New setup tell me what you think :D

2014-01-29 15.48.04.jpg top view 2014-01-29 15.48.56.jpg 2014-01-29 15.49.17.jpg 2014-01-29 15.53.49.jpg

ok somehow i managed to get pictures up
my internet is acting funny and so is my computer ughh
but anyway here yall are
week 2 today officially...
you can see the droopyness grrrrr
lol... that phone has been doomed had for 2 years now. older smartphone running slow restarts on its own sometimes... it was just the right time to put it out of its misery and stop putting me through hell
Alright answer my question lol. It doesn't sound like your over or under watering.

Idk my Black Domina x Bubblegums never droop throughout flower but my 8Ball Kushs always seem to look a little droopy. It could just be the plant.

Could also be a temperature issue?
Alright answer my question lol. It doesn't sound like your over or under watering.

Idk my Black Domina x Bubblegums never droop throughout flower but my 8Ball Kushs always seem to look a little droopy. It could just be the plant.

Could also be a temperature issue?
My GDP last Summer did the same thing, it never really looked perky except for a early veg and a few days later on into flower.
it might be temps... dont have a thermometer but i know it doesnt get colder than 55 degrees in there at night. but maybe that cold ass weather that just came through had something to do with it...
it might be temps... dont have a thermometer but i know it doesnt get colder than 55 degrees in there at night. but maybe that cold ass weather that just came through had something to do with it...

I would highly suggest getting a hygrometer in there to measure rH and temp, but if not at least get a thermometer. It could be getting too hot or too cold without knowing.
i will get some next month after i get more beans and the good soil and nutes as well :D

should i be worried at all???
i mean she is growing good the pistils are coming in like crazy as well especially on all of the crowns i have at the tops