No flush - white ash.


Well-Known Member
You can't call someone a cunt and a hateful child then jump to the moral high ground because it suits. I mean you can....... you just seem shallow. Reasoned debate? About what? Missing steps of growing produce for human consumption like flushing toxins.......... Please.

You came in here calling people all sorts of shit straight of the bat, and act like there is a need to be reasonable in response to you. I am happy being reasonable and unreasonable at the same time. You seem clueless to the fact that you are doing it. I am trying to be a different type of human being, you are just being a capitalist retard.

As for toxins - were is your proof that the a) the toxins remain in unflushed organic grown weed and b) that the 'toxins' are actually harmful when smoked - give me proof! Go on you blind follower of science! Show me 'proof' and demonstrate you do not even understand the tool you are putting your faith in!

Oh and I can do and say whatever I like, even if it conflicts with something else I've said. While we're at it, have another CUNT! Just so the message is closer to your level! Cunt!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Fucking A! I mean..... If I were 12 I would be dying with laughter. So you live in Cali and you're not Charlie Sheen....... Since you're sooo witty- Do you write scripts for teenage girls TV shows?
yeah, i sure do, and I'm looking for a new star, Interested?


Well-Known Member
As for the soil vs hydro taste: both can result in quality tasting bud. Saying mj from hydro is nasty is silly, it's well-known that hydro tastes cleaner. Organics growers turn that around and say organic-grown is richer in taste. Depends on what one 'wants' to believe I guess. In my 22 year smoking mj experience it doesn't mean one tastes 'better' than the other. "Great" taste comes from nutes, strain, drying and curing, not the medium. (think about it... soil grow leads to more rich tasting terpenes?)

I hate to disagree, but taste comes from soil, also it has to do with the minerals and concentrations in the soil. Ask your self why wine regions around the world with matching climates have a different taste? Soil. Not going to agrue over soil or hydro taste being better or not but to say that the medium doesn't contribute to flavourings in different fruits, veggies and our smoke is just a plain uneducated statement or at the very least one lacking in understanding of how plants uptake things from the soil and use them.


Well-Known Member
I am on the fence, however I have not flushed in a year and a half. I grow in pro mix 4, so it is basically an inert grow medium as well.
I would be the first to start flushing again as soon as ANYONE can provide scientific links that show plant matter tested with nutes delivered to the end of harvest showed residual chemicals, nutes etc.

I have heard a lot of "in my opinion" or "tastes fine to me" or "I see no difference", but all I want to see is scientific proof, that mj plants retain chemicals in their buds and that toxins are present. I am not saying that they don't, I would like to see tests performed in both instances, not a bunch of hyperbole, and speculation mixed with a few botany facts.
The fact that this discussion remains a highly disputed one, suggests that there is no evidence either way, or if there is, than why isn't flushing an assumed practice that everyone does?
Show me the chemical analysis of buds grown using both practices and I will determine which I choose to smoke.
Right now, I am happy and so are my clients.
Oh yeh, I live in Colorado where top shelf weed is cheap and easy to find. My client list is the same as it always has been for the past couple years, even after I stopped flushing.


New Member
You came in here calling people all sorts of shit straight of the bat, and act like there is a need to be reasonable in response to you. I am happy being reasonable and unreasonable at the same time. You seem clueless to the fact that you are doing it. I am trying to be a different type of human being, you are just being a capitalist retard.

As for toxins - were is your proof that the a) the toxins remain in unflushed organic grown weed and b) that the 'toxins' are actually harmful when smoked - give me proof! Go on you blind follower of science! Show me 'proof' and demonstrate you do not even understand the tool you are putting your faith in!

Oh and I can do and say whatever I like, even if it conflicts with something else I've said. While we're at it, have another CUNT! Just so the message is closer to your level! Cunt!

Hahaha. The ramblings of the schizoid....... What is that capitalist stuff about Lenin? Where did I give you any information about my political leanings? PROOF in ACTION that you see and read whatever the fuck you want to......... Why are you calling me a cunt? You are trying to be a different human being? I don't feel like I need to be reasonable to a guy who states with no evidence that- NO FLUSH is best. That's reckless.

Are you asking me to PROVE that if you don't flush your medium it contains toxins?........ Why don't you go check yourself.?.... Buy an EC Pen. Don't flush one pot and then before harvest, water it and check EC of run off. Do the same with a pot you have been flushing. If you want to be super sciency take your plant and press it using a vice/press squeezing the juices out........ mix said juices with 5 Gal of water....... test EC. Do the same with flushed and unflushed weed. I'm not the one not flushing my buds....... I have nothing to prove. You have to prove to yourself and your customers your bud has no "toxins", not me you fool. And as the OP stating there is no need to flush on this thread has to PROVE it before boldly stating it. I'm holding you and your claims up to PEER REVIEW, the obligation is on you to back it. You pointing the finger at me and asking me to disprove your unproven and foundation-less claims is the same as backing the fuck down in the science world. Get back to me when you've done the test. Fuck off with your name calling in the meantime. Telling people not to flush is bad practice and you ought be ashamed. Then you demand science???? Are you fucking stoopid? You called me a "blind follower of science" that's insane...... You F'in nut job? Mentally insane! Blind follower of science? This IS the upside down thread........ Get a EC pen and a bucket and test the run off then test the plant's liquid content diluted in 5 Gal. If I'm wrong I will donate $100 to a charity of your choosing.


Well-Known Member
You know fellas, I hate to say it but I feel as though
we have lost the ideals of the MMJ community. We were once united in a fight
that was taken up against us as a whole. Now that we have made progress in that fight
we have turned against our own,to what end?Let us be a shining example of what our community represents "LOVE"
To each their own I say....if it works for you...roll with it and congrats.


New Member
Fuck off then!
Nope. You need to go do the test I described a couple of posts back with a bucket, a press and an ec pen. Then we'll see who can fuck off.

Otherwise as far as I am concerned you are endangering the health of noob growers who will follow your faux claim as advice without having their environment, feed schedule and strain 100% dialed in........ Even if they did, without lab analysis, or, at least the test I described, it would still be taking a chance in the face of conventional wisdom and scientific EVIDENCE, as you demand I call it.

No Flush = Toxins in your bud........ Maybe I'm old school or sumfin'

Also worth noting about your use of the like feature...... You liked the post by sohighifly...... he calls for calm and love. You liked the post and then wrote FUCK OFF THEN. Schizoid fruit. Go smoke some more unflushed buds and calm down..... Or maybe that's the problem.???


Well-Known Member
You know fellas, I hate to say it but I feel as though
we have lost the ideals of the MMJ community. We were once united in a fight
that was taken up against us as a whole. Now that we have made progress in that fight
we have turned against our own,to what end?Let us be a shining example of what our community represents "LOVE"
To each their own I say....if it works for you...roll with it and congrats.

Totally agree. However, sometimes I am fallible and respond to attacks from others. Usually on Sundays actually.

I actually notice on here, occasionally, people who start off with a shitty attitude turning around their tone when they learn how this forum can be. Many others get all full of bile and head off to other forums to start the whole process again - ending up with the view that the whole world are wrong and against them. Now you have posted a message facilitating awareness I am glad to once again post as a pro social forum member. I don't apologise for my tone in previous posts - but will no longer respond to attacks with an attack.

Good man "sohighfly" for pointing out the right thing, the important thing (and risking the wrath of both sides). :-)


Well-Known Member
Nope. You need to go do the test I described a couple of posts back with a bucket, a press and an ec pen. Then we'll see who can fuck off.
I do not feel the need to do such things as my growing is organic and I am happy that nothing harmful is left.

Jon uses Chemical nutes and ec pens and has done the tests you mention, and his findings were sufficient for him to be confident to smoke it. I trust his findings.

Oh and I'm happy to fuck off! Confrontation without respect seems to be something you enjoy. It bores me and belittles this forum, which is a very respectful place usually.


New Member
I do not feel the need to do such things as my growing is organic and I am happy that nothing harmful is left.

Jon uses Chemical nutes and ec pens and has done the tests you mention, and his findings were sufficient for him to be confident to smoke it. I trust his findings.

Oh and I'm happy to fuck off! Confrontation without respect seems to be something you enjoy. It bores me and belittles this forum, which is a very respectful place usually.
And so he exits in a huff without evidencing his claim. He also tries to claim the moral high ground by offering platitudes to the forum...... Belittling and boring? Once again your slimy character shows. So confrontation is good so long as you earn respect? Listen to the fake morals.


Well-Known Member
Ur a dick guy ^.... I'm neither for or against flushing I flush a few days before harvest every time but that's more or less out of habit. If it aint broke don't fix it my buddah allways comes out clean n tastey. My next batch I'll try no flushing it can't hurt, fuck it, yolo.