not flushing chemical fertilizer out of plants

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nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, molybdenum, and nickle are mobile, and theres a possibility you might wash some small percentage out of the plant with a couple of weeks of heavy flushing. since you're washing these nutes out of your soil, the plant would use some of these nutrients up from leaves to try to sustain their flowers, so theres another decent percentage of those nutes used up.
calcium, sulfur, iron, boron, copper, manganese, zinc, and cobalt are immobile. once the plant absorbs them, they don't go away. you simply do not have enough water to pour through that pot to get rid of any of it.
thats why some deficiencies effect old growth, and some effect new growth.
mobile nute deficiencies effect older growth first as the plant is drawing that nute from the older leaves to feed the newer ones. immobile nute deficiencies effect new growth because the plant cannot draw from older leaves to feed new ones.
if the plant can't do it, you can't do it.

Thanks for explaining it this way.
So can I use this to read my plants better. P.m. me if you will I need research material on the subject and didn't want to take time away from this entertainment.
Peace out Bare
Just trying to understand how you think the plant is going to utilize immobile nutrients anywhere but new growth. IT can't move immobile nutrients around. If it's not getting them it can't move them from other areas of the plant.
I have no clue what or where it uses them lol. That's why I'm asking. I already stated I don't know shit about this, just trying to get a better grasp of it.
Perhaps one time someone noticed during smoking that the flushed buds tasted better. This anecdotal observation (still scientific though not rigorously vetted and reviewed by peers) is informing the decision to perhaps try to repeat that process. Why deter folks from experimenting in a field where so much is still not known?
More people arguing. Flushing is for toilets. You can't even use the right term. It is leeching the soil. Farmers do it to remove salts from the soil not plants.

Plants don't draw salts straight in. They convert those nutrients into what they need.

When a plant fades it is using its stores and feeding itself. You cant flush that. You just cant.

All arguing aside show us a pic. I bet you cant and I bet you post something else besides a pic.

You cant articulate how flushing works.
Perhaps one time someone noticed during smoking that the flushed buds tasted better. This anecdotal observation (still scientific though not rigorously vetted and reviewed by peers) is informing the decision to perhaps try to repeat that process. Why deter folks from experimenting in a field where so much is still not known?
That is not what's happening in this industry/culture. It's not experimentation. It's bro science being accepted as fact. Being perpetuated as the rule. Almost every tutorial tells you to do it.

That is the problem . And we're losing yield while following this bullshit.
And in officially sold out of my first harvest. My over fed un flushed white ash making weed that everyone loved.

So fuck hightimes and fuck the stickies on this sight. And fuck anyone that tells newbs to flush when they don't know what they're talking about.

There's a sticky in here where the op tells us to flush. Then the same op is on another thread talking about how some overpriced bloom booster is just great. It's disgusting. @Widow Maker is a douche
It's not bro science, bro science is eating pop tarts in the gym and losing weight while I'm cutting, which can totally happen... so there's that.

If someone makes an observation, and is able to repeat results.

It's funny that before all this "no flush" became a trend, weed used to have a flavor. I see lots of rushed, unfinished garbage with no flavor, likely there was no "flush". But again this is just an observation and not rigorously tested and vetted scientific evidence.

There's nothing wrong with "starving" your plant at the end and call it flushing or leeching or whatever the hell you want to.

There's nothing wrong with feeding 'til harvest. Both yield fantastic results.

Key is to grow happy plants, and make happy friends, then you can smile and smoke excellent ganja.
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