No Taxation Without Representation


USA is the best.
They have another chart that basically says the same thing, it's like a map of the planet, and each country has a "What it is best at" or "What it produces the most of" and America is "Serial Killers".
They have another chart that basically says the same thing, it's like a map of the planet, and each country has a "What it is best at" or "What it produces the most of" and America is "Serial Killers".
are these the same people that are moving to bittown?..........Hum!.....and you want to teach them all to shoot guns in high school......brilliant!.....
are these the same people that are moving to bittown?..........Hum!.....and you want to teach them all to shoot guns in high school......brilliant!.....

:lol: You're retarded. If everyone knew how to shoot guns, and more people had carriers permits, the shootings could be stopped by armed citizens. Did you only read your own posts in the Tons'a Guns thread? That was like the ENTIRE point of the thread. :dunce:
yeah yeah yeah.
america is bad we should all be destroyed.

if only we could be more like norway/sweden/nigeria/northkorea where everything is perfect.

protip:in america we put our worst aspects on blast (see "honey boo boo") while most countries HIDE their shame.

if you can think of a better place to live, you can go there.

dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
yeah yeah yeah.
america is bad we should all be destroyed.

if only we could be more like norway/sweden/nigeria/northkorea where everything is perfect.

protip:in america we put our worst aspects on blast (see "honey boo boo") while most countries HIDE their shame.

if you can think of a better place to live, you can go there.

dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
bittown or bust.......
yeah yeah yeah.
america is bad we should all be destroyed.

if only we could be more like norway/sweden/nigeria/northkorea where everything is perfect.

protip:in america we put our worst aspects on blast (see "honey boo boo") while most countries HIDE their shame.

if you can think of a better place to live, you can go there.

dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Almost, besides you're too smart to use those kind of platitudes.

If the place you live sucks....make it better. Don't pretend it doesn't suck and fall prey to "my team", my team" at the expense of logic.
Cuba's #1 is doctors??? I don't think so.

Drowning from trying to float across an ocean on a broken boat, maybe.

Drowning? Do you mean the waterboarding that goes on there? Oh wait, that happens on the land the USA appropriated on that island....never mind.
So while you complain about Cuba having so many doctors, which I think is a great social investment, Merica has the most police. That's right, America is the world leader in another category.

Youth, Minorities and Victims of the drug war are not properly represented in this government. Yet we pay taxes for marijuana, and all over America people are paying to keep these people in jail for stuff that really doesn't matter. I really don't feel as if at least 50% of America is even represented. I know that only around 50% of America is registered to vote and only about 75% of people registered to vote even show up to vote. The solution is easy, each state should have a serious vote about leaving the union. If your state has enough people that feel that the current system is flawed, or that they are not properly represented within the current system, you should be able to operate as a completely independent state. When America was formed that's the way it was anyways, each state was an independent nation, the word "state" even means "nation" if you use it anywhere else in the world. Plus, we pay taxes for food and water, which we shouldn't have to. That makes no sense, the government shouldn't get paid when we eat. And SIN taxes??!?!?! What the fuck is that about, I thought we were supposed to have a separation of church and state. Just because it's something that is alleviating, doesn't mean you should be taxed for it. Tylenol doesn't have crazy taxes. Pepto Bismol doesn't have crazy taxes, why does something that some people buy EVERY day have insane taxes. They need to put taxes on cocaine, not cigarettes. But that brings us back to the point of people in this country not being properly represented, and most of it is about racism. Youths being treated as minorities is because the youth doesn't have the same "morals" as the people in charge, but that's just because kids aren't racist. Minorities being treated like minorities is purely racism. And the drug war doesn't seem to be about racism at first glance, but if you go back and look at why different drugs were made illegal, it's all racist. Marijuana, because people were scared of their kids mingling with jazz musicians, immigrants, and using the Spanish devil weed (even though if it had been called Cannabis, they would have all known what it was, since it was one of the salves and tonics that people used). I think we need another civil rights movement, and another youth movement. And not just camping in front of banks and asking for money, or listening to music holding hands. Concerts are great, but Woodstock can't happen again. The Music has to move, and stop sometimes. You have to get to know people and have time to do things in the towns that things are happening, you can't just make a square mile or two full of people, pass out trip drugs and marijuana, then play music. You need bakeries, and doctors and shit for that.'s your sister?
So while you complain about Cuba having so many doctors, which I think is a great social investment, Merica has the most police. That's right, America is the world leader in another category.


are you intimating that Obama might wish to duplicate the awesome success of the East German Stasi, or the KGB, or the Gestapo, or the italian OVRA, or the Khmer Rouge, or the Red Guard Youth Brigades?

as a socialist himself why would he not draw upon the wisdom of his predecessors?

what i wonder is why, as a socialist yourself you have a problem with this?
ohh wait, you arent the one heading the secret police, and since you have not been appointed an apparatchik, then Bwana Obama's Marxism is clearly impure, thus must be torn down in favour of a more ideologically sound government, one more firmly rooted in "Scientific Marxism"

and before you ONCE AGAIN insist you are not a marxist, we all know the last thing a marxist would ever do is Declare Himslef, unless marxism is currently popular.
marxism is currently considered a dirty word even among "progressives, Socialists, Communists, Fascists and Obamunists, so saying "I Aint No Marxist" is proof of nothing.

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, quotes lenin and marx like a duck, cant justify it's positions logically like a duck, and lies about what socialism is like a duck it's PROBABLY A MARXIST.