New setup tell me what you think :D

noticed some leaves are droopy.... and veins are turning yellow.... if i could i would put pics up but i cant right now seeing since my phone is broken!!!
noticed some leaves are droopy.... and veins are turning yellow.... if i could i would put pics up but i cant right now seeing since my phone is broken!!!
Try giving 1 tsp/ gal of regular Epsom salt next time you water for a little more Mg.
My Diesel and the Alpha are Mg whores.
Try giving 1 tsp/ gal of regular Epsom salt next time you water for a little more Mg.
My Diesel and the Alpha are Mg whores.
ok sounds good...
could it be the cold weather though thats been here??? its been -20+ and will continue tomorrow as well. i dont have a heat source in the closet at night for my WW
ok sounds good...
could it be the cold weather though thats been here??? its been -20+ and will continue tomorrow as well. i dont have a heat source in the closet at night for my WW
Nah, if it's the cold weather, you'll see your leafs turning dark purple/ blackish from P lockout like my Alpha and SFV you can see a little.
Do you have a Pike's Nursery nearby?
If so, grab yourself a bottle of Maxi Cal and use that, then you'll know you're getting enough Ca. also.
Nah, if it's the cold weather, you'll see your leafs turning dark purple/ blackish from P lockout like my Alpha and SFV you can see a little.
Do you have a Pike's Nursery nearby?
If so, grab yourself a bottle of Maxi Cal and use that, then you'll know you're getting enough Ca. also.
ahh ok. no leaves are turning colors on me so thats good...
and no i dont. ive never even heard of a store like that LOL.
its just weird ive never had this problem with my WW at all. shes been very very healthy and when i feed veg nutes she perks back up and nothing is yellowing
ahh ok. no leaves are turning colors on me so thats good...
and no i dont. ive never even heard of a store like that LOL.
its just weird ive never had this problem with my WW at all. shes been very very healthy and when i feed veg nutes she perks back up and nothing is yellowing
It depends on the plant bro.
The Diesel and Alpha are the first ones I've had to give extra, and for about 3 grows consecutive, all I was giving was MG All Purpose.
Check here.
If not, check for other nurseries, or order you a bottle of Cal/Mag online.
If it's just droopy it could be from over watering.

Also, like Bak said, each strain is different. I notice some plants that look happy during veg just droop the entire time during flower.
If it's just droopy it could be from over watering.

Also, like Bak said, each strain is different. I notice some plants that look happy during veg just droop the entire time during flower.
He said he's getting yellow veins too, the color he said did NOT have was Purple leafs from P lockout. ;)
Well, I'm about 2/3's of the way through your thread there Chief. Maybe I'll finish it tonight and then again maybe I won't. lol I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with her. Some bitches are just fickle like that. I too have grown some girls that required what seemed like abnormal amounts of calcium and mag. After a few grows with her though you will become intimate with her and you will just know what she needs by the looks of her. Just take your time and try not to get too frustrated and all will be fine bro. I feel you are doing an awesome job with her. Keep up the great work and keep us posted. You have an amazing network of people to help you. Cheers to you Buckwheat......Jointed
Well, I'm about 2/3's of the way through your thread there Chief. Maybe I'll finish it tonight and then again maybe I won't. lol I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with her. Some bitches are just fickle like that. I too have grown some girls that required what seemed like abnormal amounts of calcium and mag. After a few grows with her though you will become intimate with her and you will just know what she needs by the looks of her. Just take your time and try not to get too frustrated and all will be fine bro. I feel you are doing an awesome job with her. Keep up the great work and keep us posted. You have an amazing network of people to help you. Cheers to you Buckwheat......Jointed

thanks for the kind words bud :D
all the problems are fixed.
and im not getting frustrated lol. i have enjoyed watching her grow. especially from the beginning when i did have problems with her.
and stay close to the crew on here they have helped me alot
and thanks for the Buckwheat lol :D
seems like this nickname is sticking now too
Well I have not been here a long time, but from what i see, everyone seems to be trying to help and all in all it is awesome.. So much knowledge.. One cannot help but learn. Practice makes perfect..well So I say thankyou to all, who give their wisdom and their time to answer all....:clap:
Well, I'm about 2/3's of the way through your thread there Chief. Maybe I'll finish it tonight and then again maybe I won't. lol I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with her. Some bitches are just fickle like that. I too have grown some girls that required what seemed like abnormal amounts of calcium and mag. After a few grows with her though you will become intimate with her and you will just know what she needs by the looks of her. Just take your time and try not to get too frustrated and all will be fine bro. I feel you are doing an awesome job with her. Keep up the great work and keep us posted. You have an amazing network of people to help you. Cheers to you Buckwheat......Jointed
How heavy is yer cat?
I remember a 17 pounder, same color.
thanks for the kind words bud :D
all the problems are fixed.
and im not getting frustrated lol. i have enjoyed watching her grow. especially from the beginning when i did have problems with her.
and stay close to the crew on here they have helped me alot
and thanks for the Buckwheat lol :D
seems like this nickname is sticking now too
Fix yer dam camera!:clap: