Well-Known Member
You're not helping your case bro.So, in other're a faggot and I offend you. Right?

You're not helping your case bro.So, in other're a faggot and I offend you. Right?
Then don't try to make this crap out like it's normal and then demonize people for not endorsing it. That's the problem. You want to demonize people for not accepting things and then you want to whine about someone for simply believing differently. How can you call yourself a Christian when your New Testament condemns homosexuality. Hypocrite.
It wasn't out in the open, actually. I am 100% sure that in order to enter the area you had to go through a checkpoint of some sort, just like with every event like this... There was alchohol AND nudity which would require a checkpoint to keep the under 21's out; By that same logic beerfest events that are often held in parks shouldn't be allowed either. Do you see the flaw in your logic yet?
and i suppose you are in favor of publicly open heterosexual displays? perhaps you would like to expose your children to the same? when you support the heterosexual agenda you become an advocate of bla ba bla
take your hetero centric world view else where.
You're not helping your case bro.![]()
You're not helping your case bro.![]()
I'm not saying it's normal. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and latent homosexuality.![]()
No sensible rebuttal is an epic fail on your part, ordering me to leave further illustrates that fact.
That's a big negative. UncleBuck is a liberal and I am an Independent/Libertarian. I like UncleBuck just the same though.Are UncleBuck and Doc111 politically aligned?
I guess I should have a warning label just for you....."warning, you may read words in this post you did not learn in the public indoctrination centers you attended".
You're a Christian. Your scriptures in the New Testament condemn homosexuality. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and latent homosexuality.
Show us the violent threat. YOU use insulting pictures and make your own slurs, hypocrite. Now show us where I made a threat of violence.
So says the Christophobic bigot moderator.
That's a big negative. UncleBuck is a liberal and I am an Independent/Libertarian. I like UncleBuck just the same though.![]()
Dude! Come one! No need for the name calling. You actually make some good points, but name calling is the last bastion of the defeated. If you believe in what you are typing, then stand proud and don't let anyone ruffle your feathers.Go for it, asswipe. You are the biggest coward on this piece of shit forum.
I'm celibate Jack. Doesn't mean I can force my religious ideology on the general populace. I am for equal rights even though my faith will not allow me to participate. It's called free agency. Something you need to get acquainted with.