Obama's Contempt Bordering on Treachery

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Nope. I don't make deals, especially with punks. I'll use whatever terms and words I choose and you go ahead and speak freely also. You're just gonna have to grow up and realize that you're not gonna control my thoughts and my language when there are no rules against it.
Amen to that brother, quit trying to control our thoughts and our language with your hate when there are rules against it, take some of your own language! Don't tread on me either mo-fo, I got your liberal pussy right here!
Now you're lying. You posted your insulting pictures because you believed I was a right wing Christian. You and your pals can always excuse your own bigotry.

i have nothing against christians as a whole. i find the beliefs to be....out there. but nothing against them as a whole.

when someone comes on the board talking about "muslims bad, christians good, gays bad!", i am going to knuckle that person. if they let me know where they keep their goat, as you did, i am going to get that goat.

because what's good is to get these goats for our computer industry.
no, you won't be using whatever terms and words you see fit. there ARE rules against it. you agreed to them when you signed up.

even in everyday, non-internet life, the first amendment is rightly abridged. ever heard of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater or "fighting words"?

Yes, I will be using whatever terms and words I see fit. Now you can do what you want and ban me. But I will not allow you or anyone to tell me what I can or can't say and allow you or anyone to determine what is offensive and what isn't based entirely on your personal jaundiced beliefs.
Amen to that brother, quit trying to control our thoughts and our language with your hate when there are rules against it, take some of your own language! Don't tread on me either mo-fo, I got your liberal pussy right here!

You must be hearing voices because I have never tried to control your thoughts. I will speak to them and argue your points, but I am all for free speech and have never and will never tell anyone what they can or can't say.
Nope. I don't make deals, especially with punks. I'll use whatever terms and words I choose and you go ahead and speak freely also. You're just gonna have to grow up and realize that you're not gonna control my thoughts and my language when there are no rules against it.

*LOL* it's so fun watching you flail and blunder around like this. I'm laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes. Oh my... whoeeee... whew.
Yes, I will be using whatever terms and words I see fit. Now you can do what you want and ban me. But I will not allow you or anyone to tell me what I can or can't say and allow you or anyone to determine what is offensive and what isn't based entirely on your personal jaundiced beliefs.

Prertty anti-social imo. "Can't we all just.....get along?"
i have nothing against christians as a whole. i find the beliefs to be....out there. but nothing against them as a whole.

when someone comes on the board talking about "muslims bad, christians good, gays bad!", i am going to knuckle that person. if they let me know where they keep their goat, as you did, i am going to get that goat.

because what's good is to get these goats for our computer industry.

That's fine. You do that, but then don't turn right around and tell me to shut up. If you want to speak then give me the same right and don't complain about it. This street goes both ways.
Prertty anti-social imo. "Can't we all just.....get along?"

I am very social. However, I will not allow you or anyone to tell me what I can or can't say while the rest of you are allowed to post and say whatever you want. If there is a rule then it's a rule for ALL. If you don't like it then ban me.
I am very social. However, I will not allow you or anyone to tell me what I can or can't say while the rest of you are allowed to post and say whatever you want. If there is a rule then it's a rule for ALL. If you don't like it then ban me.

We don't want you banned, Jack. Your diatribes bring me a great deal of amusement. I would hate to see you banned from this site.
We don't want you banned, Jack. Your diatribes bring me a great deal of amusement. I would hate to see you banned from this site.

Thanks. I don't want anyone banned either. I believe in honest free speech. Now stop your whining and get on with your life.
rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble
At a minimum your looking for validation if not influence, why else would you even bother expressing your back assward opinion in a public forum?!

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