Obama's Contempt Bordering on Treachery

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I would have to say YOU are the biggest hypocrite around here next to UB. You're obviously dumber than a mule fuckin' a goat if you can't see your own blatant hypocrisy and double standard. You get all upset when a word is used you don't like and then explain away your own use of offensive terms. You're only fooling yourself, because anyone with a brain can see how fucking stupid you are.

There you go... getting back to you old self again.
if you base intelligence on grammer then that shows your intelligence also i would base intelligence on something like ........ im sorry but dumbass americans keeping thier corrupt bankers in power and smiling about it as they get reammed in there asses for their life savings retirement etc that shows me "SHEEP"


I think we've all seen your intelligence.
I find the term insulting. I would like you to stop using it.

O.k., lets make a deal. I'll stop using the term teabagger when you stop using the words homo, queer, faggot, fag, and any other homophobic slurs you have in your arsenal of ninth grade vocabulary.
That was meant as commentary on double standards and bias. :)

I understand that. It's a double standard for one person to not like the word from a person because of the color of their skin and accept the same word from another person with different skin color. That's the problem.
if you base intelligence on grammer then that shows your intelligence also i would base intelligence on something like ........ im sorry but dumbass americans keeping thier corrupt bankers in power and smiling about it as they get reammed in there asses for their life savings retirement etc that shows me "SHEEP"

someone who can't spell on a third grade level is not someone i'm going to be putting much faith in.

besides, canadians do have lower educational standards than americans. and it shows.
By what they say???... pffffft you really are as dumb as a box of rocks. Why don't you judge them by their actions?

"Unemployment will be at 8 percent" <----Find me the Quote of Obama saying this

"I'll make it a priority to get out of Afghanistan." < ---Right after we stabilize it and not ignore it like we did for 8 years

In 2007, then-candidate Obama said that “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
Senate voted for a No Fly zone Unanimously, we didnt go in unilaterally, have no boots on the ground an constitutionally we need to honor treatys

Your Right wing talking points have no Power
Being teabagged is a term used to refer to being dominated by another, the teabagger. Really it is an epithet that refers to TRUTH, a concept you teabaggers apparently have little regard for. Relabeling your selves in order to match the apparent rift in the Democrat party between the liberals and the progressives doesn't bring instant validity. Proving an alignment to the fringe of the right wing political leaning and declaring that you represent the "majority" only solidifies your affiliations ridiculous ignorance. You and your group of nutbags on here go around making all kinds of slurs to liberalism and progressivism, even centrist attitudes aren't spared you guys open libel. Now you want to complain about being labeled a teabagger. Quit deep throating the rest of us with your brand of wacko nutbag and leave the teabagger moniker on your own!
Nope. I don't make deals, especially with punks. I'll use whatever terms and words I choose and you go ahead and speak freely also. You're just gonna have to grow up and realize that you're not gonna control my thoughts and my language when there are no rules against it.

no, you won't be using whatever terms and words you see fit. there ARE rules against it. you agreed to them when you signed up.

even in everyday, non-internet life, the first amendment is rightly abridged. ever heard of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater or "fighting words"?
I'm not going to waste my time reading the conservative diatribe that started this thread. i've heard all that b.s. before and often, i live in the midwest. But speaking as someone who worked with obama's campaign in 08 and worked the polls all day for him on election day. i've really backed away and don't think i'll campaign this time unless he really changes his tune on marijuana. the irs attacking medical businesses, raid still going down, threat letters from the justice department, and now the ATF is saying all medical mj patients are considered druggies and can't have firearms. I'm not even a gun guy and this upsets me. All this on obama's watch makes me think he won't change his tune in a 2nd term. Gary Johnson has the right ideas on marijuana but i can't agree with him on too much else... Don't know what to do this election...
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