No Taxation Without Representation

What is so odd about it exactly?

a REAL socialist would give that cheque to the poor, and work for the greater good of the proletariat, not live a life of indolence and ease on the largesse of the capitalist bourgeois running dog imperialist america.

whats REALLY odd is that you choose to spend the money of taxpaying americans to live the life of riley in a nation with a shit tier school system, shit teir medical system, shit tier environmental regulations, and shit tier democracy.

i bet the zappatista rebels could make much more productive use of your cheques than supporting one norteno expat's lounging on a beach and smoking weed.
Yeah, tell us what a real socialist would do.

You sound jealous. You should try socialism. Get you some.

So if you could travel anywhere in the world, outside of the US, where would you go?
Yeah, tell us what a real socialist would do.

You sound jealous. You should try socialism. Get you some.

So if you could travel anywhere in the world, outside of the US, where would you go?

if i had a reliable work-free income stream, i would move to the nicest place i could afford on that income, but im a capitalist, thus, this is in keeping with my philosophy, and not a flagrant contradiction of my stated beliefs.

if my income were meager i would move to mexico or belize where the cost of living is very low, and even a couple hundred bucks a month could let me live high on the low.

if my income were more substantial i would live on a boat in the carribean, island hopping.

if the proposed work-free income were really good i would buy me a nice parcel of land someplace in the gulf region, and become a Gentleman Farmer, spending my winters on the aforementioned sailing vessel in various tropical ports, drinking rum cocktails and listening to jimmy buffet records.

as a capitalist this is my stated goal, but it is as yet out of reach.

professing to be a socialist while suckling at the teat of the imperialist oppressor is the lifestyle of a poseur, not a serious marxist.
So where the fuck would you go?

You took an hour to scribble this crap and didn't even answer.

The nicest places in Merica are boring and kind of ugly, not all, but there is no correlation between nice and expensive there. Some of the more expensive places are very close to some ghettos that scare me such that I actually feel safer in most parts of Mexico, even Tijuana.


Nice? Be honest it is breath taking. Isla Marieta, cerca de Puerto Vallarta.
if you think america is ugly anjd boring, then i would suggest Big Sur in the spring, the mojave in winter, summer in the coastal redwood forests, los angeles in the spring and autumn, the apalachian range in the spring or autumn, winter in the rockies, the gulf coast all year round (barring hurricanes or oil spills) pennsylvania in the summer, or yosemite any time.

america has plenty to offer, and all this is available with very low chances of being hacked to death with a machete in a cartel war, no marxist rebels, generally honest cops who mostly dont expect bribes, and a remarkably low chance of being held in prison for 6 months without even being charged with a crime.

i did enjoy my visits to mexico, but i havent travelled outside the US more than a few weeks.

were money no object i would love to visit many parts of the world, including peru's inca ruins, the yucatan, ireland, britain, scotland france, germany and china.

since money IS an obstacle i dont get to lounge on the beaches of vera cruz or fish in the sea of cortez. i gotta go to work to keep my bills paid.

i keep my shoulder to the wheel, and when i can afford to be a beach bum, ill have my toes in the sand.

but see, im a devout capitalist, i recognize that money gives more freedom than being broke, but marxist ideology relieves the entire proletariat of the burden of hope, while granting unrivaled freedom to those with power and position.

socialism is really not that different from capitalism when your looking at it from the bottom of the hill.

taking a small stipend from the capitalist system and moving to a cheaper locale with a lower cost of living is a well recognized strategy for the pensioner set, but pretending it's a principled stand for socialism is absurd.

when i can retire, ill probably wind up taking my 401k, savings and increasingly hypothetical social security to kansas, or oklahoma or some other low cost area.

i certainly wont be able to stay in high cost california, but theres no work in east podunk tennesee, so ill keep on saving till i can afford to make my move. thats what capitalism is all about.

we cant all cash out and live in mexico, somebody has to work to pay the taxes, and it looks like that guy is me.
odd that you use the benefits given you by a country and a system you profess to despise, to live the good life in the poorest nation in the northern hemisphere barring haiti and cuba.

Sorry to butt in, as you guys are both quite capable of having a good argument without me....however a "country" (the USA government) can't "give" anything. They are simply redistributing stolen property. Carry on.
You don't pay taxes on food and water in every state.

Not in every state I know, when I lived in New Mexico some foods weren't taxed. But I think it should apply everywhere. Unless the food is imported and requires a tariff, I see no reason for it to be taxed.
I have got to say I agree with most of what you said in theory at least ( except for the current racism)

The major problem we have today is the vast majorty of the population does not care what the goberment does as long as it does not affect them negativly . And even when it does affect them negativly they are so brain washed by public schools/ major media/ and popular culture that they some how think trading fredom for security is a great thing.

look what happened last time states tryed to break away , the US civil war ,all over excesive taxes of ( 3 or 4 % i believe). Point being we failed then with no real federal gov. With all the federal goberment we have today and the lack of patriotic attidiues , and civilan disarment we don't have a much of a chance

Im not saying we shuld throw in the towel but the first thing that needs to be done is 'wake up the population of sheeple'

It may not all be directly caused by racism, but it all slowly came from racism. The drug war, bad feelings towards youth, and bad feelings towards minorities ALL have to do with people with brown skin historically being involved in something. Marijuana is CALLED marijuana because no one would want it to be illegal if it was called "Cannabis", they had to give it a "scary" Mexican name. That way people think their kids are associating with foreigners and giving them their American money. And Bad feelings towards youth basically stem from the same things, because we used to be a much more Christian nation, and people like my great grandma used to say (and this is in the Bible, but it is not interpreted in such a racist way now a days) "Everything has it's own kind", which is supposed to mean Humans stay with Humans, Dogs stay with Dogs, Horses stay with Horses. But in America, it has historically been interpreted to mean "Colors shouldn't mix". And that was a VERY "American" way to think in the past. Things have started to change in the past 20-40 years, but it's all still the same. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and he was elected primarily because the south voted for him. Then when he ended slavery, the south became democratic. But then Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, and the south became republican again. He even said as he signed it "We have lost the south for a generation". Even our Red and Blue parties are based on racism.
Not in every state I know, when I lived in New Mexico some foods weren't taxed. But I think it should apply everywhere. Unless the food is imported and requires a tariff, I see no reason for it to be taxed.

There is no justifiable reason. Freedom of transacting involves a willing buyer and a willing seller. When an unwanted third party intervenes, freedom ceases to be part of the equation.
Not in every state I know, when I lived in New Mexico some foods weren't taxed. But I think it should apply everywhere. Unless the food is imported and requires a tariff, I see no reason for it to be taxed.

again, EVERYTHING is taxed, but most localities do not impose additional sales taxes on foodstuffs.

the tax burden is still paid, just indirectly, much like the fact that renters still pay property taxes, they just pay the landlord, who has included that cost in the rent. if the property tax on your rented house goes up $1200 a year, your rent will invariably go up AT LEAST $100 a month.
again, EVERYTHING is taxed, but most localities do not impose additional sales taxes on foodstuffs.

the tax burden is still paid, just indirectly, much like the fact that renters still pay property taxes, they just pay the landlord, who has included that cost in the rent. if the property tax on your rented house goes up $1200 a year, your rent will invariably go up AT LEAST $100 a month.
You could say that about everything. Except the state adds extra taxes onto most things.
If every state was a nation, I wouldn't care so much about state rights.
Your logic is backwards. If we felt as strongly about our states as most people care about their nations (states), we would probably revolt at this point. In the 50's they used to talk about how "one day state lines will be no different than county lines", and that has happened. States are supposed to choose their own laws, and have their own form of government. We have been made docile, and the TRUTH is that no one cares about states rights, whether we consider the states to be nations or not. (Libertarians and Republicans claim to care about states rights, but it is really only a small percentage of them that actually give a fuck)
then you dont have socialism.

protip: mexico is NOT a socialist nation. mexico is a "social democratic" nation, which is the velvet hand of fascism. freedom for those with the money to pay for it.

you feel free in mexico becuase you get a check form the US govt to pay your bills. if you were a mexican peasant you would feel quite different about your "socialist tropical parqadise".

or do you think mexicans come across the border to vacation in the onion fields of oxnard?
Mexico is NOT socialist democratic. It is communist democratic. The children are socialists, but the adults believe in industry or military. (ex: kids vote PAN which is the "National Action Party" and basically "Democrats" or Socialist (swastikas and all, I was there for the election that included Josephina Mota as the PAN candidate), and adults vote PRI or PRE which is the "Industrial Revolution Party" and something else Industrial Party). And the way politics ACTUALLY works in Mexico is this (I was told this by a Mexican while I was there): Before the PAN "took power" I forget who was in charge, but it was either the PRI or PRE, and they had a president who was VERY full of himself and very much like a dictator (this was sometime around the 80s). His party ALWAYS won the election, because the elections were rigged. So he decided to groom the next president, and decided that he would make the man his puppet. Then once the puppet man took power he basically said "Get out of the white house, it's mine now". Took bazookas, and assault rifles to the guys house and banished him from Mexico and gave political power to the PAN. The PAN remained in power for about 20 years, then Obama gave a bunch of guns to a cartel, and suddenly the political balance changed and a new party is in power.
if you think america is ugly anjd boring.

America is not ugly and boring, it is violent and greedy. I have had more guns pulled on me in the suburbs and cities of America (by police and other people trying to steal my weed) than anywhere else, (meaning rural America, and places like Mexico).
Mexico's markets have more freedom than the US, to the detriment of Mexicans who mostly regret NAFTA.

La Paz, BCS, Mexico, Named as One of Safest Cities in North America

La Paz Unveils New Data on Safety, and Announces Cruise Partnership.

The new safety statistics compare La Paz to top tourist destinations in the Western United States. The 2011 homicide rate for La Paz is 5.9 per 100,000 residents. That is lower than the homicide rates of San Francisco, California (6.14), Sacramento, California (7.63), Los Angeles, California (7.74), and many other cities. Just below La Paz is Tacoma, Washington, with a rate of 5.46 homicides per 100,000 residents, and Pasadena, California, with 5.05 homicides per 100,000.
There is no justifiable reason. Freedom of transacting involves a willing buyer and a willing seller. When an unwanted third party intervenes, freedom ceases to be part of the equation.

Agreed, if I don't want my purchase to be overseen by some kind of mediator, I shouldn't have to pay the government for it.