• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New Global warming puzzle: Is it the sun?


Well-Known Member
I just watched a show on the science channel all about the sun. The hypothesis, for we really don't know the exactness of the claims, was that the sun would be around pretty much its present state for another 5 billion years before it went super nova.. Also, the temperatue of the sun would remain constant untill it was almost out of hydrogen, 4-5 billion years. They tried to explain the mini ice age 15,000 years ago on a lack of sunspots, although no-one was around to observe this phenomenon in any recording capacity. But what I'm saying here is the sun is not responsible for global warming, We are. Man and his forge blindly ahead with the current consumptive energy plans, has laid waste to the environment in ways we don't even know. The Inuits, (eskimos) are filing lawsuits against the Industrial countries for the warming of the polar regions. It now rains in winter, something that hasn't happened since recorded time in the artic. the rain freezes the top of the snow pack and the cariboo can't scrape through the ice to get at the vegitation that sustains them. Also the sea ice is too thin to go hunting seals on for the Inuit, These are but a couple of examples of mans assault on mother nature. When will we pull our head out, it seems that a few on this site would blame these things on mama nature, wake the fuck up!! It's us, the ultimate parasites!
Answer me one question.
When is man as a race going to be required to commit mass suicide so that man no longer molest mother earth? Jesus, I don't want to go through that whole evolution thing again. :D
None of the Environmental Scientist Theories have been proven, they are just that, theory.


New Member
Lmao, Dude you really need to do a large scale empeirment and see just how much ice really turns into water and yes the oceans will rise as is happening today! The caps contain more water than the entire alantic ocean yet as they melt you say the oceans will not rise? Lets get real. Man has and is creating a warmer planet the future of our planet greatly depends on our actions now as well as evolution. The earth for thousands of years has been able to produce living spieces of a wide aray of beings, so be it plants, fungi, humans, animals, perisites and general living organisims who's sole purpous is to consume what is around them! The big question should be is the earth going to beable to substain it's self at the rate humans are impacting the globe? I personly believe the anser is NO! The earth has evolved over millions of years as life has with it. We humans have changed the earth just in the last 100 years like never before and the planet is not able to counter react our actions as fast as we destroy the planet.


New Member
Answer me one question.
When is man as a race going to be required to commit mass suicide so that man no longer molest mother earth? Jesus, I don't want to go through that whole evolution thing again. :D
None of the Environmental Scientist Theories have been proven, they are just that, theory.
In your estimation, what is the theory behind the melting of the polar ice, the theory why its raining in winter in the artic, and the theory why the sun is getting hotter (that one absolutely holds no water). Maybe it is you that should do some examination of your views!


New Member
Dude the sun is not literally getting hotter the ozone layer has caused the earth to be exposed to higher amounts of radiation from space with the holes over the caps! Causing the melting as we see it today!


New Member
Dude the sun is not literally getting hotter the ozone layer has caused the earth to be exposed to higher amounts of radiation from space with the holes over the caps! Causing the melting as we see it today!
I can see you're agreeing with the man made warming thing. How could it be anything else. those that think this is just a cycle of nature are turning a blind eye to the truth. We, mankind, are the contributing factor in this "phase" of Global warming, and had better change some things fast or we're in for some bad things happening weatherwise, and generally every other wise!


New Member
I dont live on mars first and foremost. So I have no idea if their is polar caps on mars or not! I do know about our planet however and mars is not earth there fore my discussion is earth. And your proving a point everyone wants to look elsewhere but here at the problem we have here not on Mars! If for a second by cutting down our forests and turning fields into concrete by burning oil and producing heat on a large scale as we do we are not impacting the globe then everyone should just kill themselves. Our true apocalypse is going to be man made and is coming!


New Member
Ex-Bush air man, now with Giuliani law firm, claims credit for Bush global warming stance

A most interesting exchange on this week's "Living on Earth" program, in a piece that correspondent Jeff Young produced on the Supreme Court case on global warming

Young interviewed Jeffrey Holmstead, formerly head of EPA's air pollution program, who recently joined the BracewellGIULIANI law firm (yes -- the named partner is former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is exploring a presidential bid) .

BracewellGIULIANI is one of the most active (and influential) law/lobbying firms opposing limits on global warming emissions. Its clients include the oil industry, Southern Company (a real power house in D.C. political circles) and TXU, which is trying to fast-track about a dozen new coal-burning power plants in Texas.

Young asked BracewellGIULIANI partner Holmstead about his expectations for the Supreme Court case. Here is a partial transcript:

But one former EPA official is confident the agency's decision not to act on greenhouse gases will stand. Until last year, Jeff Holmstead was EPA's chief of Air issues.

HOLMSTEAD: It was the decision that I recommended and I think it's the right decision and I think the Supreme Court will say that as well.

YOUNG: And what do you do now?

HOLMSTEAD: I just started work, I'm a partner with the firm Bracewell and Giuliani.

YOUNG: Yes, that's the same firm that represents power companies. But Holmstead says there's nothing wrong with his move from government regulator to representing the regulated.

HOLMSTEAD: I, I'm not sure why, uh, people have tried to make something of that. But people have to have jobs. And that's the way it works.

YOUNG: The court is expected to rule by the summer. For living on Earth, I'm Jeff Young, at the Supreme Court.
The entire transcript is at http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.htm?programID=06-P13-00048&segmentID=3
You have to note there is some real irony here: Giuliani's New York City is one of the key participants asking the Supreme Court to rule that EPA has authority to limit greenhouse gases.
Yet his law firm has recruited, in a classic case of the revolving door syndrome, the very guy who is claiming at least partial credit for the Bush position.
You do have to wonder if Giuliani will become squeamish about his firm's activities if his nascent presidential bid gains any traction. These are the guys deciding the air we breathe!



New Member
Ballin then why are the polar ice caps melting on mars?
They don't even know if those are water or something else, and besides mars has naught to do with the warming of the earth. Face it man, we are the culprits. this is way beyond the bleeding heart liberals whining about the environment, this is real shit. The Ice caps are in meltdown, the Glaciers are in meltdown, and the sun remains the same as it will for at least a couple of billion years. It takes 250 years for the light from the core of the sun to reach the surface, and 8 minutes to reach the earth, so the light we're recieving now started 250 years and 8 minutes ago! Do you think that is going to change overnight?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Man is numero uno, Knowm... and insects have no perception of man.
this is a contridiction... THE BIG picture.. if ants have no perception of MAN (which I don't think they do).. then I can only suggest that there is something very real that MAN has no perception of.. MAN is an insect to ANOTHER.. (the EGO hates to hear that)... LOL

But ONE can become aware of this amazing creature and be awe struck.. BUT first ONE would have to ADMIT. that ONE does not KNOW.... ONE would have to step into the UNKNOWN... ONE would have to give up ONE's CONSTRUCTED IDENTITY of WHOMEVER ONE thinks ONE is... AS A PERSON who KNOWS....

And once you do become aware of this BIGGER picture.. you will be apart of a very very small community.. and then the responsiblity grows 1000 X's ... the pressure is enormous.. and yet you have these ants who are fighting against YOU........ as YOU try and save them.. LOL


yes the planet is definitley getting hotter.... It does absoultely no GOOD to presume we are numero UNO unless we are willing to take RESPONSE ABILITY..... ABILITY to RESPOND...

there is no reason to fight AL GORE or liberals or enviromentalists.. their agenda is to be responsible and to help the planet (of course I am generalizing)....

FIGHT the good fight.... LET people be concerned and look for alternative modes of energy without INTERFERING and HATING on them.. LET THEM DO THEIR PART.. DOn't make your identity based on STANDING up against others...


100 years ago the worlds population reached an amazing 2 billion people..


Today the worlds population is 6 billion...

Just think about that for 10 seconds. A 300% increase in 100 years....

When in the previous 10,000 years the population had never gone over 2 billion....

MAN is having a HUGE impact on the planet... Those of us who shit... need to be responsible and wipe our asses... It does no good to deny that we shit.. Everybody can see the brown mark and smell the stench...

and if you can't see the brown mark or smell the stench.. sure as fuck don't stop others from trying to clean up.....


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

None of the Environmental Scientist Theories have been proven, they are just that, theory.
Everything is theory.... so.... this point is moot.. You can say that to anybody abot anything.. ITs the same as saying, THIS IS ALL GODS PLAN....

LOL - that's like picking up the checker board and throwing it across the room and saying.. I WIN!!!

Along the 680 corridor in california the cancer rate is 10 times that of people who live 1 mile from the 680 corridor... scientists have a theory that all the cars emmisions are increasing the pollution levels along the corridor and causiing people cancer...

yes, it is just a theory...

My Dad banged my mom and made me.. I came from my moms vagina into this world.. my sister came into this world from my mom's vagina.... she is my SISTER.. this is a CONCEPT....

SIster plus father plus Mother = FAmily... this is a theory....

catch my point...

A pile of wood that I sit on is called a chair....CONCEPT

5 chairs and a table is a dinning set... This is a theory....


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
On . Reason is simple, if you have an ice cube in a drink and that ice cube melts does the level of your drink rise? No.
Great point...


1000 stories above the earths surface.......

now think about an ice cube...

An ice cube floats level with the water....

That GLACIER has so much mass over the water.....



Well-Known Member
I have never said that there isn't global warming, but the gloom and doom isn't as bad as one may think. Second, I don't think that man is responsible or at least totally responsible for it.

But with the mindset of most environmentalist we can't win, Med with your sky is falling attitude, I want to know when the whole human race is required to commit mass suicide, because that is what it would take to satisfy people of your ilk with the attitude that your carrying.

Something I forgot to tell you is that I did take about 2 years of environmental science when I was in college... Like I have said over and over nothing has been proven, it is all theory and conjecture.


Well-Known Member
Great point...


1000 stories above the earths surface.......

now think about an ice cube...

An ice cube floats level with the water....

That GLACIER has so much mass over the water.....

Not so true, is not those glaciers make from evaporative oceanic water?
Maybe those glaciers are much more dense but that's all the water we have, when drought conditions start happening the glaciers melt, replacing the water that we need in the first place. Urine is filtered through the soil and purified over time and once again becoming water.

As I have stated before it is a natural cycle.

The water we have on this planet is all we have, when conditions become too dry things heat up thus melting ice replenishes the water.


New Member
well Maybe your right, I do have a doomsday view, but I most certainly don't want the human race to commit any suicide, for heavens sake, they are doing a fine job on they're own. If the human race became more human and less reptilian, we might have a chance, but how does that happen without some outside influence (GOD), If there is a God, he needs to step in any time now and start making some changes or the reptilian part of mans brain will destroy him. Every civilization that has ever existed has only lasted a few hundred years, a couple thousand at best. The only civilizations that were here forever were the natives in their own lands, and we brought them religion (and Disease) and destroyed their culture. Here's a bet for you! I'll wager that within 20 years, a major nuclear attack will wipe out 2/3 of mankind unless divine intervention occures! I realize that is a little negative and I certainly hope I'm wrong, but if you look around at the big picture, Most of the world hates our guts and would drop the big one on us in a heartbeat if they could, especially the ones that don't fear death. Now I'm not afraid, I made my peace with my maker years ago, and I really don't want to spread fear, but facts is facts!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Not so true, is not those glaciers make from evaporative oceanic water?
Maybe those glaciers are much more dense but that's all the water we have, when drought conditions start happening the glaciers melt, replacing the water that we need in the first place. Urine is filtered through the soil and purified over time and once again becoming water.

As I have stated before it is a natural cycle.

The water we have on this planet is all we have, when conditions become too dry things heat up thus melting ice replenishes the water.
Hi dank... i don't disagree with anything you are saying... What I am wondering about is the rise of the sea level.. A glacier has much more mass above the water than an ice cube.... relatively speaking of course..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I think the defintition of response ability is in order here... MAN is 100% responsible... each of us are 100% responsible.. there is no other way.. We are responsible for every breath we take... we are responsible to ONE another.... There is NO 50% is are fault and 50% s natural occurence... It is all our responsiblity to do the best we can...

ONES abilty to respond... It is my attention to BE great at responding...My abilty to respond... to all situations....

NOT react.. but respond..



New Member
I fear we are too late... sorry to be pessimistic... what's that other theory... the one about the world being tipped on it's axis? something about nuclear weapons testing back in the 60's I think.

Pollution is the main cause of cancer in the world. Third world countries don't suffer as much with cancer. I don't believe that pollution is responsible for global warming as it is happening all over the world and not just in the places where there are holes in the ozone layer. Scientists theories are disproved all the time, I think the ozone layer and global warming is one of them.

Also pollution causes a layer of smog to form over all major Cities. This smog is thick, so when the sun shines ground level gets hotter than anywhere else and stays hotter for longer.