No flush - white ash.


New Member
but yeah, i am done here.. i'll go read your lil linky poo.. obviously racerboy doesn't know dog poo, but jumpyone, he's einstein's nephew right there..
My link doesn't prove what I'm saying other than it shows you a little more is going on in the root system than you seem to think...... Plants can only transpire up top and secrete through the roots...... what can't be transpired in water vapor must be passed through exudation........

I'm not the person stating like it's plain as day bleedin' obvious fact that you DON"T NEED TO FLUSH.It is the party making such a claim that is obligated to evidence it..... I have even provided you NO FLUSH enthusiasts with a simple test that could be done to prove things one way or another.......

I accept that no flush works for the super high end excellent grower who knows their medium and strain/pheno and feed schedule like a boss....... telling everybody flushing is a FAD that has passed is fucking mental.


New Member
Ah shit. I am laughing so hard at you. You really are full of rage aren't you.

Keep fighting off all these stupid fucking people! Someone needs to get MAD about them. You are doing a damn fine job! Keep up the good work!

I've enjoyed it more than you think. 13 pages deep, dozens of dob dylan sigalongs and kumbayahs later, 1 stereotype happy ignorrant mod and still 0, none, zilch, nada for evidence in the way of what you and your supporters are saying. An unbiased 3rd party reading this would wonder why all these people couldn't offer some simple basic, tangible evidence of their claims.........

I'll leave you with a quote attributed to Ghandi- Even If I am a minority of one, truth is still the truth.

And Ghandi flushed his weed don't ya know! lol


New Member
just to bring it back - jumpyone I'll stick my neck out here and agree with you about flushing - I believe in it too, I am a hippy after all. however, if you think there's not an appreciable difference in flavor in hydro and soil then I think you don't smoke enough. how much do you smoke? I smoke about 3 lbs a year and I can certainly tell the difference
I am glad you believe in flushing, I do too and I think it is better and healthier to flush....... Dude I'm not saying I can't taste a difference- I can taste the difference and, at least in my circles, the hydro tastes better and the organic taste thing is an excuse for growers who get lower yields and meh density....... they always bring it back to a matter of preference i.e TASTE...... But it TASTES soo much better they say...... Now I don't know about you but hydro tastes cleaner and the soil organic posse claim a "fuller" taste........


Well-Known Member
I've enjoyed it more than you think. 13 pages deep, dozens of dob dylan sigalongs and kumbayahs later, 1 stereotype happy ignorrant mod and still 0, none, zilch, nada for evidence in the way of what you and your supporters are saying. An unbiased 3rd party reading this would wonder why all these people couldn't offer some simple basic, tangible evidence of their claims.........

I'll leave you with a quote attributed to Ghandi- Even If I am a minority of one, truth is still the truth.

And Ghandi flushed his weed don't ya know! lol
Thanks man! I truly appreciate that. Frees me from any and all negative karma.

Peace out bro - I wish you luck in your militancy, Dead Prez inspire me too. Tough way to be though, speaking from experience. :peace:


New Member
so after all that shit ladies it boils down to...

Am i flushing my dwc buckets or not?
I would URGE you to. Flushed DWC should give you the cleanest smoking weed possible. I have seen a friend use VERY weak molasses dissolved in warm water and added to the bucket during the first week of his flush. He only flushes for 10 days, claiming DWC is a faster flusher. He has very nice tasting smooth burning weed........

There is little to nil evidence for this no flush needed hypothesis.

I have asked one of the proponents to conduct a simple test using an EC or PPM pen...... I'm waiting to hear from someone who has done it........ I even offered a more complex test involving pressing equal quantities of two plants, one flushed and one not before dried, collecting the run off/ juices, diluting in 5 gal of RO water and dipping an EC meter/PPM pen in.......


Well-Known Member
I would URGE you to. Flushed DWC should give you the cleanest smoking weed possible. I have seen a friend use VERY weak molasses dissolved in warm water and added to the bucket during the first week of his flush. He only flushes for 10 days, claiming DWC is a faster flusher. He has very nice tasting smooth burning weed........

There is little to nil evidence for this no flush needed hypothesis.

I have asked one of the proponents to conduct a simple test using an EC or PPM pen...... I'm waiting to hear from someone who has done it........ I even offered a more complex test involving pressing equal quantities of two plants, one flushed and one not before dried, collecting the run off/ juices, diluting in 5 gal of RO water and dipping an EC meter/PPM pen in.......

One point you seem to have completely missed, is that it is only you who needs 'proof' (ok, a few others are interested - but they aint attacking people like you). Everyone else is completely at peace with their position. So you go do the research rather than posting passive aggressive bile. Seriously.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
the final answer, DWC, pump full of nutes, then try and wash out

soil, keep em green and healthy and there is nothing to flush.


New Member
How does root exudation and a ten year old article on rhizhosphere biology relating to natures symbiosis have anything to do with flushing hydro . I thought you were referencing hydro and flushing which has no relationship to the article posted in your link .

You can bang your head against the wall over and over or simply allow this thread to be flushed away with the rest of them all .. Many people take this place a bit serious and could really learn if they just listend to the plant instead of the stupid shit posted here ..

Peace .........PotSnob


New Member
the final answer, DWC, pump full of nutes, then try and wash out

soil, keep em green and healthy and there is nothing to flush.
Yep. Easy as that. That's exactly how it works. Prof Estevez knows. Nothing to flush....... Nothing to flush...... If you say it enough times it becomes true.


Well-Known Member
1200ppm holy fuck!

When I was hydro running recirculating I never got above 1100 @.7ppm or 800 @.5ppm.
Holy fuck!!! Are you serious. I said never above 1200 and that is only when plants drink to much water at night and ppm's spike or when in aero system and conditions allow. Then you chime in I never got above 1100ppm, that's 100ppm less and you act like it is something big enough to state Holy fuck. But you try to find logic in not flushing your hydro? Please.

Typically the ppm's sit at 800-900ppm and still we Always flush, Always.

If you run a mediumless system you can get away with a just few day flush, and no I would not recommend flushing two weeks, especially when the plants are in full bloom. Like I said, I support a step down approach with nutes the on week 6 and 7 by removing micro and grow, if possible.

If you smell a bottle of gen. Hydro's micro(red bottle), that smell carries over in the plant regardless of total ppms used and must be removed by final chop.

Again if you are happy with not flushing, cool; but there is a big difference even if you and countless others can not taste it. It is preference to which one people prefer, but in a blind taste my money is on people going for the flushed bud over non-flushed buds any day.


Well-Known Member
Not to be rude jumpy0ne but I just don't see the benefit
to you to come in to a thread that is obviously against your personal beliefs.
The only motive, is to stir up shit and infringe on another persons beliefs. Bigby was merely stating his findings
and you are coming in to "HIS" thread where you certainly don't have to put as much effort as you
have been demonstrating just to get your point across. If it is not your cup of tea, just go find a thread about pro flushing and be happy.


New Member
How does root exudation and a ten year old article on rhizhosphehe biology relating to the natural symbiosis have anything to do with flushing hydro . I thought you were referencing hydro and flushing which has no relationship to the article posted in your link .

You can bang your head against the wall over and over or simply allow this thread to be flushed away with the rest of them all .. Many people take this place a bit serious and could really learn if they just listend to the plant instead of the stupid shit posted here ..

Peace .........PotSnob
It shows that the roots exude waste matter that the plants does not want. Some of the exudes are beneficial to the growth of the plant, some are waste..... The idea of a flush is the same as for a bodybuilder or athlete......... to clean out toxins. It's the same for humans and animals.... and plants. If you were poisoned and you went to hospital you would be given a drip to help flush away toxins more rapidly than your body is capable of on it's own. Super models drink clean fresh water to improve their skin. Dr's prescribe "drink lots of water" on a regular basis........ Obviously it's all bollocks and just a old school craze. Fucking corporate shite to get you to buy more water........

If you didnt need to flush the first people to say so would be the NUTRIENT companies........ An extra 12 days to two weeks more nutrients!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE THIS NO FLUSH THING IS BOLLOCKS. It MIGHT work for a few very good growers who know their strain/pheno and medium and nutes and feed schedule inside out........ but, if you're not one of those old heads growing the same clone in the same soil for 30 years, it's an old fish wives tale that needs debunking fast before newbs inhale toxic shit. I dont give a fuck if the crusty lazy old hippies propagating this shit believe it.......


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I believe your Avatar states "Lets Get Free" but you are poaching someone's freedom.
Your beliefs are yours and of others of the like mind. To take away someone elses is pure
tyranny and revoking the "FREEDOM" to choose.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
It shows that the roots exude waste matter that the plants does not want. Some of the exudes are beneficial to the growth of the plant, some are waste..... The idea of a flush is the same as for a bodybuilder or athlete......... to clean out toxins. It's the same for humans and animals.... and plants. If you were poisoned and you went to hospital you would be given a drip to help flush away toxins more rapidly than your body is capable of on it's own. Super models drink clean fresh water to improve their skin. Dr's prescribe "drink lots of water" on a regular basis........ Obviously it's all bollocks and just a old school craze. Fucking corporate shite to get you to buy more water........

If you didnt need to flush the first people to say so would be the NUTRIENT companies........ An extra 12 days to two weeks more nutrients!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE THIS NO FLUSH THING IS BOLLOCKS. It MIGHT work for a few very good growers who know their strain/pheno and medium and nutes and feed schedule inside out........ but, if you're not one of those old heads growing the same clone in the same soil for 30 years, it's an old fish wives tale that needs debunking fast before newbs inhale toxic shit. I dont give a fuck if the crusty lazy old hippies propagating this shit believe it.......
you can't make up your mind, either you flush and the plant uses up stored nutes, or it poops them out the roots, which is it? If you at least said something halfway intelligent,Like, I flush and check the sugar levels with a brix meter until it's at a certain level, then i might get off the bandwagon. but your just arguing for the sake of arguing.


New Member
Not to be rude jumpy0ne but I just don't see the benefit
to you to come in to a thread that is obviously against your personal beliefs.
The only motive, is to stir up shit and infringe on another persons beliefs. Bigby was merely stating his findings
and you are coming in to "HIS" thread where you certainly don't have to put as much effort as you
have been demonstrating just to get your point across. If it is not your cup of tea, just go find a thread about pro flushing and be happy.
It's about debunking and chalenging flawed growing concepts and bad teaching...... To state no need to flush on a site used as reference by thousands of new growers is boldly reckless, its important this gets challenged. It's not his thread as in his grow journal. I wouldn't do that. Although several who have participated today in this thread regularly do impose and opine on others journals....... This is in general growing not organics or hydro. It seems to me to be fair game for discussion and debate

As you can see I have been a solo voice against a chorus of many. Don't feel too much sympathy for Bigby.... his opinion has been well supported and he has been as rude as any other in this thread. His conduct should hardly invoke your loyalties. I certainly feel sorry for no one here arguing...... it means you have a home and a laptop and a marijuana grow.......hardly the situation to inspire sympathy.