racist!

you did it to yourselves.












arrogant kenyan is code for uppity nigger, in case you were wondering.
oh geez Buck, we could play dueling pics but I'm not dishonest enough to put 20 pics of crazy racist liberals up and claim every liberal is like that. That would be a really loser, pathetic thing to do. It would also be seen as the thinly veiled poor attempt at proving something idiotic like that was true in lieu of any real facts by most people. I would hate to be THAT guy.
oh geez Buck, we could play dueling pics but I'm not dishonest enough to put 20 pics of crazy racist liberals up and claim every liberal is like that. That would be a really loser, pathetic thing to do. It would also be seen as the thinly veiled poor attempt at proving something idiotic like that was true in lieu of any real facts by most people. I would hate to be THAT guy.

you can't put those pics up because they don't exist.

whereas i could easily post a thousand more.

don't even try to lie and say there is some equivalence there, you lying jackass.
They will support Ted Cruz although he has one parent who was born in the US as well. It never works well with white people unless they have their boot on a brown persons neck.

They live in fear because of their own acceptance of fear-based policy and from being cowards.

They have asked for the revolt and when it happens, they will receive what they have asked for.
you can't put those pics up because they don't exist.

whereas i could easily post a thousand more.

don't even try to lie and say there is some equivalence there, you lying jackass.

No liberals get straight to the fucking point they spout death, murder, and mob rule. They had no qualms about showing signs of killing Bush, fucking sick people.
No liberals get straight to the fucking point they spout death, murder, and mob rule. They had no qualms about showing signs of killing Bush, fucking sick people.

i guarantee for every one of those you can show me, i can show you three calling for obama's death.

hell, i can probably even match you one for one with effigies.
No liberals get straight to the fucking point they spout death, murder, and mob rule. They had no qualms about showing signs of killing Bush, fucking sick people.

keep spouting hate. it will bite you in the ass one day. you are far outnumbered and your guns are worthless against the mob. yes you may take a few but the numbers will split you to pieces. enjoy your pain.