• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New Global warming puzzle: Is it the sun?


Well-Known Member
bigballin007, I don't believe that at all, and it is an arrogant hypothesis which raises the importance of man.
one Volcanic eruption can put out more greenhouse gasses than man could have cause in 10,000 years. and yet the earth seems to recover after each volcanic eruption. Like I said before, I believe that this is nothing but a 1500 year cycle and there is core samples to support this hypothesis.


New Member
oh well Dank lets blame the huge growing ozone hole on a volcano. Hello wake the fuck up when was the last major eruption that has increased the size of the hole in the ozone layer. If you are ignorant enough to believe your actions pose no risk to my childrens future as well as man kind then you deserve a bullet in the head cause your an idiot!!!!


Well-Known Member
Funny when most of what the scientist their hypothesis is extreamly flawed.. Did you even read any of the links I provided?


New Member
You also must be from a small town cause if you have ever been to a major city and look at the air (smog) and still tell me that pollution does nothing to impact our earth then you must be blind as well. Can you eat as much fish as you want? No not unless you want mercury poisoning! Have you ever looked at a really old tree when it is cut? Look at the rings you will see that 20 years ago the rings were dense and very thick and now with all the pollution they grow less than a third the density they did 20 years ago. Why smart guy? I can tell you it's not because the trees changed genetics on their own! Humans have had a greater impact on the world than people like you want to admitt cause you want to continue thinking that you do not hurt the earth but you are wrong. Time will prove this and you can consider yourself warned!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dank, I find myself in total agreement with all you have posted in this thread.

bigball, according to your first post you state that man is causing global warming, you go on to say that global warming occurred 250 million years ago……where were the people who caused warming that long ago?

IMO, global warming belief is akin to a religion…..it takes more than a smidgeon of faith in order to believe in this wacky notion.



Well-Known Member
No Actually I lived in LA for 30 years.... How come it is when environmentalist are challenged they get irate instead of discussing things rationally?

BTW, I'm a conservationist, there is a big difference between the two.
Environmentalism is a political movement that tries to control the people where as a conservationist uses common sense.

Look I do not like clear cutting and a there are a lot of environmental sacred cows that are correct. But don't get irate because I dared challenge the science that environmentalist base their political movement on.


New Member
The first global warming was caused by a combimation of the poles reversing and the fact that when the poles reversed the earth was bombarded by huge metiroites causing the earth to rapidly change.


New Member
religion....... I dont believe in heaven or hell or god for that matter as evolution has disproven the notion that the earth was created in seven days as the idiots who belive this greatest lie ever told are fools. Religion is all about goverment control! This discusion does make me irate because if you just open your eyes and look at the changes that have just happened while you have been alive. I know that I being 39 have seen alot of changes that were once concidered to be an impossible yet they continue to defiy sceince and nature. it is people like you that will cause the earth to be uninhabbitable. I feel sorry for you and your followers.


New Member
The people foisting false science "facts", are not the environmentalists, but rather the energy companies. Big oil pays big bucks to put out this bullshit. Just take for example one little thing, an automobile engine. The modern auto-engine runs at 220 Degrees, the exhaust at the manifold runs around 700 degrees, now take that times, what, a billion automobiles, think thats not contributing and thats just heat. Hell all the cigarette smokers contribute a few thousands of a degree, especially in china. Now as for the Ozone, thats a no brainer, the polution from auto exhaust NOX, hydrocarbons and mostly Carbon Monoxide has contributed to that decline, only a complete Idiot or an oil company employee would dispute that. My question is this: why is anyone trying to debunk the facts of human interferance in the climatology of the earth? 4+ billion human bodies at 98.6 degrees must have a minute influence, let alone all the coal fired boilers and nuclear and natural gas fired boilers Ect. ad finitum, steel mills with cauldrons of molten metal at 1800 degrees+ etc. Someone can't honestly say that man is no contributer unless they are either, pick one: Blind deaf and dumb, stupid, or work for an energy company. Common sense should dictate the facts, but for some reason, I really don't understand, these otherwise bright people become dimwitted when this subject is trotted out....... Wake up, It's real, now lets try and figure out a solution before ViRedds house is under 6 ft. of water!


New Member
The holes in the ozone layer are real, what we are saying bigb' is that they are not the cause of global warming. Of course pollution is harming the Earth, but global warming is something we can't stop. The two things are different.


New Member
The holes in the ozone layer are real, what we are saying bigb' is that they are not the cause of global warming. Of course pollution is harming the Earth, but global warming is something we can't stop. The two things are different.
Hey Skunk, glad to see ya back, I guess the move went allright eh? Joining in on the global warming thing are you well good! I don't know if the tipping point has been passed yet but if not it's pretty damn close. If we lose the warm current passing the water around the globe, were in for a deep freeze. Here where I live it wont be as bad as in England and Europe as that current is what keeps you guys from being Iceland. I don't think they can get enough people to give up their combustion engines soon enough to matter so it's basically just a time thing. I'd surely be thinking of moving to the tropics if that current stops!


Well-Known Member
Global warming is a hoax, all one has to do is read both sides and look at the evidence!!!
Just look at what the global warming proponents predicted about this past hurricane season.
They could not have been more incorrect if they had tried….lol…
That was a fearless prediction concerning events a meager year out, how can anyone believe what these guys have to say about 50 to 100 years from now??...lol
Imbecilic! IMHO!


New Member
Global warming is a hoax, all one has to do is read both sides and look at the evidence!!!
One question! why are the ice fields receding so fast?


Well-Known Member
Global warming is a hoax, all one has to do is read both sides and look at the evidence!!!
One question! why are the ice fields receding so fast?
Easy the prevailing winds have shanged direstions, they used to blow for the north and they are now blowing from the south. If anything we are headed toward another Ice Age. The same thing happened 1500 years ago, all of what is now present day New York Harbor was locked in by Ice.
All that is happening is a cyclic weather pattern. Do a little study in anthroplogy and geology and you would know this.


New Member
Easy the prevailing winds have shanged direstions, they used to blow for the north and they are now blowing from the south. If anything we are headed toward another Ice Age. The same thing happened 1500 years ago, all of what is now present day New York Harbor was locked in by Ice.
All that is happening is a cyclic weather pattern. Do a little study in anthroplogy and geology and you would know this.
So you believe Man has no influence on warming. I think I've already argued this so It is to no avail to repeat, but I can't resist. Half a billion cars with exhaust temps @ 700+ degrees, Coal fired energy plants, nuclear fired plants (steam generators--heat) Steel mills (1800 degree moulton metal) energy consuming at the highest level in history, Carbon based fuels, all producing heat to manufacture anything, 2 billion ciggarette smokers, I mean the list of heat producing activities is endless! Yes I've studied this phenomenon a little, I'm no professor, but It's pretty obvious to any one that looks into this with an open mind that, guess what, Man has made a direct assault on mother nature and is producing more heat than ever in the history of mankind. I'm also aware that when the Ice cap melts, the major ocean currents will be disrupted and this will undoubtably lead to an Ice age, so yeah it will cool down again as Mother nature takes over, but the major player in this disruption is Man!


New Member
Global warming is fast becoming the number one environmental problem of our time. Apart from its far-reaching impacts on humanity, global warming may prove disastrous to the wildlife of Greater Yellowstone, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other vulnerable wildlands that are already suffering the effects of a changing climate. The world's leading scientists are now agreed that global warming is real and is happening right now. According to their forecasts, extreme changes in climate could produce a future in which erratic and chaotic weather, melting ice caps and rising sea levels usher in an era of drought, crop failure, famine, flood and mass extinctions. The good news is, we have the technology to avert such a catastrophic future. All that's lacking is the political will in Washington. That's why we have joined the Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington and why we are asking NRDC Members and activists and their family and friends to do the same. Together, we will demand that Congress and the Bush Administration take the necessary and long overdue steps to reverse potentially catastrophic changes in the Earth's climate. Make your own commitment to stop global warming. Future generations will thank us for taking this momentous step in the right direction.All you guys have had your chance, now start making up excuses to tell your grandkids! The Jury is in. The only scientists opposing this thesis are energy consultants. If you pay one enough, he'll say what you want!


Well-Known Member
Even amongst Environmentalist Scientist there is conflicting theories and evidence. So if they can't get their own shit together how do you expect the rest of the world to buy it? Those who are free thinkers tend to question everything and not except it as gospel. Free your mind and at least read the links provided at the start of this thread. I am not saying that Global Warming is a hoax, But I do question if man is totally responsible. If Environmentalist had their way man as a race would be required to commit mass suicide so that Mother Earth could go on un-molested.


Well-Known Member
The reason that I consider Global Warming to be hoax is the constant repetition of the bogus statement that "The Jury is in".......It is like a mindless mantra….....
In truth, there is no consensus, Even though the likes of the UN and Mr. Gore insist otherwise. Why are the global warming high priests so eager to condemn those with opposing views as heretics and blasphemers?
Because they are afraid of real science.
Look at how the UN has promoted the fallacious "hockey stick graph" as evidence, when it has been thoroughly refuted as bogus.
The promulgation of questionable science renders this effort a huge hoax.....follow the money....


New Member
The promulgation of questionable science renders this effort a huge hoax.....follow the money.
Your absolutely right, follow the money! It leads directly to Chevron, Exxon, Shell, Texaco, Con Edison and all the energy producing companies, All the auto Mfgrs., etc. Big money doesn't want a change in the status quo, after all It will be allright as long as they're alive. It will be our childrens children whom will have to bear the consequences of our reckless wanton energy consumption. When we're on our deathbeds, can we look our grandchildren in the eyes and say "we did everything we could to make this a better world for you", I doubt it!