I'm sure there is a high likelihood that during someone's entire career of ordering drugs online, they won't get busted. However, it should be safe to assume that anything and everything you do online can and will be viewed. That's just the nature of the technology we have. Encryption and all that is great. But the fact is, if it can be created, it can be destroyed just as easily.
If you don't mind the possibility of being put on a list or several lists, then no problem.
The thing with the paranoia is, how far should you take it? That's always the million dollar question. A lot of you weed smokers and trippers out there know what I'm talking about. So where should you be at? So calm and dismissive that you could potentially endanger yourself? So over the edge and paranoid that it consumes part of your life and starts to inhibit things? Is there a middle ground?
I know one thing. Life is fucking radical. Some times it's hard to handle. Other times, it's not.