No flush - white ash.


New Member
Not quite enough information to form a factual opinion about me but whatever guy. Keep being an ignoramus see if it gets you anywhere in life.
Who are you calling "ignoramus"?? The first words that fell from your 7 fingered hands were- Ur a dick guy.


New Member
You. Sorry I have a habit of telling the truth.
Nope. you have a habit of jumping on a bandwagon. Not the same thing.

The guy who says UR a DICK GUY YOLO is actually calling others IGNORAMUS????? You must be spasticated or something. Do you not see the irony?


bud bootlegger
This is picking the bits of the science you like....... Sugar causes bacterias sure...... so do many, many additives....... organic or not. This is just using a sentence to scare. I suppose no carbs or sugars are needed to grow tomatoes or peppers or anything else? Sugars are an essential building block of any plant form.... hydro, organic, whatever...... Many beneficial bacterias in a res or soil need sugars to feed upon otherwise they die. That's true for organic or anything. You have simply taken science you like........ Sure, TOO MUCH sugar blocks N uptake but N uptake is of less importance in end of flower phase....... Unless you need more leafs with your crystals?

I think it is scientifically sound to flush your medium. You are not flushing to cause deficiencies...... but to remove remaining toxins from the media..... Soil, chem, organic, coco, rockwool whatever....... you should give a good flush feed at the end of your cycle. Soil especially so. Now a small, very small percentage of growers have their feed schedule and strain so dialed in they can be sure they are leaving no unwanteds in their medium. To state that the is no need to flush is wrong. plain wrong. If you change strain your feed schedule and methods all need to be re-calculated through total trial and error. What you're saying about no flush works in very limited circumstances that require total growing control and near perfect knowledge of the plants nutritional requirements and the make up of the media......... Putting No Flush out there like it's truth is going to have lots of people smoking nasties. There are nasties, be they different, in both organic and "chem" nutes....... A flush is essential imho.

This whole no flush thing is another concept that works for a few experienced high end growers who then state it like its total fact and you have newb after newb copying tactics......

I personally use organic methods...... When I live somewhere I can grow outdoors! Ultimately the aim is AquaPonics....... Hopefully that gives you an idea of the direction I'd go in in a perfect world.......
Do you smoke your .medium ??? I personally do not, so I'll never understand why people think dumping water through a medium is going to do thing one for the taste of the buds..
Do any other farmers flush their crops ?? I grow a veggy garden every year and use chems on them.. I've never had a tomato taste like chemicals, that's for damn sure.. what makes marijuana so unique that it's gotta be flushed..??

And everyone knows that hydro grown will ever taste better than soil grown organic or Chen.. anyone who thinks is differently is simply lying to themselves..


bud bootlegger
And if flushing really did what you claim it does, everyone would flush.. simple as that bcuz who wants to smoke buds that taste all nasty and chemically and taste like poo??
Umm... no one.. right.. so if flushing made any difference everyone would simply flush because unflushed bud would taste like ass and nasty chemicals and no one in their right kind would buy it or smoke it.. but that's simply not true..


New Member
Chris Dorner and Boston where reverse cia robots everyone knows that but i thought woolwich was just some racist africans trying to impose muslim ideals in a country that does not need that bullshit ?


New Member
And if flushing really did what you claim it does, everyone would flush.. simple as that bcuz who wants to smoke buds that taste all nasty and chemically and taste like poo??
Umm... no one.. right.. so if flushing made any difference everyone would simply flush because unflushed bud would taste like ass and nasty chemicals and no one in their right kind would buy it or smoke it.. but that's simply not true..
Ok.I know better than to disagree with a mod. You're right. Flushing is a waste of time.

By the same measure of your- What does flushing actually do? One could ask- What does feeding do? That would be silly.


New Member
Chris Dorner and Boston where reverse cia robots everyone knows that but i thought woolwich was just some racist africans trying to impose muslim ideals in a country that does not need that bullshit ?
Err ok...... if you say so.

I don't care to explain it much but..... here is my 3 step guide for you. 1) Prepare processed food 2) sit down in front of TV. 3) Watch and believe whatever the fuck you want. oh shit yeah I forgot..... the NEW STEP 4!!! Step 4) Don't flush your weed.


bud bootlegger
Ok.I know better than to disagree with a mod. You're right. Flushing is a waste of time.

By the same measure of your- What does flushing actually do? One could ask- What does feeding do? That would be silly.
Oh.. so are you really trying to compare flushing to feeding?? Seriously now that's the best you got??
Please explain to me how dumping water through dirt is going to effect the taste of the buds we smoke.. would love to know as I'm open to scientific proof.. I was once a flusher myself but after realizing there is absolutely no evidence to support flushing I've given up on it and haven't noticed a difference in taste ... at all.. nada.. zero .. zip.nil...

And why is cannabis so unique it's the only crop people flush?? We only smoke buds and I eat veggies that haven't been flushed.. surely my unflushed tomatoes and peppers and eggplant and squash and cucumbers and pretty much everything but cannabis taste god awful and taste like naety chems right?
Wrong.. very wrong..


New Member
Imagine asking a dealer this !

Hey man was this NL#5 Flushed ? I think it was not flushed so I am off to search for weed that has been flushed ..

Dude , do you have any flushed weed available ?


New Member
Oh.. so are you really trying to compare flushing to feeding?? Seriously now that's the best you got??
Please explain to me how dumping water through dirt is going to effect the taste of the buds we smoke.. would love to know as I'm open to scientific proof.. I was once a flusher myself but after realizing there is absolutely no evidence to support flushing I've given up on it and haven't noticed a difference in taste ... at all.. nada.. zero .. zip.nil...

And why is cannabis so unique it's the only crop people flush?? We only smoke buds and I eat veggies that haven't been flushed.. surely my unflushed tomatoes and peppers and eggplant and squash and cucumbers and pretty much everything but cannabis taste god awful and taste like naety chems right?
Wrong.. very wrong..
Really? You think that flushing the medium so the plant absorbs only clean water rather than nutrient solution has no effect? You don't think a plant absorbs clean water and excretes waste through it's roots.......??

I have read through some of your posts RacerBoy and I can safely say you and I are two people who'd never get along. The comments about going to score drugs in THEIR neighborhoods and the THEM's, THEY's. You and I are the sort who'd not get along. I certainly would not smoke nor eat anything you grew. Good day to you.

I feed my lettuce and tomatoes and herbs a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker schedule than my cannabis...... I do flush some crops. In fact lots of commercial agri farmers flush various crops if for no other reason than to save on nutes........

Argue with a mod and unleash the sycophants....... AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!


New Member
Imagine asking a dealer this !

Hey man was this NL#5 Flushed ? I think it was not flushed so I am off to search for weed that has been flushed ..

Dude , do you have any flushed weed available ?
Imagine growing and basing everything you do on anonymous internet soil hypesters whose weed you'll never taste......... Don't put your faith in false prophets. Do what you can see and taste to be true.

The same retards who claim to be ABLE to taste the difference between hydro and organic are also at this one saying they are UNABLE to taste the difference between flushed and unflushed. Its an excuse for the lazy. THIS IS WHY WE FLUSH......


bud bootlegger
Really? You think that flushing the medium so the plant absorbs only clean water rather than nutrient solution has no effect? You don't think a plant absorbs clean water and excretes waste through it's roots.......??

I have read through some of your posts RacerBoy and I can safely say you and I are two people who'd never get along. The comments about going to score drugs in THEIR neighborhoods and the THEM's, THEY's. You and I are the sort who'd not get along. I certainly would not smoke nor eat anything you grew. Good day to you.

I feed my lettuce and tomatoes and herbs a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker schedule than my cannabis...... I do flush some crops. In fact lots of commercial agri farmers flush various crops if for no other reason than to save on nutes........

Argue with a mod and unleash the sycophants....... AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

Them and they who?? What on earth are you talking about m8?? I said I used to go to the hood.. the ghetto.. maybe you don't have them in good old england..
If you're trying to paint me as a racist now, yeah, good luck with that.. simply laughable..

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Really? You think that flushing the medium so the plant absorbs only clean water rather than nutrient solution has no effect? You don't think a plant absorbs clean water and excretes waste through it's roots.......??

I have read through some of your posts RacerBoy and I can safely say you and I are two people who'd never get along. The comments about going to score drugs in THEIR neighborhoods and the THEM's, THEY's. You and I are the sort who'd not get along. I certainly would not smoke nor eat anything you grew. Good day to you.

I feed my lettuce and tomatoes and herbs a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker schedule than my cannabis...... I do flush some crops. In fact lots of commercial agri farmers flush various crops if for no other reason than to save on nutes........

Argue with a mod and unleash the sycophants....... AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!
try looking up leeching, farmers do it to wash there soil of excess salts. After YEARS of reusing the same soil.
There is no need to leech if you don't have a build up. What is so hard for you to understand about that?


bud bootlegger
Them and they who?? What on earth are you talking about m8?? I said I used to go to the hood.. the ghetto.. maybe you don't have them in good old england..
If you're trying to paint me as a racist now, yeah, good luck with that.. simply laughable..
And why are you on this mod trip? Have I done anything to resemble being a power hungry mod accept to ask for scientific proof of what dumping water through a medium does for the taste of buds..
By your theory if I pump grape kool aid through my dirt my buds will taste like grape kool aid.. is that what you're talking about now?