Norby Grown
Well-Known Member
Sorry, the first part was for you and the second was for the one who doesn't like data that proves him wrong. lolWhy would I put you on ignore? That's reserved for a certain asshat already.
Sorry, the first part was for you and the second was for the one who doesn't like data that proves him wrong. lolWhy would I put you on ignore? That's reserved for a certain asshat already.
This forums full of ppl who argue then duck out when you post facts.
You’re as fucking stupid as that retard if you think using a 30yr old statistic spun just so it proves a point that isn’t relevant to begin with is “facts”.
Oh boy, another asshat to join the ignore party.
Show me a point in time where Democrats (I should say liberals since cuckservatives were Democrats waaaaay back in the day) actively worked to subvert the will of the voters...I’ll wait...
These Republican assholes are trying to rip apart legislation that was just voted on less than a month ago. Besides this they also took a ballot measure in mi to raise the minimum wage, passed it ahead of the vote so it would not be on the ballot so they could gut it during the lame duck session with a simple majority. Don’t even get me into the bullshit the Repukes in the federal government are doing under Mitch McConnel.
Take those false equivalencies and sell them to someone stupid enough to buy them.
lol Russia does not even break down homicides by cause in their statistics. So all you could possibly draw from that is Russia has more murders. You certainly can’t prove they were by firearm since that data isn’t available. But your a 2A gun nut who will believe anything that supports his argument. It’s pathetic really how badly you have drank the kool-aid.
I stopped but this guy doesn't like it when he can understand data and goes to name calling. Even after I stopped he continued with the insults.
And the data is from legit sites, FBI and others. And it's 25 years ago, not 30. He can't even add and subtract, I can see why data scares him and he only listens to the rebuttals given to him by party lines.
And I dislike both parties the same, I'm an independent, not a republican nor in the NRA so he doesn't know how to respond because all republicans or dems paint the "opposition" as the other side.
Go ahead, ignore me like you ignore the truth, it suits you.
A common sign that someone is incapable of opening their mind and changing their opinions are those exact insults you mentioned. Notice how personal he/she takes everything and how emotional their responses are? People like this are just simply not ready to see the light yet. They just haven't had or processed the information yet. I just try to keep it kind and respectful and hope they don't get too deep in their feelings, while nudging them to ask themselves questions that lead to a logical conclusion. Some people are just a black hole for energy though. Some people just aren't willing to confront reality. It just is what it is and thats okay. They will come around in their own time, but nothing we say, no matter how politely we say it, will ever open their eyes.
IMO there is no safe gun owner, anybody could flip out one day and go crazy, doesn't matter who you are or how old you are.
anyone could flip out one day and start killing people with a steak knife. or a hammer. or a large rock. or their shoelaces. or a bottle of bleach. you think we should prohibit people from having those too?
If the shoelace is detonating a bomb?How many people per minute do you reckon you could kill with a shoelace?
Well that’s because you’re using logic. There’s a weird disconnect with certain people that will never own a gun. They seem to think the next law is the one that will stop a criminal.Gun laws for the sake of guns laws goes against being a free country. If there is no victim there should be no crime, to a point. NYS the "safe act" says you can have 10 round clips but you can only load 7 bullets into it. Once you put the 8th bullet in the clip you become a felon. Sorry but in my book that's just not right. Someone intent on killing people is NOT going to follow that law but if someone miscounts and is caught they automatically become a felon. If the laws being passed were according to statistics to prevent deaths I'm all for it. Having to pass a class before buying a pistol, the most dangerous of all weapons because it can be concealed and is way too easy to point at yourself I consider a common sense law. Pistols account for 97% of all accidents, suicides and homicides but no one is touting a law for mandatory federal classes and background checks(which are way more in depth of a background check than buying a rifle or shotgun). Which screams to me that the people proposing gun laws are full of horseshit and know nothing about guns, they jsut want to "do something" even if it does NOTHING to address the real problems. But I could fire off just as many rounds with a 10 - 10 round clips as I could fire out of 3 30 round clips minus a second or 2. That is no reason to make 20 or 30 round clips a felony charge in my mind.
And those people are quite ok with giving up a right they don't ever care to use and expect the rest of society to "care" for them. I believe it's my duty as an American citizen to stop and if necessary shoot to kill someone who is committing crimes in my neighborhood and has it in them to kill someone in my neighborhood. I would not run and hide and let that person harm someone else in my community. If more people acted this way we wouldn't be sheep that are so easy to target. These people have never committed a mass shooting at a gun range or anywhere they would actually find resistance.Well that’s because you’re using logic. There’s a weird disconnect with certain people that will never own a gun. They seem to think the next law is the one that will stop a criminal.
There will never be a time where someone stops his car and turns around to go home because he didn’t want to break a law on his way to kill someone.