I was beat as a child by my own biological parents. No one gave a fuck back then. It was their right as a parent to beat a "disobedient" child. A child has the right to grow up happy and not worry about being beat, let alone getting murdered as part of what you endorse.
aborting a fetus is not the same as murdering a child. your dishonest language gives you away.
it is offensive to compare a woman who goes to get an abortion, as is her constitutional right, to your abusive shit fuck parents.
Why is it any of your damn business if I make a "death pact" or not? What two consenting adults agree to is none of your concern, no matter how much it offends you.
your death pact was none of my business until you told me about it, and now it is just funny.
and again, dishonest language. what two consenting adults agree to varies, to put a death pact on the same ground as titfucking (aka sodomy) is just absurd.
I didn't vote for gays not being allowed marriage. I don't think such a thing should even come up for a vote. But the people voted on it, again not me. Now it's wrong they voted?*
so you feel it is wrong to put civil rights to a vote, yet you see nothing wrong in people voting on them?
why defend something like that? why defend what you don't believe in?
and for the record, i never brought up the voters. i mentioned how the mormons came in from out of state to impose their will on consenting californian adults who wanted to be married (not the same level as abortion death pacts, which i doubt would be very controversial in a popular vote. straight NO on allowing abortion death pacts.).
that type of mormon sharia law is every bit as offensive as actual sharia law, yet a blind eye gets turned by people like nutes and nugs, and asshats like you defend it.
then you go on to say you just mind your own business. bullshit.
What happened to you getting all butt hurt that one Zimmerman juror wasn't allowed to vote her conscience and being forced to vote the way the law tells her? But you're now telling me the people who voted their conscience shouldn't have voted that way, and the law told the people their vote of conscience was wrong.
You confuse me.
what is up with all these FAIL comparisons of yours?
a woman who gets an abortion is not the same as your parents who enjoyed beating your dumb ass.
two consenting adults who want to get married is not the same as two consenting adults who want to form an abortion death pact.
rendering a verdict is nothing similar to casting a vote.
why do i even bother humoring the nonsense you type?