no increased yield using seimen, help

I know right!? how the fuck is he MARRIED to her? I don't think I could do that... I scream and yell if someone starts talking during a movie. lol I flip shit! that bitch would get duct tapped in a closet if I was him.
I know right!? how the fuck is he MARRIED to her? I don't think I could do that... I scream and yell if someone starts talking during a movie. lol I flip shit! that bitch would get duct tapped in a closet if I was him.

ut oh. I talk during movies. Especially during marvel movies. Because my husband can tell me why stuff is happening.
lol... If it's something I haven't seen before I just like to focus on it. I have DVR because of this... My girlfriend starts asking questions so I have to pause it and explain and then play again. otherwise I find myself rewinding numerous times or watching it when she is sleeping hahaha....

If I have seen it before, even if I love the movie, I don't care one bit...
Hell not a person alive would want to watch SLC Punk, Mallrats, or Boondock Saints with me......
Unless you like hearing the movie in your ear at the same time you watch it...... WORD FOR WORD hahahahahahha......

Or Twister.... UGH I hate that movie.. I point out all the bloopers non stop in that fuckin thing.....
Lets see.. kids tricycle thrown into the windshield SMASHING it... and then POOF it's magically fixed....

Or when that chick is like RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT.......
One of the pieces of heavy machinery knocks off the tailgate completely and POOF it's on and closed again magically.... lol...

I've seen so much, Watched full series' from pilot to premiere and moved on to the next. I just love watching movies and certain shows. but now it's getting crazy because most of the shit that's been coming out is GREAT. lol
I don't want it removed... wouldn't mind it being moved somewhere else though it contributes nothing to the forum just a place for trolls to brush up on their trolling skills.

trollolololol :roll:
sir! im going to have to ask you to stop posting comments that contribute to not trolling the trolls .......
a troll ,trolled a troll , in a troll thread , connected to two other troll threads , its the vicious circle of trolling

im j/k BTW dont get your whities in a knot
I've asked potpimp to move us to TnT when he get's the message I'm sure he'll oblige. :)
Before someone reports something and gets the thread removed..
potpimp has the sammyr7 quote in his sig.
I'm sure he'll be Happy to keep the thread ALIVE! lol
the ball hash removal was devastating :(
would of had a longer reign but the whole call customs anonymous in the seed bank thread kinda blew it up
there has to be a way to break the monotony
if you go through my posts most are just me telling noobs feed your plant , dont water so often , stop freaking out and cutting your fan leaves off
or no its not a deficiency its just new growth
its nice to be able to goof off sometime or another
I know what you're doing wrong. As a typical young man you're just thinking of yourself and not letting your lady have an orgasim. You've got to learn to be a better lover or quit growing weed. And I'd consider finding new friends.
I know what you're doing wrong. As a typical young man you're just thinking of yourself and not letting your lady have an orgasim. You've got to learn to be a better lover or quit growing weed. And I'd consider finding new friends.

ROFL that's some funny shit :)
I think my favorite part about this thread might be that he spelt "semen" with an "i". I originally clicked on it thinking "well, that's not how you spell semen, so maybe he's using some kinda nute I've never heard of....
I think my favorite part about this thread might be that he spelt "semen" with an "i". I originally clicked on it thinking "well, that's not how you spell semen, so maybe he's using some kinda nute I've never heard of....

So? Have you heard of using those nutes or what????