Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

anyone could flip out one day and start killing people with a steak knife. or a hammer. or a large rock. or their shoelaces. or a bottle of bleach. you think we should prohibit people from having those too?
And they do. Fists, clubs and knives kill as many people in homicides in the US every year as do "assault rifles"
I'm also sick of hearing how its the illegal gun owners who are the problem. The last few mass shootings here in the USA have been done by legal gun owners. In Vegas, Penn, FL were all done by legally brought guns, 2 of the 3 shootings were by middle age guys who never broke the law until the day they went crazy.

We even got cops down in FL that kill a few before turning the gun on themsleves--one dept had 2 cops in the last few months go crazy with their legal gun.

IMO there is no safe gun owner, anybody could flip out one day and go crazy, doesn't matter who you are or how old you are.
It happened in a hippy bar I used to frequent years ago where a cop came in asking people to sell him pot and they escorted him out and he came back, luckily after the bar had closed and fired 3 rounds thru the rugs that were hung over a picture window to tame the sound of the band. One lodged in the exit sign and one in the mens bathroom sign. I don't know what became of the case but the cops just went to his house and took all the guns that they knew he had and didn't even bring him in on charges. This is a reason why we should all have teh right to defend ourselves because cops sometimes won't and sometimes they may be the ones we need defending against.