New setup tell me what you think :D

why should i not do that???? LOL
That's all up to you bro, but like GWN says, it's already hard enough to get close to a finishing time that a breeder gives, but some guys like to count from the day they flip the lights, and others like me, like to count from the day the first pistils are seen.
Sometimes a plant can show pistils within 3-4 days of the flip, and other times, may take up to 2 weeks.
I'm just saying, if you buy beans that suggest a 62 day flower, you might be disappointed when you look at your notes, and ask yourself why it took you 90 days to finish.
Then again, there are some guys that don't know any better, and will watch the calendar, not the trichs, and chop when the given flowering date arrives, and the yield suffers.
hmmm well i do have you guys behind me to help out when she is finished to chop... but ive only counted about 4-6 hairs as of now. calyx's are still developing on lower nodes/branches.

it has been 1 week today in flower. so maybe during the next week or so than all of the pistils will be shooting up through the leaves.

i also have not fed flower nutes yet. i gave her on last dose of veg nutes last week. so later this week when she is dry enough she is getting her flower nutes started....
Why not just use one hid bulb instead of all the those?
Also during the 12:12 period that doesn't like like its light tight. Aren't you worried about loosing bud mass?
Why not just use one hid bulb instead of all the those?
Also during the 12:12 period that doesn't like like its light tight. Aren't you worried about loosing bud mass?

all i got is CFL bulbs. im not looking for pounds or several ounces. its personal use. nothing else. if pull and oz or more id be content with that. plus CFL dont use as much electricity. got bills to pay not get behind in bills

  • Also during the 12:12 period that doesn't like like its light tight.

    ummm are you serious about that??? lol. CFL bulbs are suppose to be close and it keeps the internodes tight and during flower the first 4 weeks all the plant does is stretch out lmao.... oh boy youre funny​

youl maybes need an exhaust fan one oscalating fan wont be enough youl start getting problems when u get into flowering
Youl maybes need to shut your flapper cause you dont have a clue what your talking about. All i hear is derp derrp derp i dont know what im talking about derp.
Don't take much attention to people that don't get on and post often like those two, reacting simply feeds them. We know they don't know, but it does no good to rub it in. Everyone starts somewhere.

Remember, you guys are doing a lot of learning too. I'm still learning myself with multiple grows and quite a few plants under my belt. I know others that have been growing for over 10 years and still change and adjust to how they grow. People may think people don't change and are stuck in their ways, but everyone changes because you're always learning.