Obama's Contempt Bordering on Treachery

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you keep saying that, but i've told you i don't believe the guy ever existed. hard to be scared of someone who never existed.

Right. That's why you make a point of posting insulting pictures and your bigoted smears when you think someone is a right wing Christian. You're obviously scared or you wouldn't act like you're scared by your actions.
The term is "hypocrite" when you're speaking of spiritual ideas and faith. Free agency is a sports/business term.

Jack, oh Jack. You know so little about your own faith. Why was Satan cast down? Why did Christ stand forth and say Here am I? What was the reason behind all that? You don't know do you? That's just sad.
Dude! Come one! No need for the name calling. You actually make some good points, but name calling is the last bastion of the defeated. If you believe in what you are typing, then stand proud and don't let anyone ruffle your feathers.:joint:

Excuse me. thanks.
my rebuttal was pointing out your hetero-centric views.

i didn't order you to leave, just check the bigotry at the door.

I have no bias, I have stated that repeatedly, perhaps you might benefit from a course in reading comprehension.

Only those who hate truth, call truth hate.
What was the reason behind all that? :D

The right to choose. Satan wanted to force everyone to follow the plan of salvation. So a single soul wouldn't be lost. God said no. Satan threw a temper tantrum and took his gang with him. Christ said, hell yeah! I'll do it! I think he was stoned at the time. High elevations make the high more intense. ;)
Jack, oh Jack. You know so little about your own faith. Why was Satan cast down? Why did Christ stand forth and say Here am I? What was the reason behind all that? You don't know do you? That's just sad.

Why does YOUR New Testament condemn homosexuality? Kinda hypocritical on your part. Just sayin......

Check the references. ;) Wiki is kosher on this. Libertarian and Liberalism are two sides of the same coin it seems. Neo-Libertarian/Liberalism branched off however.

How would you to find conflict than?
They may have evolved from the same side of the coin, but modern liberalism and Libertarianism are completely opposite sides of the coin. Most liberals and people on the left consider Libertarians to be on the right. I consider myself an Independent/Libertarian because I do not belong to any party. My beliefs are more in line with the Libertarian ideology but I don't like to box myself in because there are things I agree with on all sides of the political spectrum and a lot of things I disagree with.8-)
The right to choose. Satan wanted to force everyone to follow the plan of salvation. So a single soul wouldn't be lost. God said no. Satan threw a temper tantrum and took his gang with him. Christ said, hell yeah! I'll do it! I think he was stoned at the time. High elevations make the high more intense. ;)

I've read the Old Testament and New Testament cover to cover.... brilliant literary devices and simply prodigious authors. :eyesmoke: Old Testament was definitely my favorite.
i have only read the bible a couple times and it was when i was younger but i never saw anything that say god hates gays or whatever just doesn't condon their action, according to the bible everything is a sin in some way or form if it doesnt have somthing to do with God, idolater i think it is,

not sure if this makes any sense to the discussion but whatever
It condemns the acts not the person. Better read it again.

And my New Testament is the King James Version. The old tried and true.

Wrong. It says those who "practice" it will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Another scripture says they have reprobate minds. I'll show it to you, just tell me what translation you like.
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