No Taxation Without Representation

Mexico's markets have more freedom than the US, to the detriment of Mexicans who mostly regret NAFTA.
Mexico is DEFINTELY a much more free market. Everyone buys and sells burned DVDs, and you can basically get anything there if you know who to ask, as long as they know someone in another town that has what you want (if it isn't already in their town). We act like America is "Land of the Free", but that simply is not true. America DOES have more opportunity (meaning: Wal Marts, Home Depots, McDonalds, and Star Bucks everywhere), but Mexico DEFINITELY has much more freedom.
There is a huge Walmart in La Paz. Tijuana has at least 3 that I know of, very likely a few more. You can "walk" down the streets with google earth in most cities and see what kind of money is being spent in Mexico. I see a lot more wealth than I would believe if the news in English were my only indication.
There is a huge Walmart in La Paz. Tijuana has at least 3 that I know of, very likely a few more. You can "walk" down the streets with google earth in most cities and see what kind of money is being spent in Mexico. I see a lot more wealth than I would believe if the news in English were my only indication.
I know they have them, but not at all in the quantity we have here in America. For example, if you live in New Kino Bay and you want to go to Wal Mart, you'll have to take a 100+ mile bus ride. And that's a tourist town.
I know they have them, but not at all in the quantity we have here in America. For example, if you live in New Kino Bay and you want to go to Wal Mart, you'll have to take a 100+ mile bus ride. And that's a tourist town.

There is a huge Soriana there which is very much like a walmart. I also saw plenty of Mexican's with cars that they bought and apparently registered in Mexico. They even have gas stations where they can fill their tanks but Pemex is the only brand you'll see. Far fewer than the US though, you're right.
There is a huge Soriana there which is very much like a walmart. I also saw plenty of Mexican's with cars that they bought and apparently registered in Mexico. They even have gas stations where they can fill their tanks but Pemex is the only brand you'll see. Far fewer than the US though, you're right.

A Soriana in Kino Bay? The only grocery store they told me about while I was there was an old store that wasn't much bigger than a convenient store, but it had meat and veggies and shit. There are definitely big stores in Hermosillo, but not in Kino.
There are actually a bunch within ten minutes. Commercial Mexicana and Soriana both in Empalme and several of each in Guayamas. You don't have to go far to buy a new tablet and a 12 pack of beer in the same store.

Actually yeah that is further from Bahia Kino than I thought.
There are actually a bunch within ten minutes. Commercial Mexicana and Soriana both in Empalme and several of each in Guayamas. You don't have to go far to buy a new tablet and a 12 pack of beer in the same store.

But to buy a lawn mower, and a vacuum in the same store you have to go to Hermosillo.
Apply to what?

You cannot escape any tax. The names only change. If you don't pay food tax, then cost of living goes up. The business pays more property tax and the customer pays more sticker price. You only escape taxes with creative accounting. Ask Buck for details.
You cannot escape any tax. The names only change. If you don't pay food tax, then cost of living goes up. The business pays more property tax and the customer pays more sticker price. You only escape taxes with creative accounting. Ask Buck for details.
We could, we just need a "No Tax Party", or to just completely reform the government through revolution.
Cut defense spending and you can afford a lot of tax cuts.

True shit. We have plenty of Daisy cutters and Nuclear war heads, we have no need to continue production of old missiles, and we really should stop production of new missiles as well, but I'm sure the military could successfully argue that they need to continue to produce the new weapons, in order to stay ahead of countries like north korea.
Sorry to butt in, as you guys are both quite capable of having a good argument without me....however a "country" (the USA government) can't "give" anything. They are simply redistributing stolen property. Carry on.

Hey, it's legal.

When ever I hear that wage slavery is voluntary, I'll respond that wealth redistribution is legal.

*edit* and welfare is constitutional
Abbie Hoffman said "It will be a great day in America when schools have all the money they need, and the military has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber".
If the defense budget was cut, taxes could actually be used to pay off all deficits/debts.

Cutting taxes won't work. You need to offer a service no other can. Why do you think the Nazis left the Swiss alone. Why do you think the Swiss now narc on big time US tax dodgers. Why did we really invade Libya. Hint it had nothing to do with human rights violations.
all of what we know of civilized collective governments are only bound to eventually fail in whatever format. this is based on definite dynamics written into history and theorized upon by historians and social sciences. we should question the connotation of the term 'civilized'. it is the civilized world that will fall into wars directed by governments(and electorates). out on the edges, those living off the land, these people have no care of any of these things. they do not have the benefits of a nuclear lifestyle, but in retrospect alot of people on the grid are beginning to complain of a matrix filled with psychotic agents. There is us, the civilized nations. there is a whole other world, and a whole other history that were are completely unaware of.
Taxation is for the nuclear lifestyle. anything else is considered uncivilized by the average joe. it is not uncivilized. it is the natural state of human to live without some oppressive machination being fed by tax dollars influencing the human path of development. sex drugs money power and respect have little do do with biological order other than sensationalism.