New Silk Road


Well-Known Member
Hey!! A new silkroad... even with a replacement DPR... awesome.

Those of you who say "Don't talk about it! You'll ruin it!"

Eat my ass...

While there were others to fill the void... Silk Road just does it right... Props to those who make it happen.
nobody ever hears about the guy that just bought 200 mg of MDMA and got arrested.... because that is about a 6 month charge ...and in my county you are now 11550 and you have to enter into a 2 year long drug test court or do all 6 months....... careful out there kids. you got me on the Federal level if they go that route...the local sheriff will be happy to charge you with the 11550..its a living.......I think all Sheriff offices have internet task force now...they relay information quickly..... ah shit now I'm just being stupid paranoid...sorry... what do I know?
silk road 2.0 doesn't have anywhere near the amount of features it's predecessor had. plus the new dpr does not seem even remotely as intelligent as the first dpr. why use such a shitty marketplace when there are other established places such as sheep? i'd lay low on sr2 for at-least 6 months.
nobody ever hears about the guy that just bought 200 mg of MDMA and got arrested.... because that is about a 6 month charge ...and in my county you are now 11550 and you have to enter into a 2 year long drug test court or do all 6 months....... careful out there kids. you got me on the Federal level if they go that route...the local sheriff will be happy to charge you with the 11550..its a living.......I think all Sheriff offices have internet task force now...they relay information quickly..... ah shit now I'm just being stupid paranoid...sorry... what do I know?

No, that's an appropriate level of paranoia.

As cool as buying drugs over the internet sounds, I'd rather have no drugs. I've always wanted to try it, but probably won't. If I have to resort to ordering certain drugs online, I'll just stick with weed. And if there's no local weed where I am, then fuck man wtf am i doin?
Hey, I have a idea for those of you that order drugs online...just start a thread that says " Hey! You can order drugs online on the deep net! "...... done. don't name names...motivated people get drugs...I'm sure someone who can figure out TOR will also find a drug ordering website. Stop naming the names of your favorite drug ordering web sites! just order drugs and do them, why brag? IF you are just trying to help people then refer to my first idea.
I'm sure there is a high likelihood that during someone's entire career of ordering drugs online, they won't get busted. However, it should be safe to assume that anything and everything you do online can and will be viewed. That's just the nature of the technology we have. Encryption and all that is great. But the fact is, if it can be created, it can be destroyed just as easily.

If you don't mind the possibility of being put on a list or several lists, then no problem.

The thing with the paranoia is, how far should you take it? That's always the million dollar question. A lot of you weed smokers and trippers out there know what I'm talking about. So where should you be at? So calm and dismissive that you could potentially endanger yourself? So over the edge and paranoid that it consumes part of your life and starts to inhibit things? Is there a middle ground?

I know one thing. Life is fucking radical. Some times it's hard to handle. Other times, it's not.
Hey!! A new silkroad... even with a replacement DPR... awesome.

Those of you who say "Don't talk about it! You'll ruin it!"

Eat my ass...

While there were others to fill the void... Silk Road just does it right... Props to those who make it happen.
Your a shit head why would you post that? You and the many others are the reasons why we can't have anything discreet going on the world.
Good job man, and no I won't eat your ass
lol you're serious man?

Yeah because the feds had no idea it existed until this thread appeared...


of course they know. thing is, they wont do much with a low popularity level, however when a bunch of heartland idiots make threads about it because they think its cool, and a bunch of kids and reporters and whomever get on the bandwagon, well you get the idea. talking about it = increased popularity = more talk = SHUT DOWN.

shut your fucking mouths already you dumbasses.
And you know, Silk Road are two kinda hot keywords right now so.... Putting that in the thread titles and in the post body...


And for good measure, one more... SILK ROAD

#s1Lk R0Ad
of course they know. thing is, they wont do much with a low popularity level, however when a bunch of heartland idiots make threads about it because they think its cool, and a bunch of kids and reporters and whomever get on the bandwagon, well you get the idea. talking about it = increased popularity = more talk = SHUT DOWN.

shut your fucking mouths already you dumbasses.
you clearly haven't a clue what you're talking about if you think it is possible for sr2 to have a low popularity level. this market exploded in the media the day it came out. why do you think the new dpr speaks publically about his market? because popularity is not an issue anymore; it is actually the goal.

everyone calling heartland an idiot for posting this thread should refrain from commenting on this topic. you do nothing more than make yourselves look uneducated on the subject
The last dpr was doing online interviews with people in magazines because there competition started making youtube videos to show everyone how to access there website through tor... they dont care about the traffic and talk so why should you.

It says clear as day online dea and every other federal agency new about it 2 months into them being open. They made it 2+ years after that so guy must have known what he was doing. Just got too comfortable an put personal stuff in the open i guess.

As for the new website people are nuts for using it... they downloaded the entire server and i bet they reopened it and made bunch of fake users an took over the old users accounts an put new fake ratings an everything to have an operation open to the public and they will be knocking on doors. I could easily be wrong as i never used it and never will but the feds have unlimited funds when it comes to this type of stuff.

He doesnt seem as smart as last dpr prob because its some nerd out of school who helped catch last guy running it from fbi or whatever headquarters.
The more people what buy drugs, the more money DPR makes. He won't be upset if you tell everyone in the fucking world about it.

And the more people what buy drugs on the undernet, the better selection you will have.

Don't worry, Be happy.
the feds were all over the silk road.. lol. just like a new one coming up. they are probably all over that as well. the problem for them was, they couldnt crack it.
the feds were all over the silk road.. lol. just like a new one coming up. they are probably all over that as well. the problem for them was, they couldnt crack it.

I just sit back and laugh at people who have to buy drugs online LOL, can people find any easier way to put a target on their back? Raise a red flag?
Hey!! A new silkroad... even with a replacement DPR... awesome.

Those of you who say "Don't talk about it! You'll ruin it!"

Eat my ass...

While there were others to fill the void... Silk Road just does it right... Props to those who make it happen.

Hank, I believe this proves once and for all that you are a law enforcement official and that you are here for nothing more than to entrap innocent citizens of these United Staes into agreeing with your dumb ass ideas and propaganda for the purpose of incarcerating these same fine citizens so their children will starve. Or not. I don't know.