not flushing chemical fertilizer out of plants

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ive honestly tried to get that pop.. ive smomed bud thatvsparkled and crackled when smoked.. idk what causes it. ive had black and milds do the same thing rarely

not nite related.. must be some spray? idk
Magnesium is the crackle and pop i believe.
Why would it, roots absorb o2 not co2.

I think it gives a lot more than o2.

Nutrients in sparkling water may include magnesium, calcium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and potassium.

It would be interesting to find out those numbers.

One Break of some kind of carbonated water each is probably a little different...

Sodium 13.5mg
Magnesium 2.9mg
Calcium 28mg
Chloride 33mg
Sulphate 40.8
Nitrate <0.5mg

Lindsay Danzell and Jessica Greenberg

CU Boulder, Fall 2002

If plants are fed carbonated water for a period of time then it should grow faster than plants given regular tap water. This is because most plants absorb nutrients dissolved in water through their roots. Club Soda or carbonated water contains macronutrients essential to plant growth. Those macronutrients are: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and sodium. Given proper nutrients, plants should grow at a faster rate than those who do not acquire as much of the nutrients.

We used six Helzine soleirolii, commonly known as Baby’s Tears, plants to conduct our experiment. The plants were divided into two groups, A and B. Both groups were placed in the same amount of sunlight and given the same soil. The plants were fed according to florist instructions. However instead of plain tap water, group B was fed Club Soda. Every day at 7 pm each plant had one of its shoots measured and recorded. This continued for ten days. At the end of the experiment, data was arranged and compared.

The average shoot of the plants given tap water grew 67% (n = 3) of their original height, whereas the average shoot given carbonated water grew 170% (n = 3) of their original height. In performing the t-test, the value of t was 0.135.

The difference in growth rates between treatments supports our hypothesis. Plants given carbonated water not only grew faster but also developed a healthier shade of green in comparison to plants given tap water. Although the t-test did not prove significance in this experiment, we feel that the growth rates are enough to support the hypothesis. Carbonated water is effective in promoting growth over a ten day period for Helzine soleirolii. Further experimentation to confirm our hypothesis should include different species of plants and a longer time period for observation. Nutrients dissolved in water may be more accessible to green plants because they are easily absorbed, as opposed to absorbing nutrients through soil which involves water dispersing through the soil and then carrying nutrients to the roots. The nutrients in the Club Soda are like a double dose of essentials for plants.
I think it gives a lot more than o2.

Nutrients in sparkling water may include magnesium, calcium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and potassium.

It would be interesting to find out those numbers.
bro the microbes in the soil break down the co2 into carbon and elemental oxygen. any organic gardner can tell you the importance of carbon in your medium.then the roots uptake the oxygen
I think you would be better off making your own like my son does....then you know whats in it.

Found some problem...Carbonated water will only work for plants that can grow moderately well in alkaline soil.

Nevermind......was not a good idea, but interesting.
great idea to use carbonated water will also promote huge root growth to . it will have a major direct co2 onto the roots . lol i have to find one of those soda machines ill need 40 gallons of this daily .
I only know from experience that when you over fertilize with synthetic nutrients the entire grow there's no amount of flushing that will remove it. That is because whatever readily available elements you give your plants they will absorb; I'm not smart enough to explain it any other way except to say that if you give your plants dissolved salts it will keep them alive and happy but that doesn't mean it will not affect the end result once you light it on fire & inhale the smoke. That's why less is more when it comes to nutrients and why weed grown organically has a better more natural flavor. If you must use nutes use them sparingly but organic soil gives the best flavors; hands down no question.
Organic soil forces the plant to feed itself whereas synth nutes force feeds the plant itself. Plants in organic soil pull what they need from the dirt and convert it to usable sugars & leave behind what's not needed. Plants fed synthetic nutes absorb as much as they can of what you give them and the excess is deposited into the flesh of the plant. This is why even after you flush your ash turns black and pops from too much magnesium. A super long cure can help with the taste but honestly organic bud tastes good even still kinda wet; that's because there's nothing unnatural in it to cure out. Organic weed actually tastes like it is supposed to; a flavor that is representative of the strain you grew. Alotta peeps have discredited me as some wierd hippie guru or something because I suggest using clean non chlorinated water, fresh vermicompost, and organic soil but I keep saying it because I wish somebody told me long ago to dump my nutes. So pour that shit down the toilet, grow organic & start recycling your soil, start up a worm factory, and stop using tap water in your grow. You'll have the dankest bud you ever smoked no lie
Organic pot taste like dirt :)
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .

Here, I'll answer the same as in the "when to flush" post!

Because you are not curing properly and drying before the cure is just as important !!

4 days to dry and then a week or 2 in a jar that's "burped" once a day is NOT cured!

I dry around 55% RH in a dark room. I don't even bother to check it for a week. It does tend to be pretty close at that point. I'll attempt to "bend" the stems (branch stems). If they bend and not crack. (usually on the first try or 2) They continue on drying. When they crack and not bend, Done! Into the jars they go (sans the stems) and all the jars get a Boveda 62% pack. I must note here that if they snap the stem straight in half - TOO dry and they get put in jars and a Boveda pack in 72% goes in for 5 days. At the end of those 5 days the Boveda is changed to a 62% pack and they are dated on top and the cure begins.

I will now burp each jar once a day by opening the jar and allowing a brief air exchange by cracking the top for a minute or so, by opening the lid an inch or so over to one side. I do this for the first 2 weeks......At this point I'l now stop "burping" every day and change to one to two times a week as I see fit. This continues for another 2 weeks and then they simply remain shut for 4 weeks.

At the end of 8 weeks in the jars, I'll roll one and test it!

You will get clean burn and fantastic flavors! This is "cured"! Let me say something here on RH and curing. If your going to smoke it. You need to cure it. To cure it MUST be in a range of RH that allows it TO cure. Too low and NOTHING will happen. Too high and it remains that way and the cure is s-l-o-w-e-d down to a crawl and 2 months it take that your now grumbling about as in how much longer that adds to your already too long to grow run. That you might as well count on the next crop being in jars before you can even stop the once a week burps!

The point is,,DO IT RIGHT and be PATIENT!

My cigars sit in a humidor at 72% RH. I have cigars that are decades old and in perfect health! Yes, they are still "curing" (in a sense) but so slowly that it only makes them better! Boveda pack will work both ways! They increase RH as needed and decrease RH as needed! Awsome! Once the weed is in the jars and a 62% (THE perfect RH for curing) Boveda is in place, the first part of "curing" speeds up from about mid dry, as the buds have begun to "ferment". The nasties in the plant matter are being changed to good things and the waste gases (even ammonia) are given off and that's what your getting rid of by burping. This process lasts around 2 weeks in a strong way and slows down a lot as the actual (in my book) "cure" begins! So during this next 2 weeks there is still some residual "fermenting" going on and that's why you still burp at least once a week. I fact I'll make it easy for you here. The 3rd week, burp every 3rd day. At week 4 only once every six days and starting week 5 STOP burping.

So here we are at week 5 and we stop burping. During the next 4 weeks the flavors are defined and the potency increases over being just picked! I now some guys who will let this process go for 6 weeks! Well this is where my patience runs out ;), as I don't worry about it as it'll sit in it's jars by who ever buys it or till sold anyway....

There is another "cure" called Malawi Cob curing! There are things that go on that don't in "our" cure method that do in "cobbing" that makes for a stronger potency and a different flavor profile. You can "eat" cobbed weed directly from the "cob" and get the same intense buzz as eating decarbed butters/oils or weed!

Here is a perfect post on how to do it and short-cut the buried part by vac sealing! Nod - o - the head to those who have supplied this link in the past.

Now go forth and skip the flush, knowing that if you follow these simple directions and have the proper patience. Your stash is going blow away MANY others and cause others to bow at your ability (as long as you grew it right)!

:bigjoint: bongsmilie :clap: :hug: :hug:

Now carry on and cure properly!
hey . this web site is totally incorrect . better check it out . and and
and come on guys . all you non flushing people telling i am incorrect . and telling me all these websites are incorrect to

They are FULL of shit BO! I've got NO problem saying it too!

I looked at those links and they outright LIED to you by ignoring ACTUAL plant science!


Understand better? Science doesn't LIE!

Just because the "internet" said so - Doesn't make it TRUE!
Writing a book makes you an author, not always an expert on the subject!

The editor of high times is an asshole!
He and his MI Legalize asshole friends, stole from us MI MM people by taking our money and fucking up the legalize petition !! NO goddamn records of where well over a million dollars went!
I know the guy and he's pushing corporate agenda in legalization! The same for his magazine!
He follows the advertising dollars and has actually said in private, that if he told the truth about "flushing" he would lose serious advertising dollars from corporations that have told them (He and parts of the HT staff) they would pull all ad money if they did. Even Danny Danko keeps the "flush" shit going to tow the line!

It blows my mind that the people who spend money on, and read his magazine are NOT as important as the corporations that spend money on advertising in his magazine!

Follow the science and NOT the money!

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Here, I'll answer the same as in the "when to flush" post!

Because you are not curing properly and drying before the cure is just as important !!

4 days to dry and then a week or 2 in a jar that's "burped" once a day is NOT cured!

I dry around 55% RH in a dark room. I don't even bother to check it for a week. It does tend to be pretty close at that point. I'll attempt to "bend" the stems (branch stems). If they bend and not crack. (usually on the first try or 2) They continue on drying. When they crack and not bend, Done! Into the jars they go (sans the stems) and all the jars get a Boveda 62% pack. I must note here that if they snap the stem straight in half - TOO dry and they get put in jars and a Boveda pack in 72% goes in for 5 days. At the end of those 5 days the Boveda is changed to a 62% pack and they are dated on top and the cure begins.

I will now burp each jar once a day by opening the jar and allowing a brief air exchange by cracking the top for a minute or so, by opening the lid an inch or so over to one side. I do this for the first 2 weeks......At this point I'l now stop "burping" every day and change to one to two times a week as I see fit. This continues for another 2 weeks and then they simply remain shut for 4 weeks.

At the end of 8 weeks in the jars, I'll roll one and test it!

You will get clean burn and fantastic flavors! This is "cured"! Let me say something here on RH and curing. If your going to smoke it. You need to cure it. To cure it MUST be in a range of RH that allows it TO cure. Too low and NOTHING will happen. Too high and it remains that way and the cure is s-l-o-w-e-d down to a crawl and 2 months it take that your now grumbling about as in how much longer that adds to your already too long to grow run. That you might as well count on the next crop being in jars before you can even stop the once a week burps!

The point is,,DO IT RIGHT and be PATIENT!

My cigars sit in a humidor at 72% RH. I have cigars that are decades old and in perfect health! Yes, they are still "curing" (in a sense) but so slowly that it only makes them better! Boveda pack will work both ways! They increase RH as needed and decrease RH as needed! Awsome! Once the weed is in the jars and a 62% (THE perfect RH for curing) Boveda is in place, the first part of "curing" speeds up from about mid dry, as the buds have begun to "ferment". The nasties in the plant matter are being changed to good things and the waste gases (even ammonia) are given off and that's what your getting rid of by burping. This process lasts around 2 weeks in a strong way and slows down a lot as the actual (in my book) "cure" begins! So during this next 2 weeks there is still some residual "fermenting" going on and that's why you still burp at least once a week. I fact I'll make it easy for you here. The 3rd week, burp every 3rd day. At week 4 only once every six days and starting week 5 STOP burping.

So here we are at week 5 and we stop burping. During the next 4 weeks the flavors are defined and the potency increases over being just picked! I now some guys who will let this process go for 6 weeks! Well this is where my patience runs out ;), as I don't worry about it as it'll sit in it's jars by who ever buys it or till sold anyway....

There is another "cure" called Malawi Cob curing! There are things that go on that don't in "our" cure method that do in "cobbing" that makes for a stronger potency and a different flavor profile. You can "eat" cobbed weed directly from the "cob" and get the same intense buzz as eating decarbed butters/oils or weed!

Here is a perfect post on how to do it and short-cut the buried part by vac sealing! Nod - o - the head to those who have supplied this link in the past.

Now go forth and skip the flush, knowing that if you follow these simple directions and have the proper patience. Your stash is going blow away MANY others and cause others to bow at your ability (as long as you grew it right)!

:bigjoint: bongsmilie :clap: :hug: :hug:

Now carry on and cure properly!

LOL....mine will be smoked long before any of that happens....I guess you can call me the anti cure guy.

If I can light it and it burns it's good to go.

Have to remember....I am allergic more than most. :P

I can microwave leaves and smoke em and get high! :D

I love having low having to smoke a ton of it like some people I know.
LOL....mine will be smoked long before any of that happens....I guess you can call me the anti cure guy.

If I can light it and it burns it's good to go.

Yo each his own - LOL.
Yeah, if you ever get around to doing some that way, you won't be sorry!

Hell, try the cob cure!

BTW....I fell for the fricking bug again bro! tried to squash him twice.......:cuss:
Yo each his own - LOL.
Yeah, if you ever get around to doing some that way, you won't be sorry!

Hell, try the cob cure!

BTW....I fell for the fricking bug again bro! tried to squash him twice.......:cuss:

I don't need all that really I get stoned from leaves..

I have a very low tolerance for THC or something in there...

Maybe if I had enough to quit smoking cigs....I could notice the difference, but I roll pipe tobacco...

You know you love that little critter... ;)

You know the only thing I could not get stoned off of was the seeds....never could get high from those.
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websites are just like a thread on here imo, any larry shmoe or jack can start a web site these days and put up what ever they want.. having a web site doesn't automatically make one a master grower, it makes one a web designer.. same as writing books.. people always say, well jorge cervantes says that we must flush, and he wrote the grow bible, therefore blah blah blah.. again, writing a book doesn't make anyone a master grower, just an author..

imvho, flushing doesn't do poo to help the taste of quality of the buds we smoke.. i'll never understand who dumping water through a medium such as soil does anything to remove nutrients that are what make up these buds.. nutrients aren't even stored in buds to begin with..
secondly, what other crop grown in the world flushes ?? i know what you're going to say, but we smoke cannabis and only eat vegetables.. i don't really see what difference it makes if flushing is supposed to make the end product, buds, taste better, why wouldn't farmers flush their crops? surely they'd not want their fruits and veggies to taste like nasty chemicals, no?
flushing in cannabis is something that nutrient companies thought up in order to, get this, sell the magic potion that cannabis growers are supposed to use, say for instance, final flush, which is about 90 plus percent pure water, which is again, supposed to magically remove those nasty chemicals..
end rant.. if you really want to find out the answer, take a mother plant, take some clones from her, grow out exactly the same way, magically flush aways all those nasty chemicals on one or more of the clones, harvest, dry, CURE, and smoke the plants.. do the same exact thing again with the other set of clones, only this time don't flush, harvest, dry, CURE, and again, smoke the results.. mix the buds up in a pile so you don't know what one you're smoking when or other wise you might have a placebo effect thinking that one is different when it's not.. invite a few friends over, do the same thing.. mix up a few small buds in a pile and have a smoke out.. see if any of your friends think that one or the other has a different taste, or one pop, snapple and fisses, i've never had any sort of bud that does this btw, flushed or unflushed, and compare the color of the ash, my personal fave, and see the results for yourself..

Well that ends that argument lmao.
websites are just like a thread on here imo, any larry shmoe or jack can start a web site these days and put up what ever they want.. having a web site doesn't automatically make one a master grower, it makes one a web designer.. same as writing books.. people always say, well jorge cervantes says that we must flush, and he wrote the grow bible, therefore blah blah blah.. again, writing a book doesn't make anyone a master grower, just an author..

imvho, flushing doesn't do poo to help the taste of quality of the buds we smoke.. i'll never understand who dumping water through a medium such as soil does anything to remove nutrients that are what make up these buds.. nutrients aren't even stored in buds to begin with..
secondly, what other crop grown in the world flushes ?? i know what you're going to say, but we smoke cannabis and only eat vegetables.. i don't really see what difference it makes if flushing is supposed to make the end product, buds, taste better, why wouldn't farmers flush their crops? surely they'd not want their fruits and veggies to taste like nasty chemicals, no?
flushing in cannabis is something that nutrient companies thought up in order to, get this, sell the magic potion that cannabis growers are supposed to use, say for instance, final flush, which is about 90 plus percent pure water, which is again, supposed to magically remove those nasty chemicals..
end rant.. if you really want to find out the answer, take a mother plant, take some clones from her, grow out exactly the same way, magically flush aways all those nasty chemicals on one or more of the clones, harvest, dry, CURE, and smoke the plants.. do the same exact thing again with the other set of clones, only this time don't flush, harvest, dry, CURE, and again, smoke the results.. mix the buds up in a pile so you don't know what one you're smoking when or other wise you might have a placebo effect thinking that one is different when it's not.. invite a few friends over, do the same thing.. mix up a few small buds in a pile and have a smoke out.. see if any of your friends think that one or the other has a different taste, or one pop, snapple and fisses, i've never had any sort of bud that does this btw, flushed or unflushed, and compare the color of the ash, my personal fave, and see the results for yourself..

Everything I smoke ends up white ash.... :bigjoint:
I'm not even going to read everyone's input on this. Everyone should know this because,
You don't to be an expert or even a novice grower to know that not flushing your plant will at the very least make the bud fucking taste god-awful (excuse my profanity) but just got a bag. Cookies so I'm like f yeeaahh. I'm all super excited on the drive home and I get here and it was this hard dry poop bud that wouldn't stay lit. There was no chance of rolling it up in a joint. Had to use my pipe. (i love papers bud tastes better to me)
This happened 2 time in a row. So I took it back to dudes house and told him to roll him one up and we could smoke but it didn't light brought to draw 1 hit from.
So yeah just throw some water on that shit!
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