Active Member
Again, I have the freedom in this country to oppose the homosexual agenda without being demonized by slurs such as "homophobe". Do you agree with that or not?
Links to articles like those above can be found in plenty if searched, they range in opinion from far left to far right. The biggest question undoubtedly has to be who is correct in their thinking and who isn't, and who decides which is which?
For those who prefer homosexuality as an open and public culture there is the "Folsom", participate and wet your whistle as it were....
For those that oppose homosexuality as an open and public culture you are welcome to join any number of groups that advocate a stop to what many still consider an immoral and sinful practice, the following group, the Council of Conservative Citizens opposes homosexual behavior.
In America, you the public are allowed, make that encouraged, to form your own opinion and make your own choice, at least for the time being, pay close attention though, as the norm can change without notice.