not flushing chemical fertilizer out of plants

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Man y'all still going on about "flushing" lol starve your plants no need for flush or leeching unless you have nute lock/salt buildup. If your trying to get your fade feed pH water last two-3 feedings done. Flushing is pointless for the end I run 2000+ ppm regularly In late flower and still get a fade after first ph water feeding

On to next topic.....
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .
You need to work on your drying and curing process. Thats where your problem is. Has nothing to do with not flushing them.
My akitas would break into my house to raid the fridge before they'd eat their own shit. My dogs are picky as shit. They'll only eat really ripe veggies and fruit or they leave it.
Dude don't fool yourself, your dogs eat will eat crap. You might never see them and sure you want to believe they don't eat crap but they're dogs dude. That's what all dogs do. I know it's a bit of a fallacy but I literally have never met a dog that hasn't had the propensity to eat crap. Sorry to be the devil's advocate. LOL cheers and watch them dog kisses to the mouth.:blsmoke:
Bullshit!!, list your references.... or you made it up!!, 10 acres of what??
Up state N.Y Horse heads bout 4 miles down the road from I think Seneca or i may have I confused with another finger lake. But The southern tears. And yeah small 10 arcer farm family owned and I'm sorry 7 acre the state or whom ever was drilling in the neighbors property for oil and they drill on an angle and hit it on ours property and bought it from us. This was in the hutting area of the land not all of it was farmed for human food. We had deer food plots growing the land was very fertile. But yeah totally happened my grandfather hand plowed and tilled every inch of land he farmed on I was 14 when he sold it but I learned stuff on that end. And no I never grew pot espically indoors or with lights and I was a helper but one of my jobs was to flush everything 2 to 3 days before harvest sometimes his corn for a week
they use people shit and piss in those fields . and no flush needed . also animal shit .View attachment 3788627 View attachment 3788637 View attachment 3788654 and fish . they just mix all this together and harvest it no need to take any measures . im sure the plants will not taste like these items infact these are sold in some of the finest super markets in the world . no flush required . .View attachment 3788657 yeah i am smart ass .

Yuummmy let's roll that right up and smoke it
Oh you didn't know you drill a 6 inch hole in the base of the trunk and attach a fire hose and the the other end to a hydrant and let the water flow for at least 3 hours a day lol
I didn't mean everything dude just listing what we had
You should try reading something before offering advice. Maybe get a grow under your belt first. Looking at your grow it's obvious you haven't a clue what the fuck you're talking about.
Try googling flushing plants or something along those lines see what you can find on flushing anything other than cannabis and post the links. Look up mobile vs immobile nutrients and try to figure out how putting water threw soil or whatever removes anything from the plant. There are legit reasons to flush, but its not to remove nutes from bud. According to flushers using worm castings must make your bud taste like shit.

Up state N.Y Horse heads bout 4 miles down the road from I think Seneca or i may have I confused with another finger lake. But The southern tears. And yeah small 10 arcer farm family owned and I'm sorry 7 acre the state or whom ever was drilling in the neighbors property for oil and they drill on an angle and hit it on ours property and bought it from us. This was in the hutting area of the land not all of it was farmed for human food. We had deer food plots growing the land was very fertile. But yeah totally happened my grandfather hand plowed and tilled every inch of land he farmed on I was 14 when he sold it but I learned stuff on that end. And no I never grew pot espically indoors or with lights and I was a helper but one of my jobs was to flush everything 2 to 3 days before harvest sometimes his corn for a week
Idk water your plant with toilete water and tell me you would smoke it with out running some kind of water through it.
insanely high nutrient level ppm plants should be dead . not an organic non stress grower
we run just over 3000 ppm in flower with nothing more than some slightly burnt tips. Kinda depends on growing technique and the plants themselves, not to mention what type of fertilizer you're using. We pulled just over 3 pounds of beautifully frosted, dense buds off of two plants in DWC the last go round.

Flushing is for toilets.
washing produce is flushing them? How does washing an apple remove anything from it other than dirt, bugs, or pesticide on the outside of it?

Ok so you would was the pesticides off the outside only huh. Anything you give your plants. Will store them in their fat cell equivalents. And my arguement was on the grounds that not flushing can make for shotty smoke. I'm sure everyone has had a joint that wouldn't stay lit Or ashes were black and not grey. Try smoking a bag of flushed and unflushed then come argue with me
we run just over 3000 ppm in flower with nothing more than some slightly burnt tips. Kinda depends on growing technique and the plants themselves, not to mention what type of fertilizer you're using. We pulled just over 3 pounds of beautifully frosted, dense buds off of two plants in DWC the last go round.

Flushing is not necessary.

LMAO, you wash OFF produce, you dont wash IN it do you? Another funny fucking thread. Learn some science guys come on

Again you would wash the out side but not the inside.
Ok yeah your gonna lose some growth but it's worth fresh arb you can't even say it's organic no chem without a flush in most foods
Sorry in advance for this but I couldn't get the link to work.

Many growers these days, it seems, ignore the all-important stage of flushing their buds with pure water (no nutrients) for at least 1 week, preferably 2 weeks, before harvest. Proper flushing has numerous benefits, and results in superior quality bud (that is, if you're concerned about quality. If you're just trying to sell a bunch of crappy weed, then read no further). This is my conclusion, from over 20 years of experience growing marijuana.

Some of the benefits of properly flushed weed:

1. Taste/Smell. Pot that was flushed properly before harvest definitely has an improved taste and aroma to the smoke. Those who deny this are amateurs and hacks. The old conisseurs, like mysef, can tell quite a big difference.

2. It burns better, and has an overall smoother smoke, and is not as harsh on the lungs. Unflushed bud will crackle when burned, and burns down to black. Properly flushed bud burns down to white ash.

3. It's much healthier. Smoking nitrate salts (deposits left from all the nutrients) is NOT healthy!

4. It will save you money! Nutrient solutions are not free. Let the plant use up its nutrient reserves in the last two weeks, and just drink pure water with no ferts.

5. Many other benefits...

More growers should properly flush their crops. It would result in a lot better pot out in the marketplace. Tell all your friends and people who grow -- Please Flush your buds! Together, we can make a difference!!
Sorry in advance for this but I couldn't get the link to work.

Many growers these days, it seems, ignore the all-important stage of flushing their buds with pure water (no nutrients) for at least 1 week, preferably 2 weeks, before harvest. Proper flushing has numerous benefits, and results in superior quality bud (that is, if you're concerned about quality. If you're just trying to sell a bunch of crappy weed, then read no further). This is my conclusion, from over 20 years of experience growing marijuana.

Some of the benefits of properly flushed weed:

1. Taste/Smell. Pot that was flushed properly before harvest definitely has an improved taste and aroma to the smoke. Those who deny this are amateurs and hacks. The old conisseurs, like mysef, can tell quite a big difference.

2. It burns better, and has an overall smoother smoke, and is not as harsh on the lungs. Unflushed bud will crackle when burned, and burns down to black. Properly flushed bud burns down to white ash.

3. It's much healthier. Smoking nitrate salts (deposits left from all the nutrients) is NOT healthy!

4. It will save you money! Nutrient solutions are not free. Let the plant use up its nutrient reserves in the last two weeks, and just drink pure water with no ferts.

5. Many other benifita

Thought this was corny as hell but it holds some thruths
we run just over 3000 ppm in flower with nothing more than some slightly burnt tips. Kinda depends on growing technique and the plants themselves, not to mention what type of fertilizer you're using. We pulled just over 3 pounds of beautifully frosted, dense buds off of two plants in DWC the last go round.

Flushing is for toilets.
3000ppm in dwc? Anyway to show that? Highest I've run in soilless that contains bio-char which is an ec and ph buffer is 2500 and I got slightly burned. I'm not gonna just believe that high of a number. with roots not buffered in water when I know hundreds of people who run dwc and have never hit higher than 16-1800 @ttystikk could u see 3000ppm in dwc?
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