Official 2016 Presidential Election Thread

i don't hate mormons, i'm just pointing out your selective blindness.

you'll raise all sorts of hell about sharia law, despite our first amendment prohibiting it, but you turn the blind eye when they impose their form of sharia law on consenting california adults.

I'm still waiting on you explaining this free preventative care I receive. I want to know, because I think my insurance is ripping me off if I can get it for FREE!
i don't hate mormons, i'm just pointing out your selective blindness.

you'll raise all sorts of hell about sharia law, despite our first amendment prohibiting it, but you turn the blind eye when they impose their form of sharia law on consenting california adults.

I never said or even heard of them imposing Sharia law on Ca.
I doubt it passed in the Ca. senate or became law. lol

Your supposed religion raises a lot of hell in the world.
I never said or even heard of them imposing Sharia law on Ca.
I doubt it passed in the Ca. senate or became law. lol

Your supposed religion raises a lot of hell in the world.

I mind my own business. Why can't everyone else? Maybe this world would be a better place. As long as you don't harm another, then it's no one's business what you do.

I got permission to post on this site. Rollie himself. As stoners I don't get this. The whole point of a site like this is to say fuck you to the man who wants to stop us from doing what we want, to smoke weed in peace.
I mind my own business. Why can't everyone else? Maybe this world would be a better place. As long as you don't harm another, then it's no one's business what you do.

I got permission to post on this site. Rollie himself. As stoners I don't get this. The whole point of a site like this is to say fuck you to the man who wants to stop us from doing what we want, to smoke weed in peace.

Amen to that!
I never said or even heard of them imposing Sharia law on Ca.
I doubt it passed in the Ca. senate or became law. lol

Your supposed religion raises a lot of hell in the world.

the mormons imposed their own version of sharia law on california. it passed into law.

it was then struck down by the courts and went all the way to the SCOTUS. perhaps you recall?

probably not. not dark skinned enough.
I mind my own business. Why can't everyone else? Maybe this world would be a better place. As long as you don't harm another, then it's no one's business what you do.

Amen to that!

the irony, it burns.

not only does the rabbit not mind his own business, but nutes and nugs turns the blind eye to mormons imposing their sharia law on consenting adults in california whose marriages harm no one.

blind? stupid? brainwashed? all of the above?

who knows how to explain these right wing wonders of hypocrisy.
the mormons imposed their own version of sharia law on california. it passed into law.

it was then struck down by the courts and went all the way to the SCOTUS. perhaps you recall?

probably not. not dark skinned enough.

Now you're against people voting their conscience? You confuse me, bro.
until a woman gets pregnant, that is. then you are very vocal about making it your business, even going so far as death pacts.

now you're for people imposing their will on others who mind their own business and harm no one?

just a walking ball of hypocrisy you are.

I was beat as a child by my own biological parents. No one gave a fuck back then. It was their right as a parent to beat a "disobedient" child. A child has the right to grow up happy and not worry about being beat, let alone getting murdered as part of what you endorse.

Why is it any of your damn business if I make a "death pact" or not? What two consenting adults agree to is none of your concern, no matter how much it offends you.

I didn't vote for gays not being allowed marriage. I don't think such a thing should even come up for a vote. But the people voted on it, again not me. Now it's wrong they voted? What happened to you getting all butt hurt that one Zimmerman juror wasn't allowed to vote her conscience and being forced to vote the way the law tells her? But you're now telling me the people who voted their conscience shouldn't have voted that way, and the law told the people their vote of conscience was wrong.

You confuse me.
sounds like you don't think it's unreasonable for them to check if you're calling terrorists either.

I never stated that; I don't think blanket surveillance, via all source, is reasonable or warranted.

Storing data in the zettabytes on all Americans and having access to information on foreign citizens is dangerous and we’ve seen how some of that information gets used and how the capabilities of the systems are being abused with little or no oversight, never mind the consequences.

If someone is a “terrorist” or person of interest i have no problem with them looking into the people he’s communicating and associating with based on good, reliable product. ATM they don’t even have to actively monitor you, it just gets collected with everything else, catalogued and stored to be brought up later, it's the "just in case" way of doing things and information is power especially in the digital age of today and moving into the future.

So why should they be able to collect anything and everything they want, on whoever they want, whenever they want, without a warrant or oversight? (and last time i checked nothing they introduce patriot act, NDAA can supersede the 4a right?

Checking a persons records and vetting their history based on good intelligence is one thing, capturing, collating and storing all a persons digital communications, bar none, without a warrant or reason, is something else entirely, especially when we are talking about people with no criminal record, no association with suspected or known terrorists and most who have probably never left their countries of origin.

Are you saying everyday Americans regularly get calls from "known terrorists" whether intended or not?
I was beat as a child by my own biological parents. No one gave a fuck back then. It was their right as a parent to beat a "disobedient" child. A child has the right to grow up happy and not worry about being beat, let alone getting murdered as part of what you endorse.

aborting a fetus is not the same as murdering a child. your dishonest language gives you away.

it is offensive to compare a woman who goes to get an abortion, as is her constitutional right, to your abusive shit fuck parents.

Why is it any of your damn business if I make a "death pact" or not? What two consenting adults agree to is none of your concern, no matter how much it offends you.

your death pact was none of my business until you told me about it, and now it is just funny.

and again, dishonest language. what two consenting adults agree to varies, to put a death pact on the same ground as titfucking (aka sodomy) is just absurd.

I didn't vote for gays not being allowed marriage. I don't think such a thing should even come up for a vote. But the people voted on it, again not me. Now it's wrong they voted?*

so you feel it is wrong to put civil rights to a vote, yet you see nothing wrong in people voting on them?

why defend something like that? why defend what you don't believe in?

and for the record, i never brought up the voters. i mentioned how the mormons came in from out of state to impose their will on consenting californian adults who wanted to be married (not the same level as abortion death pacts, which i doubt would be very controversial in a popular vote. straight NO on allowing abortion death pacts.).

that type of mormon sharia law is every bit as offensive as actual sharia law, yet a blind eye gets turned by people like nutes and nugs, and asshats like you defend it.

then you go on to say you just mind your own business. bullshit.

What happened to you getting all butt hurt that one Zimmerman juror wasn't allowed to vote her conscience and being forced to vote the way the law tells her? But you're now telling me the people who voted their conscience shouldn't have voted that way, and the law told the people their vote of conscience was wrong.

You confuse me.

what is up with all these FAIL comparisons of yours?

a woman who gets an abortion is not the same as your parents who enjoyed beating your dumb ass.

two consenting adults who want to get married is not the same as two consenting adults who want to form an abortion death pact.

rendering a verdict is nothing similar to casting a vote.

why do i even bother humoring the nonsense you type?
I never stated that; I don't think blanket surveillance, via all source, is reasonable or warranted.

Storing data in the zettabytes on all Americans and having access to information on foreign citizens is dangerous and we’ve seen how some of that information gets used and how the capabilities of the systems are being abused with little or no oversight, never mind the consequences.

If someone is a “terrorist” or person of interest i have no problem with them looking into the people he’s communicating and associating with based on good, reliable product. ATM they don’t even have to actively monitor you, it just gets collected with everything else, catalogued and stored to be brought up later, it's the "just in case" way of doing things and information is power especially in the digital age of today and moving into the future.

So why should they be able to collect anything and everything they want, on whoever they want, whenever they want, without a warrant or oversight? (and last time i checked nothing they introduce patriot act, NDAA can supersede the 4a right?

Checking a persons records and vetting their history based on good intelligence is one thing, capturing, collating and storing all a persons digital communications, bar none, without a warrant or reason, is something else entirely, especially when we are talking about people with no criminal record, no association with suspected or known terrorists and most who have probably never left their countries of origin.

Are you saying everyday Americans regularly get calls from "known terrorists" whether intended or not?

What Buck's saying is, Republicans are worse than terrorists. Without Republicans, we'd be able to fund our world police he's so against. We'd be able to send more troops and occupy more lands. All the while singing Kumbaya and blasting a few of them evil muslims attacking Israel. He just hopes those Arabs see the light and sneak into America so they too can live the dream here. Just not in their own country. Cause it's wrong for the muslims to steal back their land.
So why should they be able to collect anything and everything they want, on whoever they want, whenever they want, without a warrant or oversight?

much of what you wrote was actually reasonable, but this seems to be the basis of what you are posting about lately.

it is NOT an accurate characterization of what we have recently found out is going on. it is quite the overstatement, and i know even you will admit that.

however, i am not so naive to believe that they are not doing this (this refers to your overblown statement) anyway. they probably are. they've been keeping an eye on us for a long time now. many, many decades now, at least. technology has made the job a lot easier.

given that there is likely greater surveillance going on than what we have even been made aware of lately for a long, long time, then what? what do we make of it?

doesn't seem to me any administration is really abusing it. they're not hauling off dissidents to secret FEMA camps, they're not persecuting anyone, if they use this data in some parallel operation to bust dudes like me who grow pot, they are doing a very shitty job of it.*

and above all else, it is your decision to subject yourself to most of it. you can get phones anonymously, ditto the internet, so on and so forth. you can live like a shadow if you want.

i don't expect my phone records to be an anonymous thing anyway. i fully expect that they would be held against me in a court of law if and when. and if they did get me through some secret dragnet parallel operation that violated the constitution, our imperfect justice system allows us to get that evidence thrown the fuck out.

if the super secret worldwide spying conspiracy was so perfect and inescapable, why haven't they nailed people like you for speech about the holocaust that would be a crime in your country?

some conspiracy.
aborting a fetus is not the same as murdering a child. your dishonest language gives you away.

it is offensive to compare a woman who goes to get an abortion, as is her constitutional right, to your abusive shit fuck parents.

your death pact was none of my business until you told me about it, and now it is just funny.

and again, dishonest language. what two consenting adults agree to varies, to put a death pact on the same ground as titfucking (aka sodomy) is just absurd.

so you feel it is wrong to put civil rights to a vote, yet you see nothing wrong in people voting on them?

why defend something like that? why defend what you don't believe in?

and for the record, i never brought up the voters. i mentioned how the mormons came in from out of state to impose their will on consenting californian adults who wanted to be married (not the same level as abortion death pacts, which i doubt would be very controversial in a popular vote. straight NO on allowing abortion death pacts.).

that type of mormon sharia law is every bit as offensive as actual sharia law, yet a blind eye gets turned by people like nutes and nugs, and asshats like you defend it.

then you go on to say you just mind your own business. bullshit.

what is up with all these FAIL comparisons of yours?

a woman who gets an abortion is not the same as your parents who enjoyed beating your dumb ass.

two consenting adults who want to get married is not the same as two consenting adults who want to form an abortion death pact.

rendering a verdict is nothing similar to casting a vote.

why do i even bother humoring the nonsense you type?

You're funny, bro.
What Buck's saying is, Republicans are worse than terrorists.


i just like to point out how republicans love to beat the sharia law punching bag for cheap, xenophobic political points, all while espousing their own set of social values on par with sharia law.

it's just priceless, and why "libertarians" like canna who want to monitor every abortion make me laugh heartily.

i just like to point out how republicans love to beat the sharia law punching bag for cheap, xenophobic political points, all while espousing their own set of social values on par with sharia law.

it's just priceless, and why "libertarians" like canna who want to monitor every abortion make me laugh heartily.

I'm so glad I found out I have Asperger's and it's just people like you who are assholes, not me. The meditation I do everyday makes me realize how funny you guys are. I can now no longer get all bent out of shape and go ape shit like when Obama won. Because, I can't stop those like you from being idiots. All I can do is roll my eyes at you.

I'm not a capitalist. I'm not a "libertarian" either. I already told you all in another thread I'm really a technocrat. The only problem is the rest of the world isn't. That's also not my fault.

But all the bullshit you post, it is your fault. So laugh heartily my liberal deluded friend.
your ridiculous comparisons, while funny, are more alarming in what they reveal about your odd, odd mindset.

glad to hear you're getting help for it though.

If you didn't bring up your ridiculous comparisons, I wouldn't bring up mine. What, you're telling me all that garbage you post isn't a game. This whole time I thought you were a college Republican who was forced to post on this site because you lost a bet. So you actually believe what you post? It's a shame that's what society considers normal, and therefore there's no getting help for you. But, thanks for your concern.